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Post # 10 Capacitor

Posted on Wed Jan 26th, 2022 @ 10:46pm by 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Lieutenant Bob Covenant

Mission: Blood Oath
Location: USS Bohr
Timeline: Concurrent


< Bohr Bridge Beta Watch >

Lt Covenant held the bridge for the 2nd shift and noticed Mr Dallas still at his lost.
" What gives Mister? Don't you ever sleep?" Bob asked. John shrugged and replied " I'll sleep when I'm dead I guess. My tactical screen is not responding as quickly as it should."

Bob looked.
" It's the graphics capacitor. I'll hail engineering and get another one made for the system." Tapping his comm badge Bob hailed Ltjg Nora Ejo.

" Engineering I need a graphics capacitor for tactical bridge computer. When can you have one made for me?"

„ On it Sir. I will replicate an new graphics capacitor. Do you need a standard one or more an advanced one? Depending which one it is then the time creating one will vary from 1/2 h to 1 1/2 hours. The tactical has has for a good performance“ Nora replied back through the COMM.

" Print us a standard one to start and then the more advanced. Tactical says the present one is on the frits. That is critical during battle to have accurate imagery.. Thank you Nora," Covenant replied.

„Understood“ Nora replied. She got right to it.

Mr Dallas once again ran a diagnostic and the same issue with the tactical targeting system red flagged as he awaited the replacement capicator.

< Main Engineering >

Standing by the replicator „Computer produce a graphic capacitor MK II and a more Advanced graphic capacitor“ Nora said while giving the computer the specs by typing them into the panel next to it. The replicator started as soon as finished typing.
An half an hour later the first part has been created. Nora ordered Ens. Pack to take this part to the bridge and replace the one in the tactical console „ I will join you on the bridge once the other one is done too.“

< Bohr Bridge Beta Watch >

" Switching to infrared targeting sir." Dallas replied as it was one of his options.

" That's great so long as we're not fighting the Breen."

Ens. Pack arriving at the bridge „ Lt. Covenant I was sent by the Chief to replace the graphic capacitor.“ he then continued „The chief will join me once the part is done.“

" That is great Ensign. Mr Dallas get down to auxillary and use those systems in the mean time," Covenant then ordered.

Ens. Pack then went over to the tactical console and started to replace the faulty part.

It would not be long that the Bohr would ve ready for launch.



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