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Figuring It Out

Posted on Thu Apr 20th, 2023 @ 8:17pm by Lieutenant JG Johan Albo


Computer Open Log: Star Date: 77004.20.

Lieutenant JG Johan Albo here and I need to figure stuff out; maybe if I speak it out loud it will help. I have been a 'ladies man', or what some might call a 'playboy', all of my adult life. My mission was to sleep with as many different women as I could and I have been quite successful in my quest; that is until now.

One thing is for sure I have been with some really hot women over the years. One in particular stands out.....a young Ensign, fresh out of the Academy, and French with probably the largest breasts that I have had the good fortune to explore.....I even slept with a couple of locals on an away mission which I was reprimanded for by my C.O.; which still makes me smile.

Then comes along this cute blonde by the name of Sarissa and suddenly my conquests have been turned upside down. So the way I see it one of two things have to happen.....either I break it off now......or I throw caution to the wind and just go with it. The Captain did warn me about trying to sleep my way through the female Crew.....well not in so many words but I knew what he was getting at. Very insightful man to figure out my female habits. Anyway what to do.

She did use the word 'love' which normally I would have turned tale and ran as fast as possible.....but instead it just put a smile on my face. So am I falling in love with this women.....that's never happened before.....she is very captivating, gorgeous, and unique.

For whatever reason I can't imagine myself not being around her and with her; that would make me miserable.....she even hinted at us sleeping together and that thought just makes me all warm inside spending hours making love to such a beautiful creature.

[long sigh] Well I guess I've answered my own question looks like the old Johan is past so hello to the new Johan who has really found someone special.

Lieutenant JG Johan Albo
Operations/Science Officer
USS Peel

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