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Post#008. " Roots"

Posted on Thu Jun 9th, 2022 @ 9:53pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Mission: Mission 5 The Wolf at the Door
Location: Various
Timeline: Concurrent


Calian McGregor was beside himself when he returned to his quarters clutching the leaf from Brol. Analysis of the leaf was intriguing as it was still very much alive despite being pulled from Brol.

In order to keep it alive Cal placed it in the dirt from a lavender plant he had brought with him. But he knew he needed better soil and the closest soil was Savai.

" Computer cross reference terrain on Savai. The highest yield of nutrient rich land." Cal directed.


Cal grabbed the leaf and headed out the door.

Meanwhile in Sickbay Isabelle was recovering, now her head was clearer she knew she had a very big apology to make to Cal. =^= Veran to McGregor... May I see you in Sickbay? =^=

" I am sort of on my way to the surface. Are you okay?"

“I am now” Isabelle sighed. “Come and see me when you get back from the surface, I need to talk to you.”

Cal smiled but then considered it was probably just a Brol side effect.


Cal returned from the surface and implanted his plans of revenge against Brol.

" Isabella I am back. Care to meet me on the recreation deck?" Cal said into his comms badge.

Isabelle had been wondering what Cal had been doing for so long, she was relieved when she heard his voice over the comms. “I’ll be there soon” with that she headed for the recreation deck.

Cal rushed by the medical transporter and beamed his little project back down to the surface of Savai. He then headed straight to the recreation area. Seeing Isabella he beamed a smile and joined her at the bar. Giving her a left cheek kiss.

" Isabella you look beautiful in this light."

Isabelle offered a smile. “Thank you Cal, we really need to talk.” She paused. “What I said to you, I didn’t really mean. You know I love you Cal.”

" I worry that I am not enough for you Isabella. Maybe that's why you left me." Cal replied.

Isabelle shook her head. “No Cal, I left because you said you weren’t ready for a family.” She paused letting her feelings of anger subside. “The night I told you I was pregnant you didn’t take the news the way I expected. You walked out leaving me feeling all alone. That’s why I left.”

Cal frowned as he wanted to believe her.
" The moment I heard the child was born I dropped my practice and everything and came to be with you. I get here and find my son has been kidnapped and my fiancee is in love with an alien tree. Not very reassuring." Cal replied.

“I’m not...” Isabelle paused to take a calming breath. “I’m not in love with Brol, I just... feel drawn to him. Ever since I became part Brol, I’ve been connected to him in a way I can’t explain.” She sighed. “You’re a scientist Cal, help me!”

" That thing has a Neuro chemical effect on you Isabella. I can create a repellant that will repel it's advances." Cal replied.

Isabelle gave Cal a concerned look. “Won’t that have some kind of effect on me? I am part Brol after all. Plus I don’t want to repel Brol, he/it is my friend.”

" That thing is a paracite and it must be stopped." Cal fired back. Swallowing down a cup of real alcohol Cal stood up from their table. " Excuse me I have a patient to attend to. "

“Cal...” Isabelle reaches for his hand. “We can talk more later, can’t we?”

" Yes of course" he replied.

Isabelle nodded, at least that made her feel a little better.



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