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Post 003 " And Then This "

Posted on Wed Aug 17th, 2022 @ 11:14pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: McGregor quarters
Timeline: During and after events on the bridge


Arriving at Cal’s Quarters Isabelle stepped inside, she had arranged to meet him for lunch but had been longer than planned due to her romantic time with John. She would have to come clean about her feelings sooner or later, but she wasn’t sure how Cal would take it.

“Sorry I’m later than planned.” She offered an apologetic smile.

" I know things are so rough all over. I was busy as well helping Raven prepare for her meeting with Brol." Cal sinisterly replied.

Isabelle nodded. “I’m sorry if I was rude about Raven, it just came as something of a shock. If she makes Brol happy then I appreciate your efforts.”

Cal seemed distant but open as his jealousy filled Isabella's mind.

" You seem less stressed my Imzadi." Cal reflected.

Isabelle frowned as she sensed the jealousy radiating from Cal. “You’re jealous? Of me and Brol?” She didn’t know he’d seen her with John via his secret monitoring of her.

" I am always jealous of you Isabella. That's why I came across the galaxy for you. But soon our son will be coming home." Cal replied.

Isabelle gave Cal a shocked look. “Cal... he’s gone! I don’t know if he’s ever coming back, as much as I hate to say it, I don’t see how that would ever be possible.”

" Have you ever been to the old Savai city? I have and guess what I found? A communicator that directly calls the Sphere. The sphere is coming here Isabella. Our son is coming home to his Mum." laughed Cal. "And Dear John is going to retrieve our son before his fatal death."

Isabelle reeled from what Cal had said. “What!?” She stepped a few steps back looking behind her for an exit. “What do you mean? What have you done Cal?!”

Cal moved about the room and then tapped his comm badge. "Computer activate transporter lock on Counselor Veran."


" If you try hailing him or moving you will be transported to a very hot place my dear. Now ole stupid , trusting Cal has a rendezvous with a Sellunite ship which will take me off of this rust bucket to meet up with the Corjii ship carrying our son." Cal replied. " Once I have our son I will take him home to be raised by me and my family. And you, well you will have a long time to think how ole Dear John will die."

Isabelle went to speak before Cal’s words rang in her ears. All she could do was stand still trying to figure out what to do before it was too late.

Cal exited and Deputy 1 rounded the corner flowed by Raven the giant tree creature.

Closing her eyes Isabelle mentally reached out to the only people she could. << Father! Brol ... help me!! >>

Raven moved closer <<< I am here >>>

<< Raven? >> Isabelle paused. << Will you help me? Cal is going to kill a member of the crew, and take my son from me! He has to be stopped!! >>

<<< I am for Brol. Do you wish me to get Brol >>>

<< Yes! Please Raven! >>
Raven left but Deputy 1 remained as it watch Isabella like a statue " Do not worry Isabella Raven will not find Brol in time." Cal's voice stated

Isabelle concentrated hard, she knew Cal could pick up on her thoughts she’d taught him how to << Please Cal...I’ll marry you, I’ll give you more children! Just don’t hurt John!! >>

<<< It is too late for your mind games Isabella. I know you love John. He is as good as dead.>>> Cal replied. Cal had manipulated the Brol DNA and in so doing had injected himself with the altered DNA. Now Cal possessed uncontrolled DNA and one aspect was telepathy. But he was not in control and soon found himself evolving into an evil Brolish being.

But the Brol had also been aware and immediately rushed to Isabella. Pausing as the giant Raven found him first.

Isabelle knew Cal all too well, she needed to change her tactics to get him to listen to her. Her voice changed to a more seductive one. << Don’t you want me Cal? No one knows you like I do, you loved me once. Don’t you want me now? >>

<<< I did but now I am becoming... A god. Oh look my shuttle is behind Dallas shuttle... Goodbye John>>> but then Cals voice stopped.

Brol quickly rushed in with Raven beside .
" Isabella... What can I do?"

Unable to speak, Isabelle spoke telepathically. << Stop Cal, save John! >>

Suddenly the body of Cal materialized back as the Sellunites didn't want anything to do with his revenge.

Brol covered him but Cal was unconscious.
" I will beam him to Sickbay" said Brol. " Disabling computer protocols." Brol added.

Security quickly arrived and beamed to SICKBAY with Cal as he clearly was not well.

Isabelle breathed a sigh of relief at finally being out of danger. “Thank you Brol, and you too Raven. I’m sorry I wasn’t very kind to you before Raven, forgive me.” She offered a smile. “My Son! Cal said the Sellunites had my son!”

Then suddenly the sound of a baby crying on the corner of the Research and Development room could be heard. Also transported over was an incubator and inside a baby of a few months in age laid crying. A humanoid boy looked up at Isabella as she approached.

Isabelle gasped, her hand raising to cover her mouth as her eyes welled up with tears. She lowered her hand and proceeded to open the incubator, lifting her son. “They sent him back!” She turned to look at Brol & Raven with tears in her eyes as she cradled him. Her life had seemed empty since a family member of Hope’s had turned up out of the blue, and Lucky had chosen to stay with the little girl he considered his little sister. Now things were as they were meant to be.

" This is your offspring." Brol assured.

Isabelle nodded. “Thank you Brol” she cuddled her son gently. “I should take him to Sickbay.”



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