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Moving Day

Posted on Sat Mar 25th, 2023 @ 1:14pm by Captain Shauna Callaghan

Personal Log...

Moving Day dawns, the crew have been busy with the evacuation of non-essential personnel and civilians. Lieutenant Veran has already stated that she’s unwilling to be separated from her son for the move, it concerns me but in the long run it’s Isabelle’s decision.

The arrival of the Scavenger Class tugs was a sight to behold, it’s the first time I’ve ever seen them.

We’re currently expecting the arrival of the latest starship assigned to the station, the USS Peel under the command of Captain Jamie O’Connell. We also have the USS Nazgul, the latest ship under the command of Captain Taavis.

Fingers crossed the station move to the Lagoon Nebula will go off without a hitch.

End Personal Log


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