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Post 25. "New Interest"

Posted on Sat Aug 6th, 2022 @ 11:08pm by Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone
Edited on on Sat Aug 13th, 2022 @ 3:22pm

Mission: Mission 6 What’s past is past
Location: USS Hudson
Timeline: One Year Ago


{Sick Bay}

Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone had been aboard Ship for about two years now working as Head Nurse; her first assignment in that position. Heidi had her department running well and had the respect of her fellow Nurses.

On one particular day she noticed a new face in Sick Bay.....a very good looking guy who was tall, muscular, and damn had a great head of hair. Naturally Heidi wanted to make him feel welcome so she approached him "Excuse me, you must be new here....I'm Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone....Head Nurse" she said with a smile.

"Well hello there...yes I'm new here I just transfer in as Ship's Surgeon.....I'm Lieutenant Ben Sanford" he replied with a smile noticing how cute this young women was.

"If you need anything or have any questions please don't hesitate to ask" she stated still smiling.

"I will certainly keep that in mind Nurse" Ben replied then winked at her.

Heidi could feel her face go flush as she turned to go back to work almost tripping over her own feet "Good one Heidi" she thought to herself as Ben watched her walk away admiring her movements thinking "Now that has possibilities."

A few months went by and Ben would pay particular attention to Heidi every chance he got with whispers and a good deal of old fashioned flirting. Needless to say Heidi enjoyed every minute of his attentiveness and flirtations.

Ben had the day off and walked into Sick Bay in casual clothes with a form fitting shirt on to show off his upper body muscles. Walking right up to Heidi "Hi....I was wondering if you would like to have dinner this evening with me in my quarters" he asked with a smile.

"As much as I would like to say yes....I'm not too sure about having it in your quarters.....couldn't we just go to the Lounge instead" she asked hoping he would change his mind.

Ben smiled back "We could but after working with people all the time I like some privacy when I'm off duty. I promise I'll be a perfect gentleman and I am a very good cook.....let's say nineteen hundred is my room number" as he handed her a piece of paper.

Heidi thought for a few moments "Ok you talked me into it....I'll see you later then" she replied pleased as she could be. Ben gave her a wink and walked off "That was too easy."


Heidi approached Ben's room dressed in pants and a modest design top....after all she didn't want to appear too eager or easy. As soon as she palmed the chime the door slid open and Ben asked her to come in and quickly turned on the charm.

She looked around noticing his quarters were rather stark in appearance but quickly dismissed the thought....after all he is a guy and they rarely decorate their living area; so she just smiled as Ben poured on the charm which she rather enjoyed.

Dinner was already on the table along with a chilled bottle of wine on ice "Heidi please sit before dinner gets cold" he stated as he pulled out the chair for her. Heidi smiled and sat "Thank you kind Sir" she replied with a grin also noticing the beautiful flowers on the table "Ben went all out" she thought as she started to enjoy her meal with this gorgeous guy.

After dinner they sat on the couch enjoying a couple more glasses of wine when Heidi realized it was getting late; at least for her "Ben I should be going I have an early day tomorrow" she stated as she stood.

Ben stood as well "Before you leave may I give you a goodnight kiss" he asked expecting her to say yes. Heidi nodded as Ben leaned in and gave her a kiss, but not too long.

After the kiss she said "Ben thank you for a lovely was quite enjoyable" then she turned as the door slid open and left his quarters thinking "What a nice guy and a perfect gentleman....he even asked if he could kiss me" as she returned home sort of in a daze.

Ben cleaned up the place and ran everything through the reclaimer making sure the quarters didn't look like anyone had been there. If all went well he would be using this place quite a few more times. Now it was time to go home.

Heidi and Ben dated for the next few months and always in his quarters; not anywhere public which should have raised a red flag with Heidi but didn't.

One day in Sick Bay Heidi was talking with one of the young Nurses about the guys they were dating. Heidi mentioned Ben and how nice and attentive he was when the other Nurse asked "Ben who."

Heidi pointed over to the Lieutenant and the other Nurse looked at Heidi and grabbed her by the arm "We need to" she stated and the two left Sick Bay and stood in the hallway "Heidi you do know you're dating a married man don't you" she stated.

Her jaw dropped as she looked at the other Nurse "He's what?" she said in a loud voice feeling hurt, angry, and really stupid all at once.

"Oh honey you didn't know? He's pulled that same scam on more than a few young women on other Ships....and let me guess you only dated in his quarters....correct." Heidi nodded yes and was feeling worse by the minute.

Then she looked up and saw Ben talking to another young women in civilian attire and decided enough was enough. Heidi marched right up to Ben "And when were you going to tell me you were married" she demanded.

The other women lit up looking first at Ben then at Heidi "For your information I'm his've been dating my Husband" she demanded to know.

Heidi looked at the women "Yes but I swear to you I didn't know he was married or I wouldn't have" she tried to explain.

Ben's Wife stated "I've had enough of this" then she stormed out the door. Ben looked at Heidi and started to say something when she walked right up to him and looked him in the eyes "Shut your mouth Lieutenant...I don't want to hear it" then turned and went to her quarters holding back the tears.



Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base Mercury


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