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#15 Adding Strength

Posted on Sun Jun 26th, 2022 @ 5:15pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Commander Kehlani

Mission: Character Development
Location: SB Mercury
Timeline: current


Kehlani had taken Taavis into the Vulcan's privacy niche in Club Bliss. They sat down at the table facing one another, a pup keg of bloodwine brought in with two steel goblets. Once the cups were full they both drank down a mouthful, belched and swiped their faces with the back of their forearms, then refilled and leaned back for conversation. "Good to see you, Taavis. We should discuss business before we decide to carouse into the night."

Taavis gave a pleasant nod, looking down in her mug a moment, then looking back up. "I am curious about the envoy designation. I know better than to lecture you so now would be a good time."

Being Klingon, and having a little bit of space to move about around the six person table, Kehlani paced a bit, slow and casual. "Lady Grilka has always agreed with my dual service. As you are my trusted friend I asked for an assignment out this way, to serve either the Empire or Starfleet. She honored me twice. IKS Talon is now my vessel and, with that gift, she has asked me to represent House Grilka and the Empire out here on the Fringe. I will serve and obey Captain Sureth as an officer under his command, and also as an ally and envoy for the Empire and House Grilka."

That definitely grabbed the XO's attention. Taavis got to her feet and stood face to face with her friend. "General Martok was the Klingon commander for all Alpha Quadrant KDF forces, and he served under Sisko overall, since they were in Federation space. I would hold that up as an example of best how to utilize one's resources. Is Talon off limits?"

Kehlani, if it were possible, straightened her posture a tad bit more at the mention of Martok. "My status is on file and accepted. Place me on Starfleet rosters. I saw a space available at the end of Shadow Way, in the curve of the horse shoe. Sizeable for a couple needs. The crew and I will need quarters on base. No need to remain cramped while docked."

Taavis just kept nodding and grinning, both eyebrows up as she wondered if Kay would ever catch a breath. It wasn't often she was this talkative. "Already done. I'm not some petaQ. See these," she asked and pointed to her right ear with melodrama. "Means I'm Vulcan, and that means efficient, if nothing else."

Kehlani jacked her head back with a pseudo-scowl. "Pfft. Someone piss in your plomek broth?"

That hit Taavis pretty good and it took a whole barrel of discipline to not chuckle or show humor with audio. But, she did need a moment to control the face from smiling and grining. She blew out a quick breath when back to normal. "Good one. I was being a smart ass. Better?"

"Much," Kay retorted, grinning. "And, honest. Jokes aside you have my thanks for bringing me in on this. It's good for me, and for House Grilka. Mercury will have allies that are a way off, but are available."

Taavis knew what honor meant to her sister Kehlani. Time and again they had been through mud, blood and guts together. "We thank you and your House for your service, Kay. Go get yourself settled and we'll talk another time." They drank down their wine and hugged, each going their own way from the club.



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