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001 " It's About To Get Good "

Posted on Wed Aug 17th, 2022 @ 8:43pm by Commodore Sureth & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander Nora Ejo & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak (Veran-Dallas) & Lieutenant Odac Yova
Edited on on Fri Sep 2nd, 2022 @ 4:08pm

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: Star base Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Stardate: 77255.8


The station revolved around the planet for the upteenth time and enjoyed the arrival of the Galaxy class starship that entered it's moorings.

" Sureth to Commander Taavis please see to the security of the Amandora. I do not want Commodore Song or Admiral Sanderson having any issues." Sureth stated over the comm badge.

Sureth then turned around OPS and spied the two new newlyweds that arrived aboard .

Ellie stood alongside her husband, even though she was only 12 weeks pregnant with twins her slim frame was already showing a distinct rounded bump, only small but enough to be noticeable. She and Yova were reporting in to their new CO.

Yova had only just gotten aboard, still sporting his starship uniform he nodded to the senior Captain.
" Sir thank you for allowing my transfer. Being away from my wife was torture." Odac told Sureth.

" You are welcome Lieutenant. Both of you actually as the science department on both the station and USS Bohr are in need of staffing. Ellie you will complete the needed StarFleet course via hologram to become a senior science officer. Odac you will assume assistant chief role of this station. Are there any questions? " Sureth replied.

Ellie looked at Sureth in surprise, “No questions Sir, but thank you. I’ll work hard that I promise you. I plan to work as long as I can before going onto maternity leave.”

Yova nodded to the Captain and excused himself and wife as Sureth took to the center of the floor.

Doctor Williams was on his way to Ops for a couple of reasons; first to check on something with the Operations Officer and secondly just to satisfy his curiosity since he had never seen the control center of a Star Base before. When he walked in his jaw almost hit the floor; Ops was huge with many Workstations scattered about as well as several areas off the main one with Offices and a large Conference Room.

Once Ramvek was over the initial shock of the sheer size of Ops he looked around and noticed a young female Officer who looked like she was with child. Walking over he introduced himself "Hello, I'm Doctor Ramvek Williams; I'm the Chief Medical Officer...and you are" he commented with a smile.

Ellie offered a warm smile as she looked towards Williams. “Ellie Kees-Odak, it’s nice to meet you doctor. I was planning on dropping by Sickbay when I left here.”

"It very nice to meet you Ellie" he replied "And yes I think a visit to Sick Bay would be in you and your baby's best interests. I look forward to seeing you come in and we can get to know one another since we'll be seeing to your prenatal care for the next several months." Ramvek smiled as he turned to go find the Operations Officer to discuss some power concerns for Sick Bay.

Ellie smiled as she called after Ramvek. “I’ll see you there later Lieutenant”

" I am glad to see everyone at their posts. It is rare of late to be here. Commander Taavis has been wonderful to hold the station together for me. We welcome the USS Amandora to our port and expect a visit from Commodore Song and Admiral Sanderson soon. In the meantime maintain your current exceptionalism and we will fair well." Sureth opened with.

Shauna smiled warmly as she listened to Sureth’s speech, but couldn’t help but note one person was missing. “Excuse me Captain, but have you seen Lieutenant Veran lately? She’s normally here between her Counselling duties, I haven’t seen her at all.”

" My daughter is like a butterfly. Always off to the next petal. Sureth to Counselor Veran, report "

Isabelle heard her father’s voice but given her predicament she was unable to answer his call, no matter how much she wanted to.

Sureth then joined Shauna.
" With Rivers away I want you to assume command of the Bohr. He and security officer Dallas are on a mission of sorts. " Sureth told Shauna.

Shauna nodded. “Understood Sir, how long will Dallas and Rivers be away?”

" No definite time ."

“Understood Sir” Shauna nodded.

Doctor Williams had just finished speaking with the Operations Officer, who was on duty at the time, and had his concerns over some power issues for Sick Bay laid to rest.

" Doctor as an engineer aboard rest assured the medical deck will receive top priority for upgrade." Odac Yova told the the Doctor as he over heard the conversation.

Turning to face the Engineer "Thank you Lieutenant, my Staff and Patients appreciate your efforts" Ramvek stated then paused for a moment "Aren't you Ellie's Husband....I would like to congratulate you on becoming a Father."

" I am nervous on that point. I have ever been one of those before, and twins.." Odac replied.

-Nora's Personal Quarters-

Nora was getting ready for her shift in main engineering. She was some how excited to meet the new COE Lt. Commander O'Neil on the station. The new Chief came on board the station while Nora was gone on a mission. She got showered and dressed. Then went over to the replicator got her self some breakfast and then headed out. She knows that while she is stationed and the Bohr is docked that she is under the commander on the station.



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