Post 19 Bat'leths and Bar stools
Posted on Tue Jul 12th, 2022 @ 12:08pm by Commodore Sureth & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Commander Kehlani
Mission 5 The Wolf at the Door
Location: Star base Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent
Starbase Mercury
Sureth beamed up quickly to the station and quickly headed to OPS unaware of the arrival of the Klingon Vessel.
" Report Commander ? ' he said aloud to Taavis
"Of course, Captain," responded Taavis. "This antiquated D-7 dropped from warp and entered our scopes. Upon reaching the outer markers they halted and sent a message for battle, challenging us. I responded 'in kind', and now we have a junior officer saying their HoD has fallen ill and that he is no longer in command. They have requested permission to dock, Sir. A short summary, I am aware, but that is the gist of the situation, Captain."
" Excellent as always First Officer. Allow them to dock but have a heavy security detachment meet them. Klingons love to be feared. Have medical make sure to offer assistance to their Commander. " Sureth replied.
As directed Taavis went to work with the rest of the Ops. staff and began speaking to the Klingon vessel. "Last but not least, Ensign. Inform the Klingons that we will have four barrels of Bloodwine waiting at the airlock for such honored warriors." The junior officer began to relay the information. Taavis looked over at her CO. "We'll see if the offer of drink can assuage their attitude, Captain Sureth."
Meanwhile the Wu'Cha had yet to dock as an internal issue was again arising. Captain Waroq , the incredibly agile old warrior refused to go down without a fight.
"Let me out of this cell you traitors." Waroq yelled..
Waroq took his glove off his right hand and gripped the handle of the cell door. Older Klingon cell doors were manual not electronic.
" Utz I smell you out there Your father begged me to take you aboard. You owe me your life. Open this door. "
Utz was a Klingon dwarf that served Waroq personally for ten years. Opening the door Waroq emerged.
" Now I will retake my bridge. "
The D7 sat there, not moving and no further communication. "Nothing?" asked Taavis. The comm officer shrugged. Taavis looked at Sureth. "Seems they are working it out themselves, Captain. We both know that a challenge to take command must be answered."
Sureth lit up.
" Klingons are a complex people. Never try to understand them Commander. I will take the con back Commander. Major Maddox has a perplexed issue on Savai. There is activity in the old city that has not seen any in over a century. We may need to investigate. " Sureth replied.
Coming in from another angle, shrouded in their own cloak, the I.K.S. Talon dropped from warp four to sublight. Warp four was the highest rating most cloaked ships used while hiding since it afforded less chance of being detected. What the officers on the Bridge of the Talon observed out the forward viewport/screen had them all grinning and, at the same time, confused.
"Is that a D-7?" Asked the helm, her own brain trying to catch up with what she was actually seeing.
IKS Talon was a Brel class Klingon Bird of Prey, crewed by 14 souls not including the captain (HoD). The HoD stood up from her chair, her blonde hair done up in long braids, her appearance that of a standard Human. But, as had been proven, accusing this female of NOT being Klingon due to her family curse was a mistake not to be repeated. Two of the Talon's crew had had to be replaced due to their inability to adjust to her looks.
HoD Kehlani stood in front of her chair, arms crossed over her chest as she watched the vessel on the screen. "Science, report!"
"They are at all stop, My Lady. They threatened the installation and then went silent."
Kehlani's mind began to churn. Having served on both sides of the fence, both for the Empire and for the Federation, holding ranks in both, she contemplated what could possibly be going on aboard the D-7. "Helm, all stop. We will continue to monitor the situation and if Starfleet needs our assistance then it affords a chance for combat."
Several chuckles were heard around the Bridge. This crew was itching for a fight.
Sureth watched as the D-7 just hung there and then raised an eye brow as the USS Bohr quickly dropped out of warp after being gone for so long.
Kehlani had left the station and gone back to the Empire for some personal reasons and Taavis had not expected her back this soon. The Tactical officer on watch waved the XO over so as not to speak too loudly and disturb the Captain in his command directives. "The Talon just dropped from warp here, 5,000 kilometers to the starboard of the D-7. Weapons and defense are energized but not activated."
Taavis looked to the holographic screen, her eyes squinting slightly in thought. "Lieutenant Kehlani knows better than to simply attack in Federation space. Good job, Ensign. Keep tabs on the situation out there." Taavis turned to face her CO. "Captain Sureth, our Klingon envoy and Strategic Operations Chief just dropped from warp near to the D-7. Their stance is defensive but they are ready to act should we need them."
" Commander you know the Lieutenant. Please instruct her to maintain her position. " Sureth replied .
Taavis nodded in acknowledgement, giving a half-turn to look back at the tactical officer she had been speaking with, giving him the nod to inform the Talon to remain alert but not to act until authorized. The message was conveyed.
The Bohr maintained a defensive position and quickly moved to a perimeter between the D-7 and the station.
Kehlani gave a grin as Starfleet called her ship back, laying out Sureth's orders. Her crew, except the two she had had to kill had been with Kehlani for years. They knew her, respected her and honored her prowess as a soldier of the Empire. So, when she turned back to her command chair and sat down, giving orders, no one spoke out. "Cloak and maneuver. Bring is in front of the D-7, angled thirty degrees to port and all stop at 500 qelI'qams." The helm acknowledged the orders, the lights dimming as the cloak activated and the forward viewport showed the stars spinning to one side as the ship began to maneuver.
To the surprise of all the D-7 reversed itself and faced off against the Bohr with it's weapons running hot.
[ I am Commander Waroq . I do not wish to battle .. My crew is hungry and weary from our quest. We wish to board your station under a flag of truce ?]
Taavis gave the infamous arched eyebrow, nodding to her man to open a channel. "This is Commander Taavis, First Officer for Starbase Mercury. A truce is called for when all parties are standing down. Your vessel breached our perimeter and threatened this station. Go to a neutral stance and the Bohr will escort you to one of our docking ports, Commander Waroq. Security will be on hand so I would advise you to keep your crew on good behavior."
[ The traitors are dead. Don't threaten me Vulcan. I am weary of battle today. My crew will behave.] Waroq replied.
Sureth joined Taavis.
" I am sorry for the insult Commander. I will hail Captain Rivers and fill him in." Sureth replied.
Taavis remained quiet. This was obviously an old school Klingon. She was still trying to work out the threat he implied but, that is how things went sometimes. He had dealt with a mutiny and was still in a volatile mood, which was to be expected. Once he was aboard she would show him due respect and honor.