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Post # 004 " Floranacations "

Posted on Tue May 24th, 2022 @ 1:36pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol

Mission: Mission 5 The Wolf at the Door
Location: Star base Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent to 002


Brol quickly assumed his duty of manually caring for the foliage rather than allowing his back up feeders and water systems to do it It was necessary as he was in his dormant time but now Brol was back.

This new season Brol was feeling new sensations and abilities and one of them was a new ability to shape itself into a humanoid.

Arriving at the Arboretum Isabelle was surprised by the sensations she was getting from the plants and trees around her, she normally sensed people but this was new. “Hi Brol” she smiled as she looked around curiously. “It’s so strange, I’ve never noticed sensations from trees and plants before.”

" We have emotions too. Do you have time to help me with the metamorphasis exercise?" Brol replied

Isabelle nodded. “Of course I do. Besides you did say you’d help me discover what’s changed in me since I became part Brol, besides my eyes of course.”

Brol hovered around her and expelled a scent from one of its flowers. The aroma aroused Isabella as Brol had some how tapped into her desires.

Isabelle smiled a much warmer smile as she looked at Brol. “Mmm that scent is wonderful, so what would you like me to do?”

" Hold my limbs. You are also a hybrid Isabella, human and flora. In the beginning it was the flora first then the humanoids we're formed. We saved each other and now complete the pattern." Brol said .

Isabelle nodded. Taking hold of Brol’s limbs she looked up at him. “Do what you need to do, I trust you.”


Walking from sickbay to Isabella's office Cal tapped his comm badge to find his fiancee.
[ Isabella where are you? ] Cal asked.

Isabelle offered Brol an apologetic smile, tapping her comm badge she responded. “Isabelle here, I’m in the Arboretum with Brol feel free to join us.”

Cal paused as he heard Isabella's reply.
[ I'm on my way.]

Brol looked into Isabella's eyes and raised a limb.
" I wish to transform again. I will need to touch you to do so. It should not hurt you." Brol reassured.

Cal walked in as Brol embraced Isabella like a monster would it's prey.
" What the bloody hell is going on here. Cease this activity thing...NOW damnit." Cal yelled as he tore into Brols limbs around Isabella

Isabelle was unaware of Cal’s arrival, her mind and sense of self was merged with Brol as she helped him to take on humanoid form. She winced as Cal’s tearing into Brol also had the effect of injuring her, cuts appearing on her arms.

Brol morphed into arms and legs and maintained it's general folage appearance but distinctly appeared feminine as Isabella was it's prototype. A flash of light and it repelled Cal to the floor followed as Brol had achieved full metamorphasis.
Isabella eyes shined brighter as she now became more aware of the plants around her. The Brol inside her was now the dominant being.
" Isabella are you okay?" female Brol asked her.

Isabelle stood for a moment before nodding. “Yes I... I’m fine.” She frowned as she looked towards Cal. “Cal...” she moved towards him. “Are you alright?”

" What has that thing done to you? You are green and your eyes..are lavender?" Cal replied.

Isabelle looked at her arms which were a shade of green. “I’m... Wow!” She didn’t know what else to say.

Brol moved over to Isabella's side.
" Thank you Isabella. I have never been able to hold this form that long." Brol said.

Isabelle smiled as she looked at Brol. “I’ll admit I wasn’t expecting this, I think you’re going to have to help me explore just what it is I’ve become.”

" Become? What the bloody hell? Isabella what are you doing?" Cal again said.

The Brol female smiled and put it's hand on Isabella shoulder.

" You are now of me and I you."

Then the Brol female walked over to Cal and in perfect Isabella voice said, " Cal everything is good."

Isabelle was shocked and surprised to hear Brol speak with her voice. “We are... both the same.” She nodded. She was still uncertain exactly what that meant but she hoped her change wouldn’t frighten Lucky or baby Hope.

Brol then touched Isabella again and resumed it's natural condition as did Isabella.
" You absorbed an amino compound that reacts to the Brol DNA in your body. I absorbed the humanoid DNA and was able to use it for my metamorphasis. The result varies in time but we should be able to hold these changes for the life of the cells in the amino compounds. It is not long lasting and we will symbiotically need each other to make it work, theoretically." Brol added

Cal said nothing as he watched and listened from his position on the floor

Isabelle nodded. “So I won’t stay green?” She wasn’t sure whether she was relieved or disappointed. “I’ll admit I liked how it felt.”

" Your eyes have changed too. They are now green. On my world...of Brol our eyes changed to match our mood. Lavender meant you were pollinating." Brol said.

“Pollinating!” Isabelle looked shocked. “I know what pollinating is but what does that mean in terms of us Brol?”

" I suppose that would be possible."

Cal could tell they were not into him or even caring if he was present but his intensive anger began its build up as he exited the arboretum, knocking over a container of potting soil as he left. What ever this Brol was it was now overcoming Isabella and he was not about letting that happen. He looked into his jacket pocket and a fresh leaf from Brol had been snagged and landed in his pocket. Cal then began his revenge.

Isabelle looked at Brol. “Give me a minute...” she quickly followed on catching up with Cal. “Cal... wait!” She offered an apologetic glance. “I’m sorry! I’m just... trying to understand what these changes mean for me.”

Cal paused then turned around.
" You are obsessed but why wouldn't I expect that from you. You get pregnant and then run away from me when we have a slight fight. I love you Isabella I just wished you felt the same. But you go and enjoy your fantasy with that...thing. I am done chasing you." Cal replied.

“I never asked you to chase me Cal.” Isabelle looked uncharacteristically annoyed. “That slight fight we had was a blazing row! And don’t forget you’re the one that told me to get out!!” She shook her head. “I was willing to give us another chance, but you obviously can’t stand me having a friend like Brol. Like it or not I’m part Brol, this was going to happen sooner or later I’m just trying to understand what I’m becoming.”

" Your Father will never approve of this. It is unnatural and against all logical science. Look at you , your eyes are turned red and you skin is changing again to that bloody green tinge." Cal replied.

“This is my life to live!” Isabelle turned to leave. “If you truly cared you’d love me as I am.” She sighed before walking away and heading back to Brol.

~ Arboretum ~

Walking into the Arboretum Isabelle was still in turmoil as she reached Brol. “Brol can we talk...” she reached out her hand touching him without thinking, in that instant her eyes changed to the sheerest shade of violet once again.

* We don't have to talk Isabella just think and I am there in your mind.* Brols voice answered. It had resumed it's natural state and already knew her thoughts.

Isabelle nodded. * What am I? What am I? *

Brol was in her dream state as a friend not male or female but Brol.
" Isabella you are Isabella. We are more than the sum of who we think we are. In you is life. In Brol there is life. Let us make life."

Isabelle was feeling the draw of the connection she now had with Brol, without even thinking she nodded her permission her eyes changing to a deeper shade than before.

" We will need a pollinator you need to wake up now." Brol told her .

Isabelle needed no prompting as she closed her eyes letting her transformation to female Brol take over. Her body ready for the pollination process to create a new Brol life form.

Small flowers bloomed on Isabella's body and Brol and it's limbs produces the necessary pollinators to begin the process of new life.


OOC: looks good there to me :)


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