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Post#09 Never Forget Me

Posted on Fri Jan 21st, 2022 @ 5:55pm by Lieutenant Hiri & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Mission: Blood Oath
Location: USS Repulse/ Starbase Mercury
Timeline: Mission 3 episode 5


< Repulse >

The Repulse had not been back long to the Betazed sector when it was again ordered to deliver staff to the new station in the Sagittarius system.

Nurses and a particular physician were needed to help with the Draailians and other species making Starbase Mercury their home.

< Starbase Mercury >

Hiri was very happy Isabella had taken baby Hope home with her. It had been a long time since a baby had been in sickbay. Walking over to the Counselor's office she could see baby Hope resting.

" How's she sleeping?" Hiri asked.

Isabelle offered a warm smile. “Very well actually, she wakes every four to five hours overnight for feeds but apart from that Hope is no trouble at all.”

" The Draailian's thought for sure the baby would cry on you. Your mothers milk is the key. The irony that you had has become this babies strength Isabella. " Hiri replied.

Isabelle nodded, though a little sadly. “I should be feeding my son.” She looked towards Hope her mood brightening again. “It’s strange how fate works.”

" The universe can be cruel." Hiri replied. " So how well are you and this Dr Calien McGregor aquainted?" Hiri asked.

Isabelle paused before answering. “Cal and I were once engaged, when I fell pregnant with our son he decided he wasn’t ready to be a father. Hence why we haven’t spoken since.”

" He requested this station to be with his fiancee and son. Does he know the child was taken?" Hiri replied.

Callie shook her head. “I didn’t think Cal was interested in being with us anymore. He just ups and leaves, doesn’t call and then expects to get right back with me!”

" A blind monkey could see he still has feelings for you. Open up your Betazed eyes girl." yowled Hiri

Isabelle nodded. “We do have a lot to talk about.”

< Repulse >

The Repulse followed its flight plan but due to a radiation burst from Sagittarius A then had to alter its approach to Savai by a parsec.

Cal realized he would be later arriving and thus made a recording in the event something dreadful happened. He had wrongfully pushed Isabella away and paid dearly for it in his dreams. She had touched him spiritually with that moment of passion and from that moment on was engraved into his mind. His leaving was his fear to commit out of fear for losing himself.

< Starbase Mercury/M-69 - Sometime later >

Isabelle was at her desk when she was alerted to Cal’s message. At first she wasn’t sure if she wanted to read it, but curiosity got the better of her.

=∆= My Dearest Isabella...I am not aware if you know but you probably already are aware of my coming to your station. I thought I could live without you but these many months have shown me that is not true. If I should not arrive by some cosmic disaster please know you are my beloved one.- Sincerely Dr Calien McGregor =∆=

Reading over what Cal had put brought back memories of their happier times making Isabelle smile, but she needed him to know what had happened to his son. She paused before putting together a message of her own, an explanation of what had occurred and how their son was still missing, that and that she had recently taken on two children who had nowhere else to go. It would be his decision if he wanted to take on a full family.

Hiri happened by to see baby Hope tapping the door she let herself in. "Where's the little princess? "

Isabelle smiled. “Oh...err she’s just on the other side of that open door” she pointed to an adjoining door that went into a small storage room. “I thought I’d let her have some uninterrupted sleep.”

" I see the Doctor has messaged you. Is it a love letter?" Hiri teased.

“You could say that” Isabelle nodded. “Hiri, I’m confused. I was just starting to plan a new life for myself with John, and now...Cal is back. I never thought I’d ever see him again.” She pulled off a solitaire ring that she was wearing on her right hand, and placed it back on her left. “We never called off our engagement, which I guess means I’m still Cal’s fiancée.”

" Are you Isabella? When you came aboard you were focused to be the Counselor and the Captain's daughter. Then you were inhibited by the vampire and lost your son. You fell for the ships security martial then you two are on hiatus. So ask yourself who is Isabella today and who do you love? Besides me of course," Hiri hissed with pun.

Isabelle grinned. “I wish I knew Hiri. I have Hope and Lucky, but I wish I still had my own son! As for John and Cal...John is off station for six months, I guess I’ll have time to sort out my feelings while he’s gone. Plus I...I’m not the same me anymore, I’ve changed. There’s still a part of the vampire in me, I just have to keep it under control.”

" You better I hate Vampires." Hiri hissed again.

“You’re not the only one!” Isabelle grinned. “Will you let me know when Cal arrives?”

" Sure will. " Hiri promised.

< USS Bohr >

Security and Tactical Officer John Dallas manned his post as the ship prepared for launch under Captain Rivers. John idly tapped a quick message out to Isabella.

=/\= Hey Izzy hooe all is better or getting there. I know Hiri will be there for you. Maybe when we get back we can talk about us. Always yours- Dallas.=/\=

Bob Covenant heard the words and joined in.
" I hope you get her out of your system before we deploy."

" I will sir." John replied.

< Counsellors Office >

Sitting at her desk Isabelle tapped her computer as Dallas’ message came through. She was so confused she wasn’t sure what to do, but she had to give Cal a chance.



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