Post #13 "A Chat"
Posted on Mon Jun 20th, 2022 @ 10:55am by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji}
Mission 5 The Wolf at the Door
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current
{Deck 41}
After the Counsellor left Sickbay, Doctor Williams noticed not a lot was going on except the usual amount of traffic. This would be an opportune time to see if he could meet with the Executive Officer. Tapping his Comm "Commander Taavis this is Doctor Williams....I would like to meet at your convenience. There's a few things I wish to discuss with you" he stated being a little nervous at the moment.
Taavis had been in light meditation in her office, sitting lotus in a shadowy corner. Her eyes popped open and she tapped her badge. "Taavis, here. I am available to speak with you." She stood up from lotus without using her hands, standing appropriately once upright. "Should I come to your quarters, or meet elsewhere?"
"Logically speaking I need to learn my way around the Base, so I'll come to your Office....I'll be there shortly" Williams out. The Doctor grabbed his PADD, which was now becoming an extension of himself, and proceeded to find the XO's Office.
{Deck 1}
Luckily the Doctor found his way without any problems. Approaching the door he noticed it was open so he knocked waiting to be recognized.
As she had waited Taavis called up the Doctor's file and gave it the basic skimming. She never relied on personnel files to gauge a person's character before meeting them. She had closed down the floating holo-screen and got herself a thermomug of raktajino. Klingon coffee did nothing for her since Vulcans were immune to caffeine, but she did enjoy the flavor.
She heard the knock and stepped out from her replicator niche. "Greetings, Doctor Williams. Please, come in."
Hearing the XO's response Ramvek walked into the Office with a smile on his face as he placed the PADD in his coat pocket "Good day Commander Taavis, thank you for seeing me."
She held her mug up at chest level, one hand underneath as she looked at him, with a somewhat mirthful face. It was there but very well hidden. "You're welcome." She stepped in closer, to appropriate spacing for conversation. "What is it that brings you all the way up to the penthouse?" She sipped her coffee quietly.
Since I have been on board for a couple of days I thought it was time to meet someone in Command and make my presents known" he stated then continued "Also there are a few changes I would like to make to get Sick Bay up tp speed, sorta speak."
Taavis side stepped and held a hand out towards the corner of her office with the sofa, chair and coffee table. "Please, have a seat and we'll talk." She said that then walked over to her desk and took up a PADD, then went and sat in the chair, which would put the sofa on her right. She set the PADD to record then paused it. "Please, join me. If you need something the replicator is in that niche."
"Thank you but I'm fine" the Doctor replied then grabbed the offered seat "First let me say how glad I am to be here; although I have to admit my previous assignments have been aboard Ships, so this is a welcome change."
"Starbase duty can be quite a shock to starship jockeys. We deal with an entire region of space as the only Federation presence out this way. This is why I have contacts in the civilian world who are working to make this place more accessible to citizens." Taavis looked to Williams. "Captain Sureth deals more with the regional politics, I am here to keep this base running while he is preoccupied with such."
"That in itself sounds like a monumental task running the Base....speaking of citizens" then Ramvek paused figuring this would be a good segway into one of the reasons for his visit "After touring some of the Base I came across the Secondary Sick Bay and noticed it was void of medical supplies. That being said I wanted to let you know I plan on ordering supplies from Star Fleet to alleviate that circumstance with non dated supplies. That way if we suddenly find ourselves in need of the second Sick Bay then it will be stocked with the needed supplies" he explained hoping he hadn't been too long winded.
Taavis was sipping her Klingon coffee quietly, no slurping, When he made his statement Taavis dropped her mug to her lap. "Doctor Williams, requesting medical supplies is quite a task. I am compliant in aiding your situation but not all will be readily available." Deep in her core Taavis knew exactly how to accommodate the doctor. "However, I have several unorthodox ways of acquiring supplies. Tell me what you need and it will be delivered." She leaned in and looked Ramvek in the eyes. "What I request will be sent post-haste."
Ramvek grinned "I have been known to acquire medical supplies from time to time over the years by, shall we say, unconventional means myself" as her grabbed the PADD out of his coat pocket and handing it to the Commander "You will find a complete list of what is needed."
Then he decided to steer the conversation in another direction " As far as my Staff is concerned, I would like to offer Lieutenant Hiri the position of Assistant CMO which seems only logical since she was the acting CMO before I arrived. Lastly I was contacted a few days ago by the Star Fleet Surgeon General to inform me that he has a Head Nurse that he would like to transfer to this Base with a good amount of experience, since I don't really have anyone qualified for the position. Her name is Ensign Heidi Stone and she will be arriving within the next week. Just so you're aware it is a disciplinary transfer although he assured me it had nothing to do with her professional life but her personal life only which he would not go into to" the Doctor concluded.
"I don't see a problem with those requests, Doctor." Taavis set her mug on the table, having had her feel of morning beverage. "If it is disciplinary I am one who takes mitigating circumstances into account. However, should she choose to mate again and it gets ugly, that is on her and she will be held responsible for her actions. I am fair but I am firm."
Ramvek thought for a moment "That certainly sounds equitable; and I plan on having a conversation with the Ensign after she gets settled. As far as I'm concerned she will be starting with a clean slate so after that it's up to her how she treats the new assignment" he explained "Hopefully she sees this new opportunity for what it's worth."
After a several more minutes of conversation Ramvek decided it was time for him to be getting back to Sick Bay as he stood "Thank you again for seeing me Commander and I look forward working together" he commented rather liking her command style then turning he returned to Sick Bay.
Commander Taavis
Executive Officer
Star Base Mercury
Lieutenant Ranvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury