Post 003 " The Unexpected"
Posted on Tue May 24th, 2022 @ 9:35am by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Sean Silk & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol
Mission 5 The Wolf at the Door
Location: Star base Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent to Character Development
Freighters willed to dodge the ionic storms and the dangers of the Sagittarius ever flowed toward Starbase Mercury on a day or every so many days. But non until now had come from the Klingon systems.
A rugged old, old Klingon D-7 taxed it's engines to get to the station before the radiation plasma cloud emitted from Sag A traveled on the same course.
" Distance to the base?" yelled the Captain.
" 100 thousand kelikams," the helm tried.
The old Klingon Lord wasn't happy with that answer but it was closer than they had been several days ago.
Brol unfurroughed itself from a dormant time and made its way about the station. Investigating the new arrivals and intrigued by the humanoid presence on the station.
Isabelle was taking a walk when she saw Brol, her Violet eyes the result of her first encounter with Brol rested on him as they met. “Hello Brol, I had a feeling you were awake again. I hope your dormant time was beneficial?”
' Very rested and looking forward to a new day. The visitors smell so different.' Brol replied.
Isabelle smiled warmly. “Well there’s going to be a whole new world of smells and sights for you, once we’re fully up and running there will hopefully be a steady stream of visitors coming to the station.”
" The Draillians are afraid. The Chapudeen love chocolate. Captain Sureth is worried and the new Doctor can't stop telling people about You are his fiancee his beloved." Brol just blurted out.
“Really?” Isabelle couldn’t help but smile about Cal’s comments. “We haven’t seen each other in a while. You said my father is worried? I know he worries about this station, unless there’s something else you’re picking up on?”
" Isabella I am unable to read you. The salt beast has changed you." Brol replied as it backed up.
Isabelle looked at Brol worried by the way he was backing away from her. “Are you afraid of me?!”
" I would be if you were not my friend. I usually can read all life even bugs. "
“But I’m still a part of you, my eyes turned this colour because of the changes within me brought on by you. I’ll be honest, I don’t know exactly what happened to me, and I know I’m different to how I was.” She paused. “I want to finish becoming what I you started within me Brol. I don’t want to be what’s left of the monster within.”
" Test you we should. Do you desire to drain other humanoids of their sodium or plasmic solutions?
Isabelle shook her head. “No, not at all.”
Brol went over to the science computer and tapped a code which then sent a request to the Captains replicator. Scurrying into that room and back Brol held out a bowl of iodized salt
Isabelle stood looking at the salt. “Am I supposed to be afraid of it, or want to dive into it?” She grinned.
Brol then produced a vile of hemoglobin synthesized from the replicator.
“That is just disgusting” Isabelle smiled. “I know I’m not entirely me anymore Brol, there’s still a part of me that can understand the Corgii without the need of a translator. I don’t have the urges I had when I was first changed though as your tests show. I want to be part of you Brol, I’m already part of you as you can see from my eyes. They weren’t this colour before you changed me.”
" You and I are more alike than you know. I was born with human DNA as well. Watch this." Brol said as it extended one of it's limbs and formed it into a humanoid hand.
" So far that is all I can do."
Isabelle looked at Brol amazed. “That’s amazing Brol. Is there anything I can do to help you progress in your transformation?”
" I am going to practice morphing until I am a real humanoid." said Brol.
Isabelle smiled and nodded. “What will you do then? There are no others of your species here onboard, how will your species continue? You don’t procreate the way humanoids do.”
" This is new to our kind as I know it . I am excited to learn how to do this." said Brol.
Isabelle smiled. “So your species is adapting to the next level of your evolution, to become more humanoid. In a way as you changed me, it’s working the other way for you. You have shared a template of humanoid dna, Perhaps you just need more of a template?”
" Our joining caused this metamorphasis I believe. Dr Hiri can confirm. I just hope I will be able to resume my Bro physique. Humanoids are often obese." Brol joked.
Isabelle giggled at that comment. “What would happen if we briefly joined again? Would it help you?” She looked at Brol curiously feeling compelled to help him. Whether it was the part of her that was Brol compelling her she wasn’t sure.
" I am forbidden by the Captain." Brol replied.
“Forbidden!” Isabelle sighed. She knew her father meant well but she wished he wouldn’t interfere. “I am Brol, I’m a part of you! I feel like I should help you.”
" You are the Captain's daughter. I hope I do not stay human " Brol said.
Isabelle nodded. “Perhaps it’s best if you don’t transform yourself, incase you can’t get back to what you were.”
" You are right Isabella " replied Brol.
Isabelle nodded. “May I visit you in the Arboretum later? I’d like to see you in your natural environment. I’m curious as to what the changes are within me since our first encounter, apart from my violet eyes.” She smiled. “You may be able to tell me if there’s anything else.”
" There is something we can do together I will meet you in the arboretum." Brol replied
Isabelle nodded. “In that case I’ll meet you there later.” With that she smiled and headed on her way.
(IKV wa'chu)
The credulous old Klingon Lord watched the main screen as the Triome system appeared on the sensors.
" Entering the sector sir."
" Take us out of warp and engage the cloaking device." the Captain ordered.
" Sir we out gun every ship in this sector." said the gunner.
" We will only get one strike against the Raptor." the old Captain replied.
Taavis stood with the captain of the Redeemer, Sean Silk. The two of them had been going over all the traffic lanes in this sector, some still used, some not so much anymore, and others that were becoming newly discovered. They were standing and pointing out interests to each other on the hovering holographic screen. "Care to add a few of your own private lanes?"
Sean feigned surprise and shock at such an accusation, all playfully of course, as he grinned like the Cheshire Cat. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Commander. I'm just a simple ole transport captain." He gave a suave wink to back the grin. "When such information becomes pertinent, or needed, then I'll share my trade secrets, capiche?"
"Of course," responded Taavis, her countenance that of the stoic Vulcan she could be, but whenever she was amused their was the ever-so-slight upturn in the left corner of her mouth to denote her acceptance of humor. Her Vulcan discipline aided her in maintaining control of her emotions even though she all-too-often just let them roll. Albeit; with discipline and control.
TAG to other who may be in OPS
Dr Hiri arrived on Ops and spying the XO walked over to her.
" Commander sickbay was robbed. Someone has beamed in and stolen a bio scanner and a medical tricorder." hissed the Caitian.
"Beamed in?" Taavis arched her eyebrow momentarily as her head turned more to face the physician. "Are you telling me that someone from outside this facility beamed into your Sickbay and stole devices?"
Silk had an amused look on his face as he watched these two go back and forth. The one thing he hated most about Taavis was her damn Vulcan discipline. There were times when he couldn't tell whether she was kidding, being facetious, or straight up serious. Like now.
Hiri could sense the smugness of silk and looked over and hissed his way.
" I want a guard or one of Dallas drone or something." the Caitian Doctor demanded.
"I'm sure we can accommodate, Doctor." Answered Taavis, even as she noted the Doctor's glance at Silk. Out of the corner of her eye Taavis had caught Sean trying not to snicker. He could be such a child at times, she thought. "Mister Silk, please get yourself under control. Now, Doctor," Taavis continued as she clasped her hands behind her back and walked forward, getting Hiri to step in next to her as they began to casually walk around OPS, leaving Silk behind. As intended. "I have several Security personnel who have an interest in improving their first aid and medical skills. If you don't mind, and the Infirmary is big enough for it, I can assign two Security personnel during every shift. Would that be suitable?"
" Very much so Commander. Thank you." Hiri replied and then turned around to exit ops.
"My pleasure, Hiri. Jolan Tru." Taavis turned back to the center command area.
Silk had made his way around the other direction and when he got around to their side and the Doctor had began to walk toward the lift Sean caught up to him. "Apologies if you misunderstood, Doctor. My snickering was at Taavis, sir, not you. Have a good day." He turned and began to make his way to the other lift.
Tactical spoke up. "Mister Taavis, we have a ship coming into our region. I..this can't be right." He began to tap keys furiously.
Taavis had dropped her hands to her sides and stood waiting, the back of this man's console facing her. "What can't be right, Ensign?"
"Sensors are calibrated but the scan says that ship is a D-7 class, Sir." The tactical officer finally looked up from his panel and at her. "I mean, an original D-7. Warp signature says so."
"Tell them to identify themselves and their intentions or action will be taken," ordered Taavis.
Silk had heard all that, standing at his lift holding the door open. He reached up and pushed a subdermal dimple up under his ear and behind the earlobe. "Red, site to site, darlin'." He shimmered out of existence.
The old D-7 was an archeologist dream as it's aged hull grew in the screen.
" This is the wa'chu lower your shields and surrender, " threatened the old Captain's orders.
Taavis stood for a few moments, her eyebrow arched as she tried to come to terms with what was just said. A few options crossed her mind in those seconds, as to why an ancient Klingon vessel would threaten a base that was the size of Mercury. The man sitting at the console before her looked back over his shoulder, his expression askance. "Red alert. Shut down all holo-suites and shunt that power to defensive screens."
The red alert klaxon began to wail, with station inhabitants doing as they had been instructed to do. If Starfleet, report for duty. If civilian or a guest, either go to your quarters and hunker down, or board a private vessel to wait it out. "Ensign, if you can manage, send a coded transmission to the Bohr and inform them of the situation."
"Aye, Sir." He did as instructed.
The D-7 paused its approach and maintained a fair distance from what it's Captain believed to be ithe bases weapons range. Clearly the Federation had been busy in it's expansion but the old Klingon never imagined they had gotten this far into Klingon space.
[ Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam.] replied the old warrior on a verbal channel.
Ensign Nic Covenant quickly added, " That is their cry for battle. It is a good day to die."
Taavis had had enough, nodding to Covenant to acknowledge what they had said. To blazes with this fool and whatever suicide mission he was on. In Klingon she responded as she stepped to the center of OPS and under the main viewer as she looked up at it. "I request visual communication, petaQ. Only a dishonorable coward attacks without showing their face. Perhaps you've had too much bloodwine you steaming pile of baktag. The Federation and the Klingon Empire have been allies for years now, have fought wars together side-by-side, dying in honorable combat to make sure both our societies had a future. Do you really wish to destroy all that for your personal glory?" With Klingons, the ability to curse properly while communicating was considered an art form if done right. Captain Picard had impressed many a Klingon commander with his ability to respond as a Klingon would, with curses intact even during times of diplomacy.
On that was'chu the old warrior said nothing but a junior officer switched on the visual screen.
" I am first officer Kren. The General has fallen ill and no longer commands this vessel. We have lowered our shields and weapons and seek permission to dock."