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Unexpected Expectations

Posted on Mon Jun 13th, 2022 @ 11:54pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Lieutenant Commander Billi
Edited on on Thu Jun 16th, 2022 @ 11:00am

Mission: Character Development
Location: promenade
Timeline: Current


As good as her word Taavis had added a duo of security officers to be assigned to Sickbay every shift. No one was forced to take the post, and those who sought more emergency medic training could do both. If there were no volunteers then Taavis would have no choice but to pick teams at random. She had seen to all her reports for both Security and XO and now walked the upper promenade. The panoramic windows provided a spectacular view of all the stellar activity out there, a peaceful scene amidst the chaos of carbon based life. Unfortunate, that.

Turning inward Taavis spun about and placed the front of her thighs against the handrail overlooking the main promenade below. This was the dimmer section of the promenade, many of the beings who owned businesses preferring subdued hues rather than harsh lights. And, why Taavis had put her club in this neighborhood. She could see the entrance from here, seeing patrons coming and going at a fairly steady pace. Business was good. Looking one way the corner of her eye the other caught something green moving into her periphery. Her head turned slightly to lock in on the color and saw a green skinned female wearing a utility outfit. Taavis began to move for the closest staircase as the female Orion entered Club Bliss.

Once on deck Taavis hurried inside her club, the servers and staff of Club Bliss always welcoming to all except those here to cause trouble. But, that wasn't why taavis came in in such a hurry. Her head was on a swivel as she looked around, trying to spot green skin since no one else seemed to have that hue. "Looking for me, Nosey?" Came from behind her and Taavis spun around. She had been right. The Orion she had seen was one of her dearest and closest friends, Billi. Officially Billi was a Starfleet infiltration officer who had been trained for lone wolf missions for intel gathering and guerilla warfare by destroying assets. Unofficially Billi played the wanderer, the vagabond and, the jack-of-all-trades.

"Billi!" Taavis gave a smile and hugged her friend tightly, receiving the same in return before they released. "Are you here as Starfleet, or something else?"

"Starfleet, if they'll have me. Plus, nothing in the regs says one can't have a little business on a promenade while serving the same installation. A cozy little pub sounds delightful." Billi beamed.

"Sean Silk is here, and set up shop." Taavis advised. "Which means that the word is out that there are open slots on a frontier installation. Amongst friends, of course, but it will soon bring in more citizens." She led her friend over to her private niche, passing through a forcefield that greatly reduced the music with sound dampening. "There, much better. No need to strain our vocals just talking."

"So, the Silk Snake has found a nest." Billi gave a crooked grin. "I might just make his life miserable in the most subtle ways."

"Like only you can, sister," said Taavis. "But, if you're serious we do have several departments that need bodies. As XO I can contact HQ and get it all approved. Are you seeking a department head position?"

"If it happens, sure," answered Billi. "You know me. My service is its own reward. Anything that comes with that is a bonus."

Taavis knew some of Billi's career. "Security can always use more, and your guerilla training more than qualifies. What sounds good?"

Billi actually stopped and thought a moment, a grin slowly forming before her eyes came back to the now and shifted to Taavis. "Flight Control. That sounds perfect. Something engaging with breaks in the mundane. And, listed infiltration, classified only, all that jazz."

"How convenient," stated Taavis. "We do need a Flight Control Chief to get all that traffic figured out out there. As word gets out that we are here we will receive more traffic. It's inevitable."

"That it is." Said Billi as she agreed. "Why I want to stake a claim here. Plus, it will provide a break from work. I have the perfect set up in mind, from a place I visited in New Orleans on Earth. It was comfy and classy with lots of brass, oak and marble." She giggled and waved it all off. "Sorry. Anyway, yes, I accept the position. Quarters? And, where do I park my private runabout?"

Taavis took Billi's PADD and tapped on it for about fifteen seconds then handed it back with the screen facing Billi. "There, answers. I have to look in on things," she chinned out towards the club. "Get settled and come back. I think we should partner on our ventures and build a monopoly on Shadow Way."

"Shadow Way?" Billi perked up as she asked, liking the name.

"It's what I call this subdued end of the main Promenade. Shadow Way, since it is darker hues and soft lighting. I like the shadows as do most who have stakes at this end." Taavis explained it all further. "So, we call it Shadow Way. Makes it more...home."

Billi smiled. "I like it. No complaints from me. Right across the span, that space there, mark it for me as owner/operator, business to be named. Thanks. I'm gonna go clean up and get a uniform." Billi began to move.

"I'll call Security and let them know you're coming. They'll hand you your combadge. Jolan Tru, sister."

Billi waved her hand behind her bum like she just blew off, a way of being snarky without saying a word as she left the niche and then the club. Taavis felt better about her decision already. She would need to let the Captain know promptly.



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