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Post # 21 "Honored Guest"

Posted on Tue Jul 19th, 2022 @ 3:02pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone & Lieutenant Hiri
Edited on on Fri Jul 29th, 2022 @ 5:42pm

Mission: Mission 5 The Wolf at the Door
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Concurrent

{Deck 41 - Sick Bay}

Doctor Williams had received word from Command that an elderly Klingon Commander was in need of medical attention who would be accompanied by his First Officer and was due to arrive anytime.

Ramvek gathered some of his Staff "Lieutenant Hiri and Ensign Stone a word please" he stated as the two Officers walked over to him.

"What's going on Doctor" Hiri asked wondering what was up.

"We have an elderly Klingon Commander coming in for an exam soon. Since I am well acquainted with the Klingon psyche, I'll be the one to examine him; although I may need your assistance" he explained.

"Whatever you need Doctor" Heidi replied knowing the Klingon physiology as Hiri nodded in agreement.

Shortly the two Klingons walked into Sick Bay as Ramvek walked over to greet them both "Commander Waroq and First Officer Kren, It's an honor to have such distinguished Warriors in my Sick Bay. Please allow me to introduce myself, I am Doctor Ramvek Williams....Chief Medical Officer and this is some of my Staff....Lieutenant Hiri, Medical Officer and Ensign Heidi Stone my Head Nurse" he stated waiting for a reply.

Waroq gave a gruff look "Thank you Doctor you honor me with your salutation....but clearly this is a waste of my time, but my First Officer insists that I get checked out" then looking at his XO "If Kren wasn't such a good First Officer I would kill him where he stands wasting my time like this."

"Commander if you would be so kind as to lay on this Bio Bed for your examination.....I assure you it's quite comfortable" Ramvek stated.

"Humf.....very well Doctor, but I must warn you I'm a busy man and things that I need to attend to" Waroq replied as Ramvek smiled.

Kren just shot Waroq a look then turned to the Doc "If I may have a word private" he asked.

" let's step into my Office for a moment" then turning to Waroq "Excuse us, we'll be right back....lay there and relax" Ramvek suggested as the two walked off.

Once in the Office "Doctor.....Waroq is an old man and has slowly lost his sanity with some of the orders he puts forth.....I think he may get us all killed in a less than an honorable death" Kren explained matter of factly.

"Waroq is an old man but don't confuse insanity for old age. I'll know more after I have a look at him" Ramvek stated then turned to attend to his patient with Kren following behind.

Ramvek walked up to the Bed "Comfortable Commander? This won't take long" he commented with a smile.

"I should hope not Human....I have Romulans to hunt down and destroy" he replied seeming a little agitated at the moment.

The Doctor grabbed the scanner from his pocket and went over the old Klingon from head to toe while watching the screen over the Bio Bed. When finished Ramvek concentrated on the head area of the gentleman.....what he had surmised proved to be true.

Looking at both of the Klingons Ramvek explained what he had found "Commander given your age Sir you seem to be in pretty good shape physically; however advancing age has it's own ideas....after examining you, Most Noble Warrior, I have found that your mind is showing signs of degeneration. Your not insane but sadly just getting along in years" he explained as her could see fear in the Klingon's eyes.

Waroq was silent for a few minutes when Kren asked "Doctor is there anything that can be done for him." which got Waroq's attention.

Ramvek thought for a moment "I can give him a hypospray to try and slow down the process but even with modern medicine as it is, there are just some things that can't be cured" as he looked over at the Old Warrior.

Waroq spoke up "Kren leave us" he ordered as Kren walked out of Sick Bay and Ramvek signaled his Staff to walk away...then the Warrior continued "Doctor you seem like an honorable man.....give it to me straight."

Ramvek took a breath before explaining "Commander as we get older our minds don't function like they used's not through any fault of your own, it's just the way it's nature if you will."

"You do know that it's a Warriors greatest die of old age and not in glorious battle" Waroq stated sort of looking down as he spoke.

The Doctor thought for a moment "Commander your looking at this all wrong....please let me explain" not wanting to agitate the gentleman any further "You must have had many glorious victories in your proud career as a Klingon Warrior to make it this far and still be alive."

"Yes I've had many glorious victories and killed many of the Empire's enemies" then he paused for a moment "So now what do I do....I don't want to die without honor" Waroq stated.

"Well that's up to you and your Crew, but I can give you an injection now and give you some to take with you which should least for now until you figure out what you want to do" Ramvek replied wishing he had better news.

"Alright give me the injection and some to take with me....but please do not tell my Crew....I don't want to appear weak" Waroq commented.

Ramvek smiled at the Old Warrior "Your secret is safe with me Sir" he replied then proceeded to give him the injection and gave him some extra to take with him explaining how to inject himself.

Waroq stood offering Ramvek his hand as they shook in a warriors fashion "Thank you Doctor for your help...may you die an honorable death." Then Waroq turned and left Sick Bay followed by Kren.

Ramvek watched as the two Klingons departed from Sick Bay wondering what would happen to the old gentleman. He let out a sigh while thinking "Some days in medicine it just plain sucks" as he went back to work.

Heidi seeing Ramvek's demeanor walked over "Everything alright seem a little....well....down" she commented not seeing him like this before.

Ramvek smiled "I kind of feel bad for the old Klingon.....his mind is failing due to his age and there is nothing that I can do to stop that process other than giving him some medicine to help" he explained.

Heidi placed her hand on his shoulder as she whispered "Ramvek you can't heal doesn't work that way."

He looked up at Heidi "Yes I know and I am grateful for those I can heal. I guess I just forgot....thanks for reminding me" he replied with a grin.


Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury

Lieutenant Hiri
Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury

Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base Mercury


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