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Post # 20 "Research"

Posted on Thu Jul 14th, 2022 @ 5:57pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas
Edited on on Thu Jul 14th, 2022 @ 6:05pm

Mission: Mission 5 The Wolf at the Door
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current


{Deck 41 - Sick Bay}

Doctor Williams had been conducting research on and off for the past few weeks; that is when he wasn't tending to his Patiences and his regular duties as Chief or getting his department in order. He had been wanting to find out the cause for Lieutenant Isabelle Veran's skin changes every time she touched a green plant.

After hours of peering through a microscope at Isabelle's blood sample, he was a little closer to figuring out the riddle. Ramvek was able to see something very small attached to some of her blood cells but couldn't make out what it was. As he sat and pondered the situation, he realized that he may need a microscope with much, much more magnification. The more he thought about it, the more logical it sounded. With that notion he grabbed a special box and placed Isabelle's blood slides inside and closed the he was off to the Science Labs.

{Deck 186 - Science Labs}

When the Doctor arrived he went over to a Lieutenant "Excuse me I'm Doctor Williams, I was wondering if you had an electron microscope that I could use for maybe an hour or so. I have some blood samples from a Patient that needs more magnification before I can come up with a cure" he explained.

The Lieutenant looked up from her work and smiled "Yes of course....I assume you know how to use it" she said.

"Yes I'm quite familiar with that piece of equipment; but unfortunately Sick Bay is too small for something that size" he explained.

The Officer walked over with Ramvek and fired it up "There you go Doctor and use it as long as you need to" she commented then turned and went back to her work.

The Doctor grabbed one of the slides and looked at it under the scope; he was quite surprised at what he found. These tiny green colored spikes attached to each one of her red blood cells, which would explain Isabelle's reaction to touching a green plant. Now that he knew what the problem was he going to fix it. After studying the other slides Ramvek came to one conclusion....the spikes had actually become part of the red blood try and separate the green spikes from the blood cells would be nearly impossible not to mention it may not be good for the patient either.

Ranvek shut down the electron microscope then walked back over to the Lieutenant "Thank you very much for the use of your equipment, it help answer some questions i had concerning my patient's diagnosis" he stated with a smile.

"Doctor you're welcome and any time you need to use that or anything in this Lab please feel free to help yourself. I will be sure to inform the rest of the Staff of such" she commented.

"Thank you Lieutenant for your help and I'll keep your offer in mind for future use; if you'll excuse me Now I need to figure out either a cure or antidote for my patient" he commented then turned to leave.

{Deck 41}

Doctor Williams walked back into Sick Bay and headed directly to the Lab. Knowing that separating the spikes from the red blood cells was not an option it was time to come up with a treatment plan. After a couple more hours Ramvek came up with a compound that could be injected into Isabelle thereby neutralizing the effects of the spikes safely for, what he hoped, would be about six months.

Now it was time to talk to the Lieutenant. Tapping his Comm "Lieutenant Veran this is Doctor Williams, could you come to Sick Bay at your convenience" he queried.

Isabelle was just wrapping up with a patient when Williams voice came over the comms. “I’m free now Doctor I’ll be there shortly.” Seeing her patient out she made her way to Sickbay, as she walked in she offered Ramvek a smile. “You wanted to see me?”

"Yes Lieutenant, please have a seat on the Biobed and I'll explain everything" he stated as he pulled up a stool "After much research I have figured out what the problem is concerning your color change when you touch a green plant. It seems that tiny green spikes have attached themselves to your red blood cells. Logically they cannot be removed without causing harm to you. But I do have a solution."

“You do?” Isabelle nodded. “What solution would that be?”

"I have been able to form a compound that can be injected and should counteract the effects of those green spikes without any harm or side effects to you. It may take a little trial and error until we get the strength right but my hope is you'll only need an injection once every six months" the Doctor explained "So what do you think?"

Isabelle took a moment before Cal’s words came to mind. “Okay, lets do it.”

That put a smile on the Doctor's face "Good you sit here and I'll be right back" he instructed then turned an went into the Medical Lab. Shortly he returned with a Hypospray with the medication as he walked over to Isabelle "This may sting a little but you should be fine beyond that" as he injected her in the neck with fingers crossed mentally.

Several minutes went by as Ramvek smiled "So how do you feel; any problems with the medication" he queried.

Isabelle offered a smile. “You were right, it stung a little but it soon went off. I’ve got a minor headache but all in all I feel okay.”

"Excellent, that's good to hear and the headache should subside shortly. I would give the medication about twenty four hours to get all through your system; so sometime tomorrow afternoon I would like you to touch a green plant and see what happens" Ramvek instructed hoping for the best outcome "So do you have any questions or concerns about the medication?"

Isabelle paused for a moment. “Will this completely sever my connection to Brol? It’s just...Brol is my friend, I don’t want to cause any offense.”

Doctor Williams thought for a few moments "I don't think so, the medication is only meant to keep you from turning that lovely shade of green when you touch a plant" he explained with a grin "And not to council the Counselor; but if he's really your friend this shouldn't really make any difference anyway.....logically speaking of course."

Isabelle nodded. “That’s very true Doctor. I haven’t been thinking straight about things lately. Fine thing for a Counsellor to say isn’t it?”

Ramvek smiled "Don't be so hard on yourself Isabelle....after all we're only humanoid no what species we may be" he said reassuringly "But please let me know if you any problems with the medication no matter what time it may be day or night."

Isabelle nodded. “I will that’s a promise. Am I free to go? I have a whole schedule to plan.”

"Yes you're free to go and I hope this medication works out for you well" Doctor Williams commented as Isabelle stood and exited Sick bay to go back to work.


Lieutenant Isabelle Veran
Chief Counselor
Star Base Mercury

Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury



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