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Posted on Sun Mar 26th, 2023 @ 3:22pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell


Captain's Log: Star Date: 77001.2

We have been in route to Star Base M-69 the past few days; the Ship and Crew have performed admirably. I have take the opportunity to observe the Crew and am very pleased with the teamwork I've seen. Also I've noticed friendships starting to form as well as members of the Crew taking advantage of some of the Ship's amenities such as the Lounge, Gym, and Holo Suites. They seem to be getting into a routine quite nicely as well.

I have made some changes to Command, most notably the addition of two new Command Chairs.....the First Officer will be seated to my right and the Councilor to my left when she is able, that will provide me with the resources that I need to access any given Command decision.

We should be arriving at our destination shortly and I am excited for both the USS Peel and her Crew as our new adventure together starts to unfold.

Captain Jamie R. O'Connell
Commanding Officer
USS Peel

Computer End Log


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