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"Walk About"

Posted on Thu Jun 9th, 2022 @ 5:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D.
Edited on on Thu Jun 9th, 2022 @ 6:25pm

Mission: Character Development
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current


{Deck 40 - Quarters}

The good Doctor slept rather well in his new bed and got up early to have breakfast then take a little tour of the Star Base. After breakfast Ramvek looked around his rather spacious quarters and was quite pleased that he had been able to get his personal crates put away before reality set in and he would start working.

Ramvek grabbed his PADD, and even though he was in his civilian attire, decided to swing by Sick Bay first.

{Deck 41 - Sick Bay}

Ramvek walked into Sick Bay noticing that all eyes were on him as he stated "Good Morning everyone, allow me to introduce myself...I'm Doctor Ramvek Williams your new CMO. I thought I'd swing by and make myself known.....I will be starting first thing tomorrow morning so please as you were" he said as everyone went back to work. He did peak into his Office just to see what was there before leaving Sick Bay. Now it was time to explore some of the Base.

{Deck 198}

The Doctor stepped into a nearby Lift while looking at his PADD "Computer Deck 198" he stated wanting to see what was here for Shops and Dinning.

When the doors swooshed open Ramvek exited and looked around. This place was massive as he started walking around what could be classified as a 'Promenade Deck'. There were all kinds of Shops, which was good since he traveled light and if he was in need of anything then this would be the place to come.

After awhile of walking the Deck Ramvek came upon the Dining Area portion.....there were all kinds of Eateries to satisfy any cuisine or pallet. He walked by this little Pub, stopped and decided to go in for a bite to eat. Nice little place with a bar along with tables and chairs; it had quite a nice atmosphere as well. Since he was alone he decided to sit at the bar when the Bartender turned "Good afternoon Sir and what can I get for you" he queried.

"I would like a beer, whatever you have on tap, and a hot ham & cheese on rye if you please" he said with a smile.

"Right away Sir" and he drew his beer "Her you go and you're sandwich will be ready in a few minutes" the Bartender stated.

"Thank you" he replied as he took a long sip of his beer "Mmm.....real beer with real alcohol" he thought to himself when his sandwich arrived. Taking a bite Ramvek realized how much better this tasted compared to replicator food...this was so good as he savored every bite.

After he enjoyed this wonderful meal Ramvek payed the bill and left to walk around a little more before leaving. There was one more place he wanted to visit before calling it a day.

{Secondary Sick Bay}

At far end of Deck 198 was the Secondary Sick Bay which Ramvek was eager to check out. As he walked up he noticed that it was dark inside and as soon as he was closer the doors slid open as the lights came on. Entering he could see that all the Bio Beds were covered in plastic as was all the equipment....clearly this area wasn't used very often.

As he started poking around he was greeted by a young rather attractive women "Hello I'm the Emergency Medical Hologram, please state the nature of your emergency" she instructed.

Ramvek smiled "There is no emergency....allow me to introduce myself....I'm Doctor Ramvek Williams the new Chief Medical Officer" he stated thinking "An EMH here, that could prove to be quite useful."

"Doctor Williams I recently sensed your presence on the Base yesterday.....welcome" she commented "So are you going to deactivate me now that your here?"

"Not at all, on the contrary, having you in this place will alert Medical to anyone needing medical attention" he stated "Query...when was the last time before today you were activated."

"Stardate 73998.7 was the last time I was activated prior to today" came the reply.

"Wow that long ago" he commented "I see you are visually a female."

"Yes my programmers thought being a women would help to put the female population as ease" she replied "But if you wish I could change over to male....I have the capability."

"No your fine just the way you are. Query you have any medical supplies here in case of an emergency?"

"No if I need anything I contact the Main Sick Bay and they beam them to this area" the EMH replied.

Ramvek thought for a moment "That's going to change soon. I'm going to inventory the Main Sick Bay then order supplies from Star Fleet and restock this place with items that are not date sensitive. For the other items I'll be putting together some Triage kits for a grab and go scenario" he explained.

"That would seem more efficient Doctor and would make treatment quicker" she replied.

"Logically it does make much more sense" Ramvek answered " you have a name besides EMH."

"No the EMH designation is all my programmers gave me" she stated "Now I have a query for you, if you wouldn't mind Doctor."

"No not at all....ask away" he replied.

"By your patterns of speech one would think that your Vulcan but clearly you look quite Human" she stated.

Ranvek chuckled "You caught me. My Father is Vulcan while my Mother is Human and I was raised on Vulcan" he replied "Now you need a name besides EMH."

"Yes a name would give me an identity along with my current designation....any suggestions Doctor."

He thought for a few moments before answering "Well since you are a about Doctor Gram....I think that suits you" Ramvek explained.

"Yes I rather like this enhanced designation. So in the future when I'm activated it will be: 'Hello I'm Doctor Gram, Emergency Medical Hologram, please state the nature of your emergency.' What do you think Doctor."

Ramvek smiled "That sounds perfect to me and will put the patients even more at ease" he commented "I should be going but I will stop in from time to time and I enjoyed our conversation."

"I believe the term 'thank you' is appropriate in this situation and i look forward to your next visit Doctor" came the reply.

Ramvek left Sick bay and walked onto a nearby Lift "Computer Deck 40 please" and a few minutes later he exited the lift.

(Deck 40}

He entered his Quarters and went over to the Replicator "Bourbon on the rocks" and soon he grabbed the beverage to go sit on the couch putting his feet up "This has been a good day. Tomorrow it's back to work and at some point I will need to meet with Command."


Lieutenant Ramvek Williams
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury


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