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Post# 7 " Mothers Knows Best "

Posted on Mon Jan 17th, 2022 @ 5:58pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri

Mission: Blood Oath
Location: Star base Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


< Sickbay >

Sureth immediately took baby Hope to the NICU section if the starbase sickbay. Dr Hiri and some if the nurses once again incubated and tried to feed the child but ironically the baby was refusing to eat.

Then the two Draailian female came by but as they were not nursing the child did not eat.

Hiri then tapped her comm badge.
[ Hiri to Counselor Veran please come to sickbay immediately.]

Isabelle was on her feet the moment Hiri called knowing there’d be only one reason she would be calling. [ On my way Lieutenant. ] It only took a matter of minutes before she arrived in Sickbay. “Is there something wrong with Hope?”

" How did you know. The baby stopped crying and now wont eat. Will you please try letting her suckle your milk?" Hiri almost begged.

Isabelle paused before nodding. “I can’t let her starve.” She walked across to Hope picking her up she smiled as she cradled her, turning away for privacy she let Hope feed. At that moment she realised her mistake, she needed Hope and she knew it. “Hiri...please inform our guests I wish to barter.”

" Yes ma'am," Hiri smiled.

A few moments later both ladies arrived and shadowed Isabella as baby Hope suckled and cooed.

Isabelle looked towards the women. “I wish to barter for full custody of Hope, and Lucky. I want an agreement that you will not interfere with either of them in the future. I’m willing to offer...8 bars of gold pressed Latium.”

The ladies looked at one another and then smiled.
" You have bonded with a weebie. No off worlders have ever bonded with a weebie. As for Lucky we will each take one bar."

“One bar! Is that all?” Isabelle looked surprised. “I’ll up that to two each, it’ll be in your hands before the end of the day.” She offered a smile. “Looks like I have a ready made family.”

" We are here for you too. Weebies are a handful." One of the women replied.

Sureth then entered and watched from the viewer.

Isabelle nodded. “I will accept your help when it’s needed, I do have duties to perform aboard the station.” She smiled as she looked down at Hope who was happily starting to fall asleep now her tiny belly was fuller.

" Her heart rate is back to normal and her color is good." Hiri said.

Isabelle nodded. “Thank you Hiri. It seems I’m going to be raising my children alone anyway, so I may as well start as I mean to go on. Am I okay to take Hope home?”

" Yes you can " Hiri replied

Isabelle nodded. “Thank you, in that case we’ll head home.”

Sureth waited until Isabella was ready to leave NICU so that he could speak to her.

Once she was ready to go Isabelle headed on her way, she couldn’t wait to tell Lucky that he would be staying with her as well.

" Isabella the baby seems happy. I understand that you saved its life?" Sureth asked.

“I don’t know about saving Hope’s life, I just fed her that’s all. You should know...I have agreed with the women that both Hope, and Lucky will be remaining with me. You have grandchildren now.”

" So I do. I just want you to know that I am always in your corner even if I don't agree with your actions. I also need to let you know we have a visitor coming to the station. He will be assisting in sickbay. Isabella it's Cal." Sureth replied.

Isabelle paused walking to look at her father, the colour practically drained out of her face. “Cal...” She didn’t know what to say. Last she’d seen of him he was saying goodbye because he wasn’t ready to be a father. “How long is he here for?”

" He accepted a medical slot. You know how far it us from here to Betazed. He must have missed you "

Isabelle frowned. “What about John?” She gave her father an annoyed look. “Was he sent away so that Cal and I would be together?”

" No he chose that assignment on his own."

Isabelle nodded. “His career is important to him” She looked down at Hope. “maybe more important than us.” She looked back at her father. “When does Cal arrive?”

" He is taking the red eye. The USS Jacque Pierre picked him up on DS 10 so it will be a few days. I will check in on you two as often as I can. Let the Draailian's help you Isabella. " Sureth replied.

Isabelle nodded. “I will, we have an agreement now.” She smiled, “now all I have to do is tell Lucky.”

< Main Ring >

Lucky stared out the large windows as the USS Bohr moved out to the large repair bay in prep for its departure.

" Someday I will go to that ship and fight the Bandits."

“Perhaps” Isabelle smiled as she joined him. “But not without a lot of hard work, and study. That bad news is that it begins with you going to school young man. The good news is you’ll be living with us from now on.”

" What's a skool?"

Isabelle grinned. “It’s a place where children go to learn new things. You go 5 days a week, for several hours, you learn and have fun. Though some children don’t like it. When you’re old enough, if you learn well, you can apply for Starfleet Academy and become whatever you want to be! I’m a Counsellor and I’m also trained to be able to operate and fix ships and stations like this.”

" This is a good day Angel " said Lucky. " The Bandits will not come here "

“No they won’t Lucky, and How’s about you start learning to call me mummy? Only if you want to of course!” Isabelle grinned.

" Mummy? Not Angel? I am Draail Lucky ."



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