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Post # 9 "New Day"

Posted on Mon Jun 13th, 2022 @ 4:14pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D.

Mission: Mission 5 The Wolf at the Door
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Concurrent


{Deck 41}

Donning a crisp white Uniform, Doctor Williams walked in the Sick Bay as he gave everyone a warm "Good Morning, how's everyone doing this morning" he commented with a smile. Most everyone smiled back as her heard many "I'm doing well" comments.

Walking into his Office he sat and logged into his Terminal to take care of the first order of look over his Staff's files in hopes of selecting a Head Nurse as well as get an understanding of who he would be working with. After spending an hour or so he quickly realized that he had a young Staff most of whom had less than five years experience with a few being fresh out of the Academy. There was really no one he felt comfortable with making a Head Nurse considering the huge responsibility that this person would have. The last thing that he wanted to do was to promote someone just for the sake of promoting them and setting them up to fail. Ramvek would have to move on to Plan B; whatever that might be as he logged off the computer.

Returning to Sick Bay he noticed there wasn't a lot going on which would afford him the opportunity to walk around talking to everyone to hopefully put them at ease somewhat as well as allowing them to get to know him a little better.

After awhile, in the middle of conversation with one of the Nurses, his Comm went off "Excuse me" he said to the Nurse as he tapped his Comm "Doctor Williams here...go ahead." "Doctor you have an incoming call from the Star Fleet Surgeon General" came the reply. "Patch it through to my Office" he stated as he walked out of Sick Bay proper.

Sitting at his Terminal an older gentleman appeared on the screen "Doctor Williams how's it going with your new assignment" he asked.

"It's going very well thank you. So what do I owe the pleasure of your call Surgeon General" Ramvek queried wondering what was going on.

"First I've already conferred with your Captain about this and he's leaving this up to your discretion, if you'd care to hear the details."

Now Ramvek's curiosity was peaked "Yes by all means fill me in" he replied.

"Going over your people I realize that you have a very young Staff....that's not to say they aren't good at their jobs and also you don't have a ACMO as of yet. But I may have a solution to your dilemma. There is a very capable and very good Head Nurse that is being transferred from her Ship that just may fit the bill, sorta speak."

"I do have an ACMO in mind but please go on" the Doctor replied wondering what was really going on and why a transfer if she's that good.

"Let me assure you the reason for her transfer has nothing to do with her professional life or breaking of any protocols or regulations; it's of a personal nature that I'm not at liberty to discuss. Suffice it to say I think that she would be a good fit for your situation."

After a few moments of thought "Logically if she's as good as you say she is then I would be amiss if I didn't agree to her being transferred here" the Doctor responded.

The Surgeon General grinned "There's the Vulcan. Her name is Ensign Heidi Stone and she will arrive in a couple of weeks...her Ship is in another Sector finishing up something" he replied "And please keep me in the loop on her progress or anything else as far as she's concerned."

"I will Sir and thank you for the additional's greatly appreciated and I'm sure the Ensign will work out just fine" Williams replied hoping he was right.

"Actually your doing me a favor by accepting Heidi on your Staff....she's a really good Head Nurse and should do well in your department. I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing and again please keep me in the loop" Ramvek nodded as the screen went back to the Star Fleet logo; the SG was a man of few words and usually came right to the point.

Now that the structure of Medical was starting to fall into place Ramvek needed to speak with Command to let them know of his planned changes and also of his impending supply order, which was going on the rather sizable considering that the Secondary Sick Bay was empty of any such supplies.

Ramvek was hoping that his meeting with Captain Sureth would go well given his experience with attitudes of full blooded Vulcans towards Vulcan/Human hybrids.


Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury


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