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Post #5 " Two Paths "

Posted on Tue May 24th, 2022 @ 1:37pm by 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Captain Deke Rivers & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Yama Ito Dr

Mission: Mission 5 The Wolf at the Door
Location: USS Bohr
Timeline: Concurrent



Captains Log supplimental:
The Bohr and crew are almost back to Triome space after our little encounter with a stellar explosion. I could not be more proud of a crew and I look forward to our next mission.

Sitting in the XO’s seat next to Deke, Shauna offered a smile. “I think everything has worked out well, the crew have come together as quite a team.”

" I was worried at first. This ship is not as new as the modern vessels but Lt Ejo and Ensign Sayvek make a great team." Deke replied. " Thanks to you also Commander. "

“I just did my job Sir” Shauna smiled warmly. “The crew should be thanking you for your leadership.”

" Me? I am little more than a duncil. When we get back I would like to talk to you about taking the center seat Number One. I am up for retirement and you would make a great Captain to succeed me." Deke replied.

“Retirement!” Shauna looked almost disappointed. “But I... we wouldn’t see you again.”

" Shauna I am older than I look. And besides it ain't tomorrow just something I want you to consider." Deke added.

Shauna nodded. “Of course, I err... I’m sorry. I’ll think about it.”

" You have the con. Maintain course home I have to call Sureth to let him know what happened to us." Deke replied.

Shauna nodded. “Of course Captain.”

Entering his ready room Deke sat down and ran his fingers through his hair. The past month had been a long one and despite feeling good for his age Deke wondered if galavanting around the cosmos was a good idea.


A few minutes after Lt Covenant called out to the Commander.
" Commander Starbase Mercury coded message to us...a Klingon D-7 cruiser is ordering the base to surrender. Message came from First Officer Taavis

Shauna nodded. “What’s our eta to Mercury? Do we have a chance of getting there in time to help?

" Two hours at warp 6" Bob Covenant replied.



Deke awoke early and made tea and a light breakfast for Shauna. Returning back to the captivity cell had been a great move as they were reward with all the comforts of a home.

" Wake up little mama. You need nourishment. I make pancakes and oat meal and fresh squeezed something green juice." Deke told Shauna.

Opening her eyes Shauna smiled as she looked up at Deke. “Did I hear the word pancakes?” She stretched before slowly sitting up. “I was dreaming... we were back aboard ship. Do you think they even know we’re still alive?”

" I am sure they are looking for us Shauna. Their replicator system gets better every time I use it. Except the green orange juice." Deke reassured.

Shauna nodded and smiled. “Actually I quite like it.” She sipped some of the green liquid. “Those pancakes smell delicious.”

Deke deliver the juice and then joined her.
" Today I am going to build the baby a crib. I have the tools and materials. " Deke revealed.

Shauna’s smile practically shone. “That would be lovely! This little one gets stronger every day, he or she kicks like a pro footballer!”

" Soccer...never did get that game. Well our baby can be what ever he or she wants to be." Deke replied without realizing his words

Shauna grinned. “Our baby... you said our baby!” Her smile said it all. “That’s the first time I’ve heard you say that.” She moved forward and kissed him before suddenly sitting back with a shy blush. “Sorry...”

" Yea the circus is probably eating this up. You know this reminds me of the story about Captain Pike. He was ... I may just have found a way to get us off this planet." Deke replied.


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