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Post # 16 "Organizing"

Posted on Mon Jun 27th, 2022 @ 8:46pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone
Edited on on Mon Jun 27th, 2022 @ 8:50pm

Mission: Mission 5 The Wolf at the Door
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current


{Deck 41 - Sick Bay}

When Doctor Williams arrived in Sick Bay he was greeted by two rather large wooden crates full of the medical supplies the Commander had ordered for him a few days ago. The Commander kept her word concerning how quickly she could get the supplies. Going to his Office he checked the Staff schedule to see who was coming in this morning. Hiri had the mid shift today but Ensign Stone was due in any minute, so she could help him put the supplies away.

As Ramvek walked out of his Office Ensign Stone walked into Sick Bay "Good morning Doctor" she said with a smile "I assume these are the supplies that you ordered?"

"Good morning Nurse Stone....and yes these are the supplies I ordered...matter of fact you and I are going to be quite busy today putting all these supplies away" he replied with a smile then tapping his Comm "Transporter Room, this is Doctor Williams...I have two large crates of supplies I would like a sight to sight transport to the Secondary Sick Bay please."

"As you wish Doctor" came the reply and moments later they were gone. Looking at Heidi "You ready to get to work" Ramvek asked with a grin. "Anytime you are Doctor" she replied as the two left for the Lift across the corridor.

When they stepped onto the lift "Computer Deck 198" Williams stated and soon they were off. Looking at Nurse Stone "So have you had a chance to check out the Promenade Decks at all" he queried. "No not yet....I've been busy getting my quarters settled" she replied.

{Deck 198 - Secondary Sick Bay}

When the Lift doors swooshed open Ramvek made a gesture for Heidi to go first which made her feel good; there still are gentlemen left. As they walked towards Sick bay she was looking all around "This place is massive" Heidi stated "You can get almost anything here" as she noticed all the different types of Shoppes.

Ramvek had to chuckle "Yes and there's another Promenade Deck below us with even more Shoppes and Eateries and also some Clubs, if you're into to that" he explained "And straight ahead is the Secondary Sick Bay."

When they approached the doors slid open as the lights came on and moments later they were greeted "Hello, I'm Doctor Gram...the Emergency Medical Hologram...please state the nature of your emergency." As Dr. Gram looked around "Oh....Doctor Williams how nice to see you again....I see the Medical Supplies have arrived....and who is with you" she said in a warming tone.

"Dr. Gram it's nice to see you again as well....this is Ensign Heidi Stone, she's our new head Nurse" Ramvek explained.

Gram turned to look at Heidi as she tipped her head slightly accessing her file "Ensign Stone....sorry to hear about the circumstances concerning your transf...." as Ramvek cut her off in mid sentence "We don't need to mention that....matter of fact....please don't mention it again" he ordered matter of factly.

"Sorry Dr. Williams, as you wish" then turning toward Heidi "Please excuse me....I meant no disrespect" Dr. Gram commented.

"I know you didn't" Heidi replied with a smile while thinking to herself "Wow a Boss who actually sticks up for his Staff." which was quite refreshing.

Doctor Williams opened the crates and looked inside "Since I ordered the supplies, I know what ones are for here" he stated then continued "Nurse why don't you fill this side of Sick Bay and Dr. Gram you fill the other side and I'll sort through the crates and give you what goes where."

So the three set to the task of making the Sick Bay functional once again. After a several hours the first crate was empty as Ramvek opened the second. As he started Heidi walked over to give the Doctor a hand.

While unpacking the supplies they both reached into the crate at the same time and Heidi accidentally placed her hand on top Ramveks....realizing what she had done Heidi quickly moved her hand then stood back "Excuse me Doctor....sorry I didn't mean to..." as Ramvek interrupted "That's fine...think nothing of it" he replied with a grin while noticing the lovely and alluring smell of her perfume.

After a couple more hours the Secondary Sick Bay was once again well stocked and ready to receive patients. What was left would go to the Primary Sick Bay as Ramvek tapped his Comm "Transporter Room, this is Doctor Williams I have one crate that needs a sight to sight transport to Sick Bay if you would please" "Certainly Doctor" came the reply as the last half empty crate disappeared.

Looking at the EMH "Thank you Dr. Gram for you're help and I'll leave you to getting acquainted where everything is located" he said with a smile. "You're welcome Doctor Williams" she replied then turned looking inside all the drawers and cupboards.

Turning to Heidi "And thank you Ensign for you're help as well" he commented as he noticed the time "Well it looks like this job ate up our entire shift, so feel free to call it a day."

"You're most welcome Doctor and thank you, I think I'll do just that and while I'm here I think I'll take a look around some more" Heidi replied with a smile.

Ramvek had thought of asking her something but thought better of it; he didn't want to come across as being forward "Ok...well I guess I'll see you tomorrow then. Have fun looking around."

"Thank you and yes I'll see you tomorrow" she replied with a grin when Ramvek's Comm went off "Doctor Williams here" "Doctor this Doctor Gram could you stop by Sick Bay for a moment." "Yes I'll be right there" he answered wondering what was going on.

When he walked into Sick Bay Dr. Gram asked "Doctor are you feeling alright....I noticed earlier when you were in close proximity to Ensign Stone that you're heart rate increased quite a bit" she asked showing as much concern as a computer program could.

Ramvek just smiled "No I'm fine Doctor but thank you for asking.....and let's keep your query into my health just between us if you don't mind" he stated while thinking to himself "Man....was I that obvious?"

"As you wish Doctor" Gram replied "I'm going to shut down now" as she disappeared. Ramvek shook his head and grinned as he started the journey back to his quarters.



Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury

Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base mercury


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