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Post #10. Meeting the CMO

Posted on Tue Jun 14th, 2022 @ 6:34pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Hiri

Mission: Mission 5 The Wolf at the Door
Location: Sickbay


Isabelle stifled a yawn as she entered Sickbay after her disagreement with Cal she’d returned to quarters, but hadn’t managed to get much in the way of rest. Was she in love with Brol the way Cal suspected? Or Was she just overly fascinated by him? She wished she could truly be sure.

“Hi Hiri” she smiled. “I don’t suppose you have something mild for insomnia do you?”

" Ginger tea but that probably would work reverse on you. Melatonin it is. " replied Hiri.

Doctor Williams was in his Office when he heard Hiri talking with someone and his curiosity got the best of him. So he thought he would see who it was she was talking to.

Walking into Sick bay proper he noticed a young woman as he walked up to both of them "Excuse me ladies" then looking at the other woman "I don't believe we've met, I'm Doctor Ramvek Williams and you are?" he stated with a smile.

Isabelle smiled warmly. “Lieutenant Isabelle Veran, Chief Counsellor. Please call me Isabelle.” Her violet eyes rested on Williams.

"It's very nice to meet you Chief Medical Officer I sometimes send patients to talk to a Counsellor if their problems aren't of a physical nature. Now I know who I would be sending them to" Ramvek replied intrigued by her violet eyes.

Isabelle glanced at Hiri, then at Ramvek, “So who would you send the counsellor to when she needs someone to talk to?”

"If you ever find yourself in need of needing someone to talk to, my door is always open. I may not be a Counsellor but I am a good listener" Ramvek replied being quite sincere.

Isabelle nodded her thanks. “I may take you up on that doctor” she offered a warm smile. “I’m not sure if Hiri has explained about my somewhat unique nature, besides the fact that I’m a Betazoid, Vulcan hybrid.” She looked around seeing a nearby plant she touched it, moments later her skin changed shade to a very Orion looking shade of green. “Oh wow! It worked!” She looked surprised. “I wasn’t sure I’d still change!”

Hiri had a surprised look on her face as she first looked at Isabelle then at Doctor Williams "I didn't think that would happen....I ran her through the Transporter Buffers to repair her DNA" she stated then went into great detail what had happened to the Counselor and Brol's involvement.

Ramvek thought for a few moments "Lieutenant Hiri you did exactly what I would have done to repair her DNA.....but by the looks of things more treatment options are required. Then turning to Isabelle "With your permission I would like to take a sample of your blood and have a look at it for myself. I've seen this once before a long time ago."

Aurora nodded. “That’s fine by me, I don’t truly understand things between myself and Brol as it is.”

The Doctor reached for his syringe and carefully expelled a blood sample from her arm using his usual gentle touch "There...all set. Give me a few days to study this and hopefully I'll have some answers for you Isabelle" Ramvek stated with a smile.

Isabelle nodded. “Thank you Doctor, I’m sure my father will be pleased to get some answers too. Heavens knows I’ve been anything but the model daughter lately.”

Not thinking anything of it, as the Doctor labeled the sample, he commented " Query: who's your he aboard the Base?"

Isabelle nodded. “You could say that, Captain Sureth is my father.”

A quite surprised Ramvek stopped what he was doing and looked at Isabelle "'re just full of surprises" he commented with a grin "Soon I need to have a chat with Captain Sureth before they send Security looking for me."

Isabelle grinned. “I don’t think my father would do that, but he is a Vulcan so he appreciates promptness.” She tucked her hair behind her pointed ears, her green hue starting to wear off again. “I’d appreciate if you didn’t mention the green skin thing, I need time to explain.”

"One thing you'll learn about my ethics....I never....ever discuss my Patients medical history with anyone....not even a partner unless authorized to do so by the your secret is safe with me....and that goes for my Staff as well" he stated wanting to put her at ease.

Isabelle smiled warmly. “Thank you, I should know that already afterall we’re both medical professionals.”

Ramvek just grinned "Sometimes when we're on the Doctor end for so long, we tend to forget when suddenly we become the Patient" he commented.

Isabelle nodded. “That’s very true doctor, very true indeed.”



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