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Post #002 "Prenatal Check Up"

Posted on Wed Aug 17th, 2022 @ 9:56pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone & Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak (Veran-Dallas)

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Concurrent

As promised Ellie made her way to Sickbay for her boarding, and prenatal check up. Walking into Sickbay she smiled warmly as she greeted Lieutenant Williams. “Hello again Lieutenant.”

The Doctor looked up from his PADD he was working with "Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak it's nice to see you again. Please have a seat on the Biobed and let's chat" he instructed with a smile.

Ellie nodded and made her way over to the nearest biobed, sitting on it she made herself comfortable. “For reference I’m twelve weeks pregnant, and I’m expecting twins.”

Ramvek pulled up a stool on wheels and sat next to the biobed "Being twelve weeks pregnant you are showing quite a bit but twins would certainly explain that" he stated as he stood "Please lay back and let me check your vitals" as he looked up and motioned for his Head Nurse to join them "This is my Head Nurse Ensign Heidi Stone, she'll be assisting me with the examination."

Ensign Stone walked over "Hi, how are you" she asked with a smile.

Ellie smiled. “I’m good, thank you” she looked at Ramvek. “Is it a concern that I’m showing already?”

"No not at all....there's two babies growing in there and you'll certainly be showing a lot more as the months go by" Ramvek explained reassuringly as he grabbed his scanner from his coat pocket "Let's check your vitals" then he scanned her entire body as he watched the screen over the bed "Well everything looks normal....your blood pressure is good and your body minerals look good as well. Make sure you eat healthy as much as possible and keep real alcohol consumption to a minimum. That will ensure two healthy babies."

Ellie nodded. “I’m not much for alcohol, and I’ve been making sure to eat a healthy diet. From what I’ve been reading twin pregnancies tend to be more complicated, is that true?”

"Sometimes but not usually" he remarked then looking at Heidi "Place the biosensor on Ellie's stomach then we can see how the babies are doing" he ordered. Heidi did as instructed "There you go Doctor" she replied.

Ramvek fiddled with some adjustments on the Biobed console for a few moments "Ah....there we go" as he watched the fetuses for a moment "Everything looks good and they seem to be quite comfortable in there" then looking at Ellie "I wouldn't worry about your pregnancy too much, but if anything unusual happens or if you feel different suddenly then let me know right away....just to be on the safe side."

Ellie nodded. “I will. Can you...” She paused for a moment. “Do you know what sex they are?”

Ramvek thought for a moment "It's a little early to be absolutely sure....but I think it's a boy and a girl" he answered "Give it another four to six weeks and I can tell you for sure. In the meantime I want you to make sure you get plenty of rest as well as a healthy diet."

Ellie smiled and nodded. “Does that mean I’ll need to cut back on my hours, or just take regular rest breaks? I was planning on working for as long as I can.”

"For now you can assume your regular duties; although I would keep any heavy lifting to a minimum" he instructed then went on "As you get into your third trimester, you may find you get tired more easily. If that proves to be the case then come and see me and I can have your hours adjusted for medical reasons."

Ellie nodded. “Understood Doctor” she smiled warmly. “If my husband’s dreams are to be believed I’m carrying the next Bajoran Emissary, so I doubt the prophets would allow any harm to come to me.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I have no clue what to believe!”

Ramvek returned her smile "Beliefs are a funny thing; just believe your pregnancy will go fine and Medical is here to help to make sure it does" he commented wanting to put Ellie at ease "Like I said don't be afraid to contact Sick Bay if you have any questions or concerns....we're here to help."

Ellie nodded. “I will, that’s a promise.” Moving to sit up she straightened her clothes before hopping down off the biobed.

"Excellent" the Doctor replied "Why don't you come back in six weeks and we'll have another look at things and see how your progressing. Before you leave Ensign Stone is going to give you a Hypospray with some extra vitamins to help you and your babies.

Heidi loaded up a Hypospray and walked over to Ellie "This won't hurt a bit" she stated with a smile as she gave her the Hypo "There you're all set and we'll see you back here in six weeks then."

“Thank you both” Ellie smiled warmly. “See you in six weeks.”


Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak
Computer Systems Specialist
Star Base Mercury

Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base Mercury

Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury


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