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Post 24 " Camelion"

Posted on Thu Aug 4th, 2022 @ 10:33pm by 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol
Edited on on Tue Aug 9th, 2022 @ 1:42am

Mission: Mission 5 The Wolf at the Door
Location: Star base Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent



The medical shuttle landed and Calian quickly hopped out and moved his cargo into the hold slot he had reserved as at long last his experiment was complete.


Onboard station Isabelle was hoping to find Cal back from his trip, she wanted to tell him about the treatment that Doctor Williams had sorted for her.

Cal returned to his new post and position as Chief of Research and Development having completed his master pierce. In his words " fight fire with fire."

" Isabella are you busy?" Cal asked via com link.

Isabelle tapped her comm badge. “I’m free at the moment, where are you?”

" R and D lab. I applied and was given the Developer position. Come down there is something I want to show you." Cal replied.

Isabelle was curious as she got to her feet. “I’ll be there soon Cal.”

Unannounced outside sickbay WO John Dallas arrived and tapped Isabella's chime.

Isabella was just about to exit the room as the chime rang, as the door opened she stood shocked to see John at the door. “John!” She instinctively hugged him before letting go again. “It’s good to see you again, I err ... I was just on my way out to R and D.”

" Oh well I was hoping for a lunch with you. I just got back in town. But if you are busy?" John replied.

“John I...” Isabelle paused before taking his hand. “We need to talk John, but right now I have to go. How’s about I drop by once I’m finished in R and D?”

" Sounds good I will find you Counselor." John replied as he turned and walked away.


Cal awaited the arrival of his fiance with baited breath as his plans unfurrowed.

Arriving at the lab Isabelle offered an apologetic smile. “Sorry I was...delayed. What was it you wanted to show me?”

Cal smiled and moved closer to his fiance.
" The Brol situation has been an issue with me. So I decided to help your little friend out. I present to you
Ravenala madagascariensis Brol, soon to be wife of your beloved friend. " Cal said as a large tree like being similar to Brol approached from behind a tarp." My design and construct using adaptive terra forming sciences." Cal added.

" She is not as intelligent as your Brol but very compatible to Brols needs as I engineered her to be.. The less dominate of his species if you will. " Cal explained.

Isabelle stood looking at the female tree being in total shock. “You...did this so Brol would stay away from me?” She wasn’t sure exactly how she felt about that. “You’re really that jealous!? That you created this female version?”

" Raven is grafted from its own DNA and that of a piersols traveler from Marcos 12. I hoped you would approve."

“I...” Isabelle paused. “I’m sorry it was just a surprise. I’m not the one who has to approve, Brol is. Maybe we should call him?”

" NO. She isn't ready yet but soon." Cal replied

“So what? I’m supposed to hide my knowledge of this female Brol?” She looked at the female wondering just how Cal had managed this. “Brol may well have already sensed her. Does she...communicate?”

Cal walked closer and kissed Isabella on the forehead and then turned to Raven.

" Raven please greet my fiance."

" It is an honor to make your aquaintence " the being called Raven replied with the same voice of Isabella.

" A syntax algorithm." Cal replied " It needed a voice for the universal translator."

Isabelle nodded. “Hello Raven. May I ask what is your purpose?”

" My purpose is to coexist with ... all life." Raven replied. " What is your purpose?" Raven replied

“My to care for all those here. I look after their mental health and well-being.” Isabelle smiled.

" I am for Brol." Raven replied.

Cal smiled and guided the bioped back behind the wall where it had been. Returning Cal smiled at Isabella and prepared to hug her.

" I have been very busy. Do you care for a late lunch?" Cal asked as if nothing big had just occured.

Isabelle paused. “Actually there’s someone I need to see first, and it’s not Brol.” She offered a smile. “Meet me in the lounge later.” She slowly backed away. With that she headed to find Dallas. She had some explaining to do.


John had to talk to Isabella one more time and this returned to find her. Looking about he nodded to Hiri, who was busy with a pregnant patient. A lot of things had changed in the months the Bohr had
been away and they needed to talk.

Isabelle had tracked John down to Sickbay, walking in she smiled as she walked across to him. “John... sorry to have rushed you off, are you free to talk?”

" Yes I am on leave from the Bohr. So your fiance is in town? Cool" Dallas spoke aloof.

She motioned John to an empty office where they could talk in private. “You know about Cal being here?” Isabelle sighed. “I’m sorry, I thought Cal and I were over. I would never do anything to hurt you.”

" I know that is why I am here. I am heading back to Star Fleet Academy. Captain Rivers wants me to get my commission in security so I am going. I will be gone a year and just wanted to let you know." John replied.

“You’re... leaving?” Isabelle’s smile faded. “I’ll miss you, you know that right?”

" I have missed you too. But now Cal is here so... It is better I leave." John replied

Isabelle sighed. “I honestly thought Cal and I were finished. He showed up out of the blue wanting us back together. I just...” She shook her head. “I love you, you know that. You never know I might be here waiting for you when you get back.”

John smiled and then leaned in to kiss Isabella .
" When I get back we will tell Cal that you are mine now."

As he spoke this Deputy 1 strolled by and tapped John's foot John had installed the AI devices when he was in charge of security. Unknown to both John and Isabella another person was now using the devices for surveillance.

" Hello old friend. Long time no see." Dallas greeted with a chuckle.

Isabelle smiled at John. “You are encouragable you know that?”

" Nah not me. " he smiled. " If you still loved him you wouldn't even give me the time of day."

Isabelle smiled warmly. “You are far too wise John” She gently brushed his cheek with her hand. “I will miss you, it’s going to be a long year without you.”

John paused as the real reason of his leaving could not be revealed.

" So a cheek brush is all I get?" John replied.

Isabelle smiled before wrapping her arms around John’s neck and giving him a passionate kiss. “I don’t suppose you’ve got time to entertain a woman to your quarters, do you?”

" Actually... I do." John smiled as they head off.


John awoke following their walk to his quarters, prepared but dreading the next part. " Isabella there is actually something I need to tell you. I am going on a mission not the academy."

Isabelle lifted her head from where she lay cuddled up in John’s arms. “A mission? Is it a dangerous one?”

" All missions are dangerous. I am running security and tactical." he replied.

“It must be some mission to be away for a whole year” Isabelle hung her head. “We’ve only just gotten our relationship going John, now we’re to be separated for a year! I wish I was going with you.”

" Only class one officers."

Isabelle nodded. “Then you promise me!” She sat up to look at John properly. “You swear to me you’ll come back, and when you do I’ll be right there waiting for you.”

John stood up and put his uniform back on and then the boots. " One way or another I will come back."

Isabelle smiled and nodded as she started getting dressed. “Be safe Imzadi, no matter what I’ll be here waiting for you.”

" Imzadi? What does that mean?" John asked.

Isabelle smiled. “It means My Beloved in Betazoid. A term of endearment only used for those who hold your heart.”

John smiled as he liked that. Looking at his com band his alarm sounded meaning he had to leave now.

“John...” Isabelle moved across to him quickly giving him a hug and a kiss goodbye. “I love you, when you come back I want to be your wife.”

" Ditto "

Isabelle couldn’t help but grin. “I doubt you want to be my wife, but I know what you mean. I wish we had time before you left, but I know we don’t.”

John left and the door closed as he had to leave.

Watching him go, Isabelle wiped away a few tears before taking a deep breath. She had to catch up with Cal.



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