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Post 008 USS Bohr Staff Mtg

Posted on Wed Jan 19th, 2022 @ 3:24pm by Captain Deke Rivers & Captain Shauna Callaghan & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol & Lieutenant Bob Covenant & Lieutenant Yama Ito Dr
Edited on on Wed Jan 19th, 2022 @ 3:26pm

Mission: Blood Oath
Location: Sagitarrius system
Timeline: After post 004


Life on a star ship has always been thrilling and exciting and for the crew of the USS Bohr that was about to be proven as Captain Deke Rivers strolled aboard his new command.

Like his own age the Bohr was no spring chicken but also like him it still had fight and fight was exactly what was called for.

" Captain on the bridge " Bob Covenant announced as Deke entered.

" As you were Lieutenant. However summon the main crew for a mission briefing at 1800 hours. We have an assignment."

" Aye sir.." Covenant replied.

< 1800 hrs/ Captain's Briefing Room >

Arriving at the Briefing room Shauna walked inside PADD in hand, walking to the replicator she replicated herself a drink before moving across to and settling down in a seat nodding to Deke. “It’s nice finally meeting you face to face Captain.”

" And I am happy to have such an able bodied First Officer Commander. The Bohr is not a warship, Sureth made the science ship legend it is. But we have a new mission..."

Shauna nodded. “In that case I’m looking forward to finding out what that mission is.”

Lt Bob Covenant entered and sat beside the Commander as he didn't know Rivers.

" Hello Captain and Commander, Bob Covenant Chief Ops.”

" Good to meet you Lieutenant. Captain Sureth speaks highly of you. Just waiting on the Chief and Medical Officer and then I will begin this here shindig." Deke replied.

Nora entered the briefing room with a padd in her hand to keep notes during the Briefing. Then gave nod to everyone in the room and headed to an empty chair and sat down.

Followed by Dr Ito and Security Officer Dallas all those assigned were there.

John had just left Isabella and that was not a good thing as they had just had their first fight.

" Fellow crew, some I have met some I will meet. I am Captain Deke Rivers formerly from the Xfinity and Vengeance. I am honored to be here now and serving Starbase Mercury and with you. Our mission may or may not contain elements of danger but we have a task and the Bohr will deliver. First Officer Callaghan you come with a remarkable reputation. Dallas you are an awesome security officer, Mr Covenant this is your ship . Ejo that is your engine room make us all proud. And last Dr Ito our lives are in your hands." Deke greeted.

Shauna smiled. “Your very kind Captain. I’m looking forward to serving with you.”

Nora heard what the Captain said. She felt accepted by him. “I will give my best, Sir” she said.

" I have found young officers to be the best at that. I was a young helmsman. Back in that day we were called helmsmen. That was before all this...flight control mumbo jumbo. We gave a great mission folks. The shipping lane between Savai and the Draail world has met with several attacks. All cargo stolen and one ship was all hands lost except a baby. In Draail culture having a baby onboard is considered good luck. It wasn't such good luck for that ship. Star Fleet wants this to stop. We will launch and do our part until a permanent ship arrives." said the Captain.

Shauna looked towards Deke. “How long are we expecting to be away from the station Sir? We’ll need to know how many supplies to take onboard.”

" Six months approximately."

“Six months?” Shauna nodded surprised. “I’ll err...make sure the ship has everything we need onboard.” She looked at Dallas, she was surprised he was here given that he and Isabelle were in a budding relationship. The same went for Sureth and herself, it seemed neither of them was Lucky this time.

As Nora heard that they will be out for six month she said “Sir, I’ll get enough supplies and replacement parts from the Quater Master on the Station. I get right to it after the briefing”

" Captain do we have any leads?" Dallas asked.

" No..but Lt Covenant has data that may help us find some. The attacks were near the same sector. So we will start there. Any other questions? If not we leave in two days." Rivers replied. " Okay then Dismissed "



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