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Post #007. Medical Mystery or miracle?

Posted on Thu Jun 9th, 2022 @ 6:25pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol

Mission: Mission 5 The Wolf at the Door
Location: Sickbay


Walking into Sickbay Isabelle looked around for Hiri, setting eyes on the feline doctor she approached her offering a smile.

“Doctor, May I speak with you? In private”

Heading for Hiri’s Office she waited for the door to close behind them before speaking again.

“I need your medical expertise” She held up her arms which were covered in small bud like formations. “I am Brol now, Brol tells me that I have become what I was always meant to be.”

Hiri produced her side tricorder and ran some scans. Looking up at Isabella she then added. " Your DNA has been altered and you appear to be ... With seedlings all over your body. This is not good Isabella. Let me get you down to sick bay stat."

Isabelle nodded. “I am, for want of a better choice of words... Mother Nature. I don’t fully understand exactly what it means for me yet but Brol will help me to understand.”

" Isabella there are still things about Brol we don't understand. Be cautious . What has it done to you now?" Hiri inspected. " My scans show a fauna and flora fusing with your DNA . All of this is reversible if you desire it to be done using the transporter. It has your original DNA in the pattern buffer and we can clear all of this up if you want me to?" Hiri added.

Isabelle shook her head. “No Hiri, I walked into this with my eyes wide open. I’m Brol this is what is meant to be. You can call Brol, he can answer any questions you might have. I trust him. He wouldn’t do anything to harm me.”

" Brol has no particular sex Isabella. It is asexual." Hiri replied. Worried about Isabella's mental status Hiri continued to listen.

Isabelle frowned suddenly confused. She was feeling the pull of what it was to be Brol, but at the same time she was starting to doubt whether she was doing the right thing. “I... I need to speak with Brol.” She closed her eyes focussing on her connection with Brol. *Brol ... I need you.*

* I am heading to OPS but I will come to you." Brol replied.

" Isabella...Isabella you are and always will be Betazoid and Vulcan. But you are still special. There is only one you in this universe" Hiri replied.

Isabelle was confused, she didn’t know what was best to do. She gave it a few more minutes before finally nodding her head. “Alright I’ll do it.” She looked at Hiri. “Help me..”

Brol arrived but Doctor Hiri headed it off at the door.
" Isabella was confused about some of her symptoms . I explained it to her. She is resting now Brol and will see you later."

" I wish only to help Doctor. Isabella is my friend."

" She knows that Brol. Isabella is a humanoid and they are very emotional. She is mated with Dr Cal and we should want her happy."

" I do want Isabella happy but Cal makes her sad " Brol replied. Brol then left and returned to OPS.

" He is gone. Are you okay? We can run you through the transporter and clear this up?" Hiri urged.

Isabelle nodded somewhat sadly. “Alright, let’s do it.”

The moment Brol entered the lift Hiri rushed Isabella to the medical transporter pad. When the green light appeared she energized and roughly 6 seconds later Isabella was once again herself. Minus the Foliage but still with the lavender eyes.

Isabelle offered Hiri an apologetic look as she stepped down off the transporter PADD. “I’m sorry Hiri, I don’t know what’s gotten into me lately. I can’t explain the connection I have with Brol.”

" It is probably your Betazed side. However an old addage of my people, curiosity killed the cat. Just be careful " Hiri urged.

Isabelle nodded. “I will endeavour not to let myself get lost again.” She smiled warmly.

Hiri smiled back as she planned to help her.



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