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Post 27. "New Interest - Conclusion"

Posted on Mon Aug 8th, 2022 @ 4:56pm by Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone
Edited on on Sat Aug 13th, 2022 @ 3:22pm

Mission: Mission 6 What’s past is past
Location: USS Hudson
Timeline: Two Months Ago


{Ready Room}

The Captain sat at his desk going over some reports when a call came in "Captain you have a priority one message from the Admiral" Comms stated. "Patch it through to my Ready Room" the Captain ordered and moments later he was face to face with the Admiral, well sort of.

"Admiral what do I owe the pleasure" the Captain queried. "I wish this was a social call but it's not. There's been an incident on the Hudson that you need to be aware of" as the Admiral went into great detail concerning Sick Bay's Head Nurse " So you see my Daughter was greatly distressed that your Head Nurse was dating her Husband. I would consider it a personal favor if you would see to it that this problem disappears; if you get my drift."

The Captain leaned back in his chair knowing what was being asked of him "Consider it done Admiral and please convey to your Daughter that this women won't bother their marriage again" he commented. "Thank you Captain I knew I could count on you" then the screen went blank.

The Captain let out a sigh but knew what he must do; he was only a few short years from full retirement and didn't want to rock the boat or cause any waves with Star Fleet.

Tapping his Comm "Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone please to report to the Captain's Ready Room" came the order.

{Sick Bay}

Heidi heard the call and answered "On my way Captain" as she headed for the door. She had this sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach figuring this was about Lieutenant Sanford and herself. Ben's wife must either be a real bitch or was used to running to Daddy whenever life didn't go her way....and what about Ben....wasn't he going to get any flack since he was the one who initiated their dating in the first place. All of these thoughts were going through Heidi's head as she stepped onto the lift "Deck One" and soon she was off to meet her fate.

{Ready Room}

Heidi walked up to the door, took a deep breath then palmed to door chime waiting for recognition "Come" was the answer as the door slid open. She walked up to the desk and stood tall "You wanted to see me Captain" she said fearing the worst.

"Yes Lieutenant, please have a seat, there's a matter I need to discuss with you" he stated, although discussion wasn't what he had in mind. After taking a breath he began "I just received a call from the Admiral concerning you dating Lieutenant Sanford" then he paused "What in the hell were you thinking dating a married man....especially one who's wife is the Admiral's daughter."

Stone started to answer but was cut off "I don't really want to hear any of your've put this Ship and myself in a very awkward position.....what do you have to say for yourself Stone" he asked being very gruff and uncaring concerning her position in all this.

Heidi could see that the Captain's mind was made up concerning his course of action but was determined to give her side of the story anyway "With respect Sir....not only did I not know the Lieutenant was married...he initiated our dating in the first place" she stated figuring she couldn't make things any worse for herself at this point "Had I known I certainly wouldn't have dated him at all."

The Captain let out a sigh "Given the current situation you leave me no choice; so this is what's going to happen" he stated then continued "Effective immediately you are being demoted to the rank of Ensign and as soon as I can find another assignment for you, you will be transferred for disciplinary reasons. So in the meantime I would highly suggest that you keep your hormones in check and stay out of I make myself clear" he asked in a cold, stern fashion.

The Ensign couldn't believe what had just happened to she was pissed but held her tongue anyway and simply replied "Yes Captain" trying to hold back her tears.

"Good and see to it you do....dismissed" he ordered being glad that was over and knowing the Admiral would be pleased.

Heidi stood turned and couldn't get out of there fast enough still holding back the tears. There was no way she was going back to work after that as she tapped her Comm "Doctor this is Stone.....I would like the rest of the day off" she stated. "Certainly Nurse....I just heard and I'm sorry" came the reply.


Heidi walked into her quarters and collapsed on the couch allowing the tears and emotion to pour forth. After a good cry she felt a little better wondering why this had to happen to her and what was next for her.

[Some Time Later]

Heidi had endured her demotion and the humiliation that went along with it for the past four weeks making sure to stay well clear of Sanford. Finally she was called to the XO's Office where she received her new assignment. They had been on their way there for the past few days and Heidi would be leaving the Hudson some time tomorrow, which was fine with her.

Stone returned to Sick Bay to say her good byes to a few of the Nurses and the Doctor then returned to her quarters to pack up her belongings.

After a good nights sleep and a good breakfast, Heidi returned to her quarters to wait for her arrival at her new assignment. She was hopeful that this new start would work out for her in the long run; although she felt things couldn't get any worse for her.

A couple hours later Heidi received the call "Ensign please report to Transporter Room One....we're ready to beam you over to the Star Base" came the call "On my way" Heidi replied being very glad she was finally getting off this Ship and hopefully redeeming herself here at Star Base Mercury.


Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base Mercury


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