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Post #6 - New Assignment

Posted on Tue Jun 7th, 2022 @ 11:12pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D.
Edited on on Wed Jun 8th, 2022 @ 8:34pm

Mission: Mission 5 The Wolf at the Door
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current


{Shuttle Berlin}

Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, MD or Doctor Williams, whichever you prefer, was on route to his new assignment.....Star Base Mercury.

He had served on a few different class Star Ships but this would be his first Star Base. Ramvek was a little nervous and excited all at the same time. Hopefully this assignment would afford him the time to work on his research which was important to him; of course the patient always came first no matter what.

After spending several hours on the Shuttle they were finally nearing the end of their journey "Doctor Williams, we're approaching Star Base Mercury now Sir" the Pilot informed him "We'll be docking shortly."

"Good, I'm not used to riding in a Shuttle quite this long. Although it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be" he stated with a grin.

"Star Base Mercury, this is Shuttle Berlin with a new Crew member....request docking" the Pilot stated.

"Shuttle Berlin please dock on Deck 69, Bay 4" came the reply.

"Understood Mercury....starting my final approach now...Berlin out."

A few minutes later the Shuttle was secure in the Docking Bay and the Pilot turned to Ramvek "Your all clear to depart Doctor Williams and best of luck to you" the Pilot commented.

"Thank you Lieutenant and have safe travels....thanks for the lift" Ramvek replied with a smile as he grabbed his duffel and made his way off the Shuttle.

{Star Base}

Ramvek walked down the ramp and up to the Bay Chief handing him his orders "Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, MD reporting for duty" he stated with a smile.

The Ensign looked up "Doctor Williams welcome to Star Base Mercury, or what we affectionately call M-69" he said returning the smile "We've been expecting you Sir" as he handed Ramvek a PADD "Here are your Quarters assignment and a complete map of the Base along with your security code. Shall I have your personnel crates sent to your Quarters once they're unloaded."

"Thank you Ensign, I'm glad to be here and yes have my crates sent to my Quarters when you can.....that is if I don't get lost in the meantime" he replied with a chuckle.

"You'll be fine Doctor, M-69 is pretty easy to navigate once you get used to her" came the reply.

The Doctor gave a nod and turned looking at the PADD "Ok let's see Quarters are on Deck 40 and Sick bay is on Deck 41....that's not too bad" he thought to himself and just ahead of him was a Turbo Lift which he walk onto "Computer Deck 41" and soon the Doctor was off to start this new chapter in his life.



Lieutenant Ramvik Williams, MD
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury


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