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Post Number 26 Cat's Is Open

Posted on Sun Aug 7th, 2022 @ 8:29pm by Kitten Dawson

Mission: Character Development
Location: Kitten's Restaurant The Cats
Timeline: Current

Glad to be here. My restaurant’s name is The Cats, we’re going to sell Pizza, Hot Dogs and Burgers, fries and nachos. Stop by and meet me.


Kitten had spent several days getting her restaurant set up, menu planned, severs and cooks hired. She’d purchased a jukebox, currently it didn’t work but there were plans to get it fixed. But that would wait as it had taken every cent she’s saved to book passage out here, rent the space, order the food and hire employees but it had been worth it.

Finally the grand opening day had come, Kitten walked down the promenade to her restaurant, pulled out her keys and unlocked the grating and raised it. Her cooks were already on hand getting the Pizza dough read along with all the toppings. The wait staff had the chairs down, menus on each table. Kitten turned on the open sign to wait for her first customers to arrive.



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