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Post # 12 "Another Chance"

Posted on Sun Jun 19th, 2022 @ 7:06pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone

Mission: Mission 5 The Wolf at the Door
Location: Various
Timeline: Concurrent


{USS Hudson}

As the Ship came within Transporter range of the Star Base, Ensign Heidi Stone stepped onto the pad with her duffel in hand and two personal crates by her feet. She felt unjustly accused of something that she had no control over by a Captain who was more concerned about his career in Star Fleet then what was right. Maybe her new post would be better as she let our a sigh "Energize" as she disappeared from sight in a beam of white light.

{Star Base Mercury}

Ensign Stone materialized on Deck 41, Transporter Room 1 when she stepped off the pad and handed her orders to the Operator "Ensign Heidi Stone reporting for duty" she stated with a half smile.

"Ensign welcome to Star Base Mercury" he said with a smile as he handed her a PADD "Here are your Quarters assignment along with your security code. The PADD has a detail map and listing for every deck on the Base to help you get around. I'll have your crates beamed directly to your Quarters."

His friendliness put Heidi at ease which invoked her usual friendly smile "Thank you for everything and for having my crates sent to my Quarters" she replied then taking her PADD left the Transporter Room to find her room.

The Operator was quite impressed with her appearance and turned to watch her walk away thinking to himself "Damn that women is so cute I can't stand it."

{Deck 32}

Heidi stepped off the Lift and walked down the corridor to find her Quarters. When she arrived she keyed in her Security Code and entered as the door slid open noticing her crates were already there. She walked her duffel into the bedroom and started to put her things away. She had a nice bedroom with a large dresser, a nice bathroom with all the amenities, a living area with a couch with two chairs and a couple of tables. The kitchen had a sink along with a replicator and a table with two chairs.

After she had finished Heidi decided to put her two crates away. One had a few Nursing books, Medical books, and her personal items. The Second one was small and contained her civilian clothes and her Uniforms. Once taken care of Heidi dragged them out into the corridor for pickup later.

When she was all done Heidi stepped to the replicator and grabbed a Bourbon, then sat on the couch looking around her new home "Hopefully my new assignment will be as good as my quarters are" Heidi thought to herself "And I hope Doctor Williams is going to be a descent person to work for and is fair for a change."

Heidi realized it was still fairly early in the day and decided to go find Sick Bay and maybe her new Boss. After a quick shower she dressed in a shirt and a pair of slacks which were of a modest fit. Grabbing her PADD Heidi would find her way to Sick Bay as she headed out the door.

{Deck 41}

As she stepped off the Lift Heidi quickly realized that the Transporter Rooms were on the same deck as Sick Bay. She walked down the corridor until she came to her destination.

Walking into Sick Bay she stopped one of the Nurses "Excuse me, could you tell me where Doctor Williams might be" Heidi asked with a smile. "Yes the Doctor's in his Office right over there" came the reply. "Thank you" as Heidi turned to go to the Office.

Looking into the Office Heidi noticed a rather good looking grey haired man as she knocked on the door. Ramvek looked up and was pleasantly surprised seeing a very cute women standing outside his door "Yes can I help you" Ramvek stated with a smile.

Walking in the doorway "Doctor Williams...I'm Ensign Heidi Stone....I believe I'm your new Head Nurse" she stated returning a smile.

The Doctor stood and walked to the door "Ensign, please come in and have a seat" he replied as he sat in his chair "It's very nice to meet you.....I've been looking forward to your arrival."

Heidi was very impressed with the Doctors last statement as she smiled "I'm happy to be here and for being given another chance at my career" she replied then paused "I promise you I won't make the same mistakes as I have previously."

Ramvek grinned "I don't know what you went through nor do I need to, unless you feel comfortable telling me down the road, but as far as I'm concerned you have a clean slate as of now" he commented.

"Thank you Doctor that means a lot to me and you have put me at ease so I can now progress in my career" Heidi replied "I'll be starting first thing tomorrow morning.....I should be going and let you get back to work."

The Doctor stood with a smile "Ok, we'll see you tomorrow and again it was very nice to meet you Ensign." Heidi smiled as she turned and left to return to her Quarters.


Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base Mercury

Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury


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