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#18 On Task

Posted on Fri Jul 8th, 2022 @ 4:54pm by Lieutenant Commander Billi

Mission: Character Development
Location: various
Timeline: current/somewhere in between


Lieutenant Billi had been very busy over the past few days. As the new Flight Control Chief it was her responsibility to see to all the small craft, patrols and patrol schedules, incoming and outgoing traffic and docking procedures for vessels that needed it. The first day she had painstakingly gone through the FC manifest, finding the less duty minded personnel compared to the go-getters. Every organization had those who were just skimming by, doing what was necessary to stay above reproach, but not putting forth any effort to excel beyond expectations. There were quite a few ensigns who had been rated in their performance with the words; As Expected.

That was it? As expected? Here she was, an Orion of all people, dedicated to making her career shine and to always go above and beyond for the sake of Starfleet and the Federation. As she had sworn to do when accepted into the Academy and her oath was given. Starfleet Intelligence had snatched her up almost immediately, sending her through Intel training all while she went through her FC training at the Academy. It doubled up on her academic workload, but she had loved every minute of it since she had piloted a great many types of vessels while running her own crew for her mother's clan. Her contacts and family that were still back in the Orion Syndicate had proved invaluable as C.I.'s (confidential Informants), using their Starfleet brethren as a means to destroy rival clans. Of course, her private account on Ferenginar had received quite a sum of latinum for her efforts, which could all be chalked up under 'cultural mores' by the federation. There were plenty of loopholes one could fine if they had the tenacity to look, and Billi was quite tenacious when need be.

Those who were performing as expected were moved to the Gamma shift, or third shift. That was the overnights, or graveyard. Long, tedious and exceedingly boring but, necessary. The only way to earn your way to Beta, or Alpha, was by showing that you had more love for your duties and the cause behind them than you did with just wearing a uniform for a free ride around the cosmos. She herself sat aboard a Delta Flyer, zooming around Mercury and eyeballing each docking port physically through her front viewport. Getting in to within a few meters of each docking ring she would then do an intensive sensor sweep of the unit, checking for stress fractures and any other circumstances that may need attention. Once scanned and the data logged she would pull away and move on to the next one. Standard maintenance her people could handle as they were trained to do, but if it was too much for them then Billi would send a work order to Engineering and the Operations departments to have them dig into deeper issues. After finishing that line of work, giving herself some flight hours in the process, Billi returned to the main hangar and parked her craft.

Stepping out of the aft ramp/hatch for the Delta Flyer Billi could see some of her people working with enlisted to move cargo units of FC supplies into their cargo bays. Not one to shirk hard work she went over and began to aid the group. She was going to like it here she could tell.



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