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Post # 14 "Hiri"

Posted on Thu Jun 23rd, 2022 @ 8:08pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Hiri
Edited on on Sun Jun 26th, 2022 @ 4:12pm

Mission: Mission 5 The Wolf at the Door
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current


{Deck 41}

{Sick Bay}

Doctor Ramvek came walking into the area when he saw Lieutenant Hiri "Good morning Lieutenant and how are you this fine day" Ramvek asked.

"Good Doctor Williams...and you" Hiri replied with a smile.

"I'm doing well thank you" he replied "Say do you have a minute there is something I would like to discuss with you."

"Sure...would you like to meet in your Office" Hiri asked wondering if she had done something wrong.

"Yes that would be fine" he replied as the two went into the Medical Office "Please have a seat this won't take long."

As the Lieutenant sat Ramvek sat across from her "First off your not in any trouble but there is something I would like to ask you" he assured her then continued "Since you were the acting CMO before I arrived...." then he paused trying not to sound too much like a Vulcan "I would like to offer you the position as my Assistant, if you so choose" he stated.

Hiri sat for a few moments thinking but she already knew what her answer would be "With respect Doctor Williams but I must decline your offer. The only reason I was acting CMO was because there was no one else even remotely qualified for the position."

That wasn't quite what the Doctor had expected as a reply "Lieutenant I respect your decision....but may I inquire as to why you won't accept the position" he asked realizing that the Vulcan had just shown through.

Hiri smiled "Well I'm a firm believer that the CMO and/or the ACMO should be a certified Doctor....of which I am not. I was a Field Medic and a Trauma Specialist in the Caitian Military for a number of years before joining Star Fleet; plus I'm quite content with being a Medical Officer....but I will do whatever you require of me in this Department" she concluded.

The Doctor smiled "Fair enough then....I can't ask for anymore than that" he replied seeing the logic behind her answer "Have you had a chance to meet our new Head Nurse yet?"

"Yes, we met yesterday and had a chance to talk for a bit....she seems very nice and very committed to her work" Hiri stated "I'm confident she'll work out well and will be an asset to the department."

"Yes as do I" he replied "I look forward to working together and just so you're aware we will be receiving a rather large supply order soon which quite a bit of it will be to stock the Secondary Sick Bay in case we need to utilize the facility."

"That was something that I wanted to do myself but time didn't permit it. So I assume you've been down there and met the EMH" Hiri commented.

"Yes I have, matter of fact I've given her a more complete designation....since she is a Hologram....she is now known as Doctor Gram... I felt this would put patients more at what do you think" Ramvek queried.

Hiri just smiled "I think that's a great idea and hopefully if anyone on the Promenade Decks need Medical assistance they'll feel free to use the facility" she replied rather liking the way the Doctor thinks.

"That was my thought process as well and from what the Commander has told me she wants to make the Base more accessible to the citizens of this region so we may have our work cut out for us down the road" he concluded.

"It would appear so" she replied as she looked out into Sick Bay "I see we have a couple of Patients walk in so I should go attend to them" Hiri stated as she got up to leave.

"Yes by all means and let me know if you need any help" Ramvek replied with a smile.

Lieutenant Hiri smiled back as she got up to go out into Sick Bay proper and see to her Patients.


Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury

Lieutenant Hiri
Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury


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