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Posted on Sun Jul 3rd, 2022 @ 8:15pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone

Mission: Character Development
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current


{Deck 198}

Now that her shift was over Heidi took the opportunity to have a good time exploring the Promenade Deck at a leisurely pace. She stopped and looked in all the Shoppe windows as she made her way around the area noticing all the various things which to purchase.

As she continued her quest suddenly things were about to go terribly wrong as a seedy looking, and not very handsome guy approached her "Say sweetheart what's a sweet looking gal like you doing here all alone" he commented with an evil grin.

{Deck 40 - Quarters}

Ramvek had returned home after his shift and walked into the shower to get the day's work washed off him. Afterwards he dressed in civilian attire while having this nagging feeling that he should not have left Nurse Stone all alone on the Promenade Deck; which kept haunting him. Finally he gave into this feeling and quickly left for the Promenade Deck.

{Deck 198}

Heidi looked at this seedy looking guy as she stated "I'm just fine by myself but thank you for your concern" as she went to turn and get away from this creep.

He grabbed her arm and snickered "Not so fast about you and I have some fun....I know where we can go and have some privacy" he stated as he started pulling her in the other direction.

Heidi was quite irritated by this guy and knew what she had to do.....she ripped her arm free from his grip "Leave me alone you creep" she shouted hoping to get the attention of those around her; but to no avail. Then she looked up and saw a familiar face.

Ramvek saw and heard what was going on as he approached this character "Perhaps you didn't hear the Lady creep.....she's not interested in your offer" he stated while getting rather annoyed with this guy.

"Piss off buddy....who invited you to this party anyway" the guy replied. Without thinking Ramvek grabbed the guy by the arm....spun him around then forced his arm up behind his back "I guess you didn't hear me the first time....the Lady not's interested."

"When I get free I'm going to kick your arse for butting into things that don't concern you" the guy yelled not believing that he couldn't break free from the intruders grip.

Ramvek had just about enough of this guy's attitude and decided to put an end to this as he applied some of his Vulcan magic to the guy's shoulder; moments later the guy collapsed as Ramvek dragged him over and sat him on a bench.

Looking at Heidi "You ok Ensign" he asked being quite concerned over her well being "Perhaps you shouldn't come to this area alone in the future."

Heidi smiled "Thank you Doctor" she replied then paused "I'm surprised to see you here.....but am I glad you are.....that creep wouldn't take no for an answer" she commented with a smile.

"I had this unshakable feeling that I shouldn't have left you here I am" he stated with a grin "Would you like some company while you explore this place.....and since we're not on duty please call me Ramvek."

"Yes that would be nice if you don't mind and please call me Heidi" she replied with a big smile as the two continued their walk around the area chatting getting to know each other better.

After awhile they came to the food section as Heidi stopped and asked " Ramvek may I buy you dinner as a thank you for coming to my rescue."

He thought for a moment "No that's not necessary; but I would like to have dinner with you if we go 'dutch treat' as colleagues" he suggested wanting to keep things least for now.

"Ok that sounds acceptable " she replied as they walked into this nice little Pub and sat at a table with chairs. After ordering dinner, which consisted of a dinner salad along with rolls and a beverage each, they continued their conversation.

"If I may ask, how is it you handled that slob so was like he couldn't move and that thing you did to his shoulder...what was that" she inquired being rather impressed with her boss.

Ramvek grinned "I was born on Vulcan to a human mother and a Vulcan father. Even though my appearance looks human I have the strength and abilities of a Vulcan" he explained "And that thing I did to his shoulder is a Vulcan skill which renders the person unconscious for a little while so maybe he'll think twice before bothering some other young lady."

Then came a few minutes of awkward silence "I suppose you're wondering about my previous situation on my last Ship" Heidi said being tired of carrying the ordeal around in her mind and not sharing it with anyone.

"Wondering, of course.....but I figured you'd tell me if and when you were ready; although an explanation isn't really necessary" he replied.

Heidi took a deep breath "You have been so nice to me and understanding that I feel I at least owe you an explanation" she stated then continued "I started dating a Surgeon for awhile but we only met at his quarters and never in public; which looking back I should have seen the 'red flag'. I found out that he was married later on and when I confronted him, unknowingly in front of his wife, that's when things went south."

"Oh that had to been awkward, to say the least" he commented.

"It gets even better. That ladies father is a big shot at Star Fleet Headquarters, so she went running to daddy who in turn went to the Captain who was more interested in his career than doing what was right....long story short I received a disciplinary transfer and they dropped me one grade in rank" Heidi concluded hoping her coming clean wouldn't have any effect on her here.

"Sadly there are Commanding Officers out there that only care about themselves and not their Crews. But like I stated far as I'm concerned you are starting out with a clean slate here; so obviously I hope you make the best of it" he commented "But thanks for sharing your situation with me, at least now I know that it really wasn't your fault per say."

"I promise you I will make the best of my time here and thank you for being so understanding....It really is quite refreshing" Heidi replied feeling much better about things now.

"You're welcome and I know you will do well here.....this may very well be a blessing in disguise" Ramvek stated "Just don't date anymore married guys" as he chuckled.

"Oh don't worry I'll make sure of that" she replied with a grin on her face "I should be heading back to my quarters and thank you for your help and some nice conversation."

"Your welcome and the conversation was my pleasure as well" he said then paused "Would you like an escort back to Star Fleet country.....just to keep the creeps at bay."

Heidi smiled "Thank you Ramvek that would be nice" she replied then the two walked out of the Pub and onto the Lift "What Deck" he asked. "Deck 32" she replied and soon they were off. When they arrived the door swooshed open as she looked at Ramvek "Thank you again for everything and I'll see you tomorrow" Heidi said with a smile as she exited the lift.

{Deck 32 - Quarters}

Heidi walked into her quarters and headed straight to the bedroom and undressed then headed for the shower. It had been a long day and not without some excitement either; but now it was time to relax. After her shower Heidi dressed in a pair of sweatpants and top then headed to the replicator for an adult beverage.

Grabbing her drink she proceeded to the couch and put on some relaxing music and sat sipping her drink. After explaining to the Doctor what had happened on her previous Ship, coupled with his reaction, Heidi felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. It had been awhile but now for the first time in months Heidi now felt hopeful for the future here at the Base and she had Ramvek to thank for that.

After finishing her drink Heidi put her feet up and leaned her head against the back of the couch thinking "What a sweet and caring guy the Doctor is; this may be the assignment that I needed to get my life back on track" as she drifted off to sleep.


Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base Mercury

Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star base Mercury


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