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#11 An arrival

Posted on Thu Jun 16th, 2022 @ 10:56am by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Commander Kehlani
Edited on on Thu Jun 16th, 2022 @ 4:01pm

Mission: Character Development
Location: SB Mercury
Timeline: current


Taavis had been very busy this morning. Captain Sureth had taken a leave and headed for Vulcan for both personal and professional reasons. So, as was her due Taavis saw to the daily command reports that needed to be signed off on. She was sitting in her own office, able to see Operations through the windowed door.

"Commander Taavis, we have a ship approaching. A Klingon Bird of Prey, Brel class. They just came out of cloak and are hailing us, asking for you specifically, Sir."

"On my way," Taavis acknowledged as the PADDs were set aside and she got up from her desk and made her way out to the command deck. She could see the Klingon vessel on the main viewer, magnified due to distance. She wanted to grin but contained herself.

"They wish to convey that they are waiting, Commander." The Ensign looked up at his XO as she stood at his right shoulder. Damn, she was fine as hell.

"Make them wait one minute, thirty-seven seconds, then open the channel."

The Ensign scrunched his face at the odd order, but did as he was told...nothing. For exactly one minute and thirty-seven seconds, and then he opened the visual channel. "You're on, Sir..." his voice trailed off as a woman wearing very unique Klingon armor appeared on the viewer. However, if he didn't know any better she was Human. And beautiful, if one looked passed the scowl and murderous gaze behind those eyes. The woman was sitting in the command chair for the IKS Talon.

"About bloody time you decided to visit, HoD Kehlani," said Taavis, in greeting.

Kehlani stood up providing the Ensign a view of that full, beautiful form. Her uniform fit VERY well in all the right places. "Commander Taavis, always a pleasure. However, it has been a long journey and my crew require shore leave while we, you and I, discuss why I am here." Her crew gave chuckles from behind her, liking the idea of wetting their throats somewhere other than their cramped vessel.

"Sounds agreeable," Taavis responded. She looked down at her underling. "I believe we have one runabout bay that is empty. Direct the IKS Talon to that bay, Ensign."

"Aye, Sir." He tapped some keys and the changes were made. "Coordinates sent Co...Ca..." he looked up at Taavis for help here on how to properly address a Klingon in command of their own ship. Taavis said in a low tone. "HoD." The Ensign gave a nod of thanks and looked at the beautiful blonde Klingon. She reminded him of a Norse Shieldmaiden. "Coordiantes sent, HoD."

Kehlani was patient. She served Starfleet and the Klingon Defense Forces randomly and sporadically. If she was needed by one more than the other she would take a leave of absence and join that camp. After all the IKS Talon had singlehandedly saved the last Federation President from being absconded by criminals. After her crew had boarded their ship and left them all as steaming piles of baktag Kehlani had celebrated with them for a week straight. A Klingon victory party and an endurance contest all in one. It had been glorious!

"You have my gratitude, Ensign." Kehlani then looked to the Vulcan. "I heard there is a Club Bliss here. Yours, I am sure. I shall meet you there once Security clears us. I am here under the banner of envoy. Until then." She turned her head and nodded over her shoulder and the transmission ended.

Taavis looked at the Ensign. "Tell Security that Lieutenant Kehlani and her entourage are currently under diplomatic immunity. A team will follow them but they are not to be detained for any reason. Once at Bliss then they can be told the rules on weaponry. You have the Conn, Ensign, I'll be in Club Bliss."

Once orders had been passed on Taavis turned and left OPS.

Kehlani and her crew had lowered the ramp and opened the hatch the moment the bay had been sealed and life support established. All of them whether really needing to or not, stretched fully and casually. Nice to know you are nowhere close to touching a wall. The herd, 14 strong, made their way through the station being followed at a discreet distance by a three person team of Security personnel, their phasers set to heavy stun.

Entering Shadow Way, and seeing a delightful street sign with that name pointing further into the 'hood. Kehlani couldn't help but grin. She liked this station already. Boksha, her pet targ, grunted and chewed on his favorite bone, slobbering as he went. Seeing the black and purple colors and ambience for Club Bliss the HoD led her crew inside and they all bellied up to the bar. Of course, bloodwine was the drink of choice and Manny was glad to provide. Once a barrel was set up near to a buddy bar the Klingons went over and sat, or stood, around the table and began to do what Klingons do when on shore leave. Drink, sing, drink some more, sing some more. Of course, after the second round then the strength challenges begin. Never a dull moment with Klingons. Kehlani let her people party and sat away from them, thinking inwardly about why she was out here, and she was perfectly fine with it.



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