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Posted on Sun Jun 19th, 2022 @ 11:01pm by Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone

Mission: Character Development
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Concurrent


{Deck 32 - Quarters}

After returning from Sick Bay, and a very nice chat with Doctor Williams, Heidi was feeling much better not only about herself but also her transfer; maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

Heidi was getting rather hungry since she hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. Stepping to the replicator "Computer dinner salad with romaine lettuce, sliced cucumbers, dice tomatoes, croutons, and ranch dressing" came the request. Moments later she had a nice meal in front of her as she grabbed a cold coke to go along with it. Taking her supper Heidi made her way back to the couch to enjoy.

After she sat down "Computer, play Earth's 20th century smooth jazz music" and soon the room was filled with relaxing music as Heidi sat and ate her meal. When she was finished Heidi walked her dishes out into the kitchen and disposed of everything then grabbed a Bourbon to sip while relaxing on the couch.

It wasn't long before her mind began to wander as she started thinking about the reasons behind not only her transfer but also the demotion in rank. Something that had been plaguing her mind for the past two months.

Heidi had met a rather handsome young Surgeon who worked in Sick Bay by the name of Lieutenant Ben Sanford. They had hit it off almost from the start and one thing led to another until Ben asked Heidi out on a date. Heidi had a wonderful time with Ben, he was so attentive and flirtatious. They had quite a few dates, but never in public on the Ship and always in his quarters. At least at the time she thought they were his quarters.

After a few months of dating went by, Heidi happen to mention to one of the other Nurses about Ben and what a great time they had together. When her fellow Nurse informed her that he was married, it almost broke Heidi's heart. Angry she approached him, sometime later, in front of another women concerning his behavior not knowing that the other women standing there was actually his Wife.

That's when things went south in a most colossal way. The Wife didn't apparently chastise the Husband but instead came after Heidi in a most venomous fashion. She just happened to be the daughter of one of the Star Fleet brass and went crying to Daddy who in turn went straight to the Captain. Sadly for Heidi the Captain was more concerned about his career than he was defending one of his Crew.

Heidi gave her side of the story saying she didn't know the Surgeon was married and promised not to have anything to do with him again if she were to stay on the Hudson. The Captain didn't want to hear of it and informed her she would be transferred for
discipline reasons and receive one drop in rank before hand. After that was all over with Heidi couldn't wait to get off the Ship.


Suddenly Heidi's foot cramped up which brought her back to the here and now. After rubbing it for several minutes the cramp went away as she sat back thinking "One things for sure....this assignment so far looks like it will be a fresh start for me. This time before I date any guy I'll make damn sure he's not married or otherwise attached."

As she sat sipping her drink the one thing that she couldn't get out of her mind was just how nice the Doctor had been towards her and how quite handsome and mature he was also.

After a few minutes Heidi shook her head thinking "Nope get that idea right out of your mind right now.....I don't need anything to happen that will get me busted from Star Fleet."


Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base Mercury


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