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# 23 " Battle Star "

Posted on Fri Jul 29th, 2022 @ 6:14pm by Captain Deke Rivers & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander Nora Ejo & Lieutenant Bob Covenant & Lieutenant JG Sayvek

Mission: Mission 5 The Wolf at the Door
Location: USS Bohr



Taxing the warp drive to warp 8 the USS Bohr returned to Triome space while the Klingon D-7 still orbited the station like a shark.

" Take us to Yellow Alert . Number One what is our Distance to combatant?" Deke asked Shauna.

“Close enough to give him a nice surprise!” Shauna offered a wry smile.

Using sensor Ensign Sayvek scanned the old ship and made a declaration.

" Sir their shields are down . "

" Maintain ours and hail Starbase Mercury." Deke then commanded.

Shauna nodded to the officer manning comms waiting for a response from the Starbase.

[ USS Bohr welcome home. Situation with the Klingon cruiser is at a stand still. Perhaps your arrival will calm them a bit,] the voice chuckled.

" Helm take us to weapons range and hold our position. The Klingons love an audience. " Deke replied.

“They most certainly do” Shauna nodded and offered an amused smile.

Nora entered the bridge by responding to the yellow alert and manned her station. She knew that it was wise to be here to give the necessary assistance. She did a quick system as she usually does. All checked out good.

" Lieutenant Ejo what do you know about old Klingon D7's" Deke asked her.

„The D7 is master piece of art. I was built as counter ship to the Constitution Class. It was active till 2370. It is equipped with 2 disruptor cannons, 1 forward photon torpedo launcher, magnetic pulse generators. Their deflector shield were quiet advanced in those times. Their warp engines can to warp 9. Most Klingons hold dearly to those ships. When I compare those stats to the Bohr might not out run it but we could defend our self for quite some time. Due to the age of the D7 it would not last long in fight with Bohr, she is still a bit younger.“ Nora said responding to the Captains question.

" Helm take us to a position between the station and the D-7 and maintain weapons lock." Deke ordered.

The Bohr flew ahead and did just that. While in the station Commander Taavis was able to deescalate the drama with the D-7s Commander.

A few minutes later the D-7 attached mooring and umbilical attachments.

" Captain to crew we have had a long run but now we are home. My personal accomodations to all of you for a job well done." Captain Rivers proclaimed over the speakers.

Nora was relieved as the thread was resolved and all stand down.
“Finally we are back home” she thought to her self.




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