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Post # 22 "Unexpected"

Posted on Fri Jul 29th, 2022 @ 5:40pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone & Lieutenant Hiri

Mission: Mission 5 The Wolf at the Door
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


{Star Base]

[Deck 41 - Sick Bay]

Doctor Williams was finishing up some work in the Medical Lab when his Comm went off "Doctor Williams here, go ahead."

"Doctor this is Ensign Carter from Communications we've just received an urgent request from seems there has been an accident and a few of the Firsts have been injured as well as a couple of our Crewman" she explained.

"Notify them and let them know I'm on my way" Ramvek replied then grabbed his medical bag and headed for Sick Bay proper "Lieutenant Hiri and Ensign Stone you're with me....Lieutenant, Ensign grab your medical bags and a couple of Triage Kits.....I'll explain on the way."

Then tapping his Comm "Dr. Gram this is Williams have Secondary Sick Bay opened up and be ready for some casualties from the Planet" he ordered. "Very well Doctor I'll be ready should the need arise" the EMH replied as the trio hustled for the nearest Transporter Room which was on the same deck.

[Deck 41 - Transporter Room 1]

By the time the three entered and stepped on the Pads Ramvek had already explained the situation to his Staff then gave the coordinates to the Operator "Energize" came the request and moments later they disappeared in beams of light.


The Medical Trio materialized on the Planet's surface when Ramvek looked around accessing the situation "Lieutenant please see to the Crewman over there and I'll check on the others.....Nurse Stone work between the two of us starting with Hiri" he ordered. Both of his Staff went right to work as directed.

Hiri walked over to the two Crewman to access the damage starting with the worst of the two as Nurse Stone went over to the other.

"Crewman what's your name" Hiri asked with a smile. "Ensign Dexter" he answered "I think my arm may be busted since it hurts like hell if I move."

Hiri glanced at his arm and It looked like he was right in his assumption. She grabbed a hypospray from her bag and shot him in the neck "There that should ease the pain while I immobilize your arm" she stated as she grabbed two splints and tape from her bag. This may hurt a little but it needs to be done before we dare move you; don't want to cause anymore damage to that arm." Dexter just nodded as he grit his teeth; but it wasn't as bad as he had imagined.

Nurse Stone smiled "What's your name Crewman" she asked. "Ensign Roberts Ma'am.....I've cut my arm pretty good on some rocks" he answered with a big 'ol smile not believing just how cute this Nurse was.

Grabbing a hypospray from her bag, Heidi gave him a shot in the neck "There that will ease any pain and help with any infection" she stated as she looked closer at his arm "We're going have to get you to Sick Bay and have that arm of yours cleaned out and some skin regeneration wouldn't be a bad idea."

A very happy Roberts was hoping that this Nurse would be working on him once they got back to the Station. "You sit and relax we'll have you out of here soon" Heidi said with a smile as she went over to the Hiri "Lieutenant Crewman Roberts injuries are fairly minor and I've given him something for the pain for now" Heidi stated.

Hiri nodded as the two walked over to Ramvek "Doctor the two Crewmen have been treated but both need to go to Sick Bay "Hiri said "Do you want me to send them to Secondary Sick Bay and I'll stay here and help you?"

Ramvek thought for a moment "No Lieutenant why don't you three transport to the Main Sick Bay, then treat them with the other Nurse's help" then looking at Heidi "Ensign Stone you stay here and help me treat these folks since their wounds are minor."

Lieutenant Hiri nodded then turned and walked back over to the two Crewman and tapping her Comm "Mercury this is Lieutenant Hiri, lock onto my signal....three to beam directly to Main Sick Bay" she ordered. "As you wish Lieutenant" came the reply and moments later they were gone.

"These three folks have rope burns on their hands so give each of them a shot for any infection" he ordered as Heidi did as she was instructed. Tapping his Comm "Dr. Gram this is Williams, we won't be needing your Sick Bay but please send down three containers of ointment for rope burns" he stated. "As you wish Doctor, they'll be to you shortly....Gram out" came the reply as Ramvek thought "The Computer is getting the hang of this pretty quickly" which made him grin. Moments later the medicine arrived.

Doctor Williams gave each of the Firsts a container with instructions on how to use the medicine "If you have any problems or have any questions contact me on the Star Base" he instructed with a smile as the folks nodded that they understood.

Ramvek looked up just in time to see a few Humanoids walk into a nearby cave and their species didn't look familiar to him at all as he thought to himself "I'll have to report this when I get back....something's off."

Tapping his Comm "Mercury this is Doctor Williams two to return" he instructed as he grabbed Heidi's hand and moments later they were gone.

{Star Base}

{Deck 41}

When they materialized on the Pads Ramvek let go of Heidi's hand...leaned in and whispered "Didn't want you to get lost" he commented with a smile as the Officers stepped off the Pads and returned to work. On the way Heidi was thinking "What's the good Doctor up to" which caused her to take pause.

{Sick Bay}

Dr Calian McGregor heard about the situation and left his new duties in R and D to assist .

" This is Dr McGregor in SICKBAY. Let me know how I can help."

{Deck 41}

Before reaching Sick Bay Ramvek's Comm went off "Doctor Williams here" as he heard another Doctor already in Sick Bay "Yes we could use some help actually.....we'll be there in a few minutes."

{Sick Bay}

When they entered Ramvek looked around and saw a face he hadn't seen before....walking up to him "Hello, I'm Doctor Williams...nice to meet you Doctor McGregor" as he extended his hand for a greeting.

" I just accepted the Research and Development role; I do have an MD of course. How many casualties? " Cal asked.

"Well then I guess 'welcome' is in order. We only have a couple of casualties, but Ensign Dexter over there looks to have a compound fracture on his right arm.....if you'd like to take care of him and Lieutenant Hiri will assist you" Williams instructed glad to have an extra pair of hands at the moment.

" A fracture? Of course I will use the bone discriminator to reset the fracture. Come Hiri we have a fracture to mend. " Cal said with his thick.

"Thanks" Ramvek replied then turned to Heidi "OK let's get Roberts cut sorted out first then he'll probably need the area regenerated when we're done."

Walking over to the Crewman "How are you doing" Williams asked with a smile. "Not bad" as he glanced over at Heidi who turned around and gave him another hypospray for the pain and infection. "I really didn't need that" Roberts commented trying to come off as a tough guy.

"Oh trust me you will once we start cleaning out that wound" Ramvek stated as he put a sleeve over the wound with two tubes coming out of the top "Now I'm going to flush out the area with Saline solution until all the dirt and debris is out of relax and let me know if the pain gets to be too much."

Once Williams started up the process Roberts let out a yell "Damn that hurts like hell" he exclaimed as Heidi gave him another injection to settle him down. After about fifteen minutes Ramvek stopped the process and removed the sleeve; by this time Roberts was in la-la land as Heidi just snickered at his reaction while thinking "Ya some tough guy."

Williams check the wound with the scope on the Biobed and it appeared to be clean and void of any debris "Nurse regenerate the area while I go see how our guest Doctor is doing." "As you wish Doctor" as she grabbed the instrument to get started.

Ramvek walked over to Doctor McGregor "How's it going over here Doctor" he queried with a smile.

" Ah Doctor, Dr Hiri successfully used the bone regenerator and applied a cast to wear for a few days as the new tissue bonds. She is a credit to our field. " Cal commended as Hiri finished up on Dexter.

Ramvek grinned "Yes Lieutenant Hiri is very capable....I'd be lost without her. Thank you for your help....there are so many folks on this Base that if we get overwhelmed with Patience, I may be calling on you....if you find that acceptable" he replied.

" Certainly Doctor Research and Development is important but real medicine is my true back ground. " Cal replied.

"Great Doctor....I will certainly keep that in mind" Ramvek replied "I think we're done here, so I guess you can go back to your research and thank you again for your help."

Cal nodded and paused by the biobed of the patient. The patient Dexter vitals were strong again and showed growth in the repaired limb.

Cal then left SICKBAY and returned to his own lab.


Dr. Calian McGregor
R & D Director
Star base Mercury

Lieutenant Hiri
Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury

Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base Mercury

Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Oficer
Star Base Mercury


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