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Post # 004 The newest arrival

Posted on Wed Aug 17th, 2022 @ 11:14pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D.

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: Sickbay


With her son having returned in such an unexpected fashion Isabelle was understandably concerned for his welfare, he seemed well but she wanted to be sure as she quickly hurried along to Sickbay cradling him. Reaching her hand to her comm badge she tapped it.

“Veran to Sureth, please meet me in Sickbay as soon as possible!”

Walking into Sickbay she hurried across to Ramvek. “Doctor! my son. It’s a long story I’m happy to tell, but right now I need you to check he’s alright!” The worry was written all over her face even though the three month old seemed in perfect health.

The Doctor could see the worry on Isabelle's face as he grabbed a cradle from a nearby cabinet and laid it on a Biobed "Here lay your son in this cradle, it'll make him feel more at ease" Ramvek instructed "What makes you think there's a problem with your son" he queried wanting to find out what sort of issue the Mother felt her Son had.

Isabelle placed her son down. “There may not be an issue, you see...he was taken from me prematurely. He’s been missing for the last three months! I never thought I’d ever see him again.” She took a relaxing breath. “It’s all in my file, they returned me in a bad condition.”

The Doctor listened very closely to Isabelle's explanation attempting to glean as much information about the baby and now her as he could. "First things first, let me check your son over" he replied as he grabbed the the scanner from his coat pocket. Looking down at the baby "How you doing buddy" Ramvek asked in a soothing voice, not expecting an actual answer, and began to scan the baby from head to toe as he watched the monitor over the Biobed. "About the only thing that I see is some of his vitamins are a little low, usually anywhere between three and six months the Mother's protective immunity starts to wane which is only natural" he explained "With your permission I'd like to give him a Hypospray with some of the vitamins which should help his own immune system take over."

Isabelle nodded. “Do whatever you think is best, I’m just glad to have him home.” She held onto her Son’s tiny hand marvelling at the sight of him. “He’s so wonderful, and he has my ears!” She ran her fingers over the tiny points on his ears. I’m going to call him Connor, it was one of my favourite choices.”

Just then the door to Sickbay opened again. Isabelle turned to look at her father.

“Father! They returned him! They returned my Son!” She gazed at Connor.

Sureth raised an eyebrow but could clearly see it was indeed Isabella's baby.

" How is this possible? I thought the Corjii took him?" her Dad asked.

“It was some plan of Cal’s, he was going to leave me to die and take our son away with him!” She frowned. “I have no idea how he convinced the Corji to hand over our son. Now he’s here I’m never letting Connor go!”

Ramvek adjusted the Hypo's concentration for Connor and injected the infant when he heard a whipper from the baby " little one it's all over" he said in a soothing voice then looking up at Sureth "Captain I don't think we've been formally introduced...I'm Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, your Chief Medical Officer. The infant appears to be healthy and no worst for wear."

" Formalities aside Doctor welcome. Please check the child and determine if it is indeed my grandson. " Sureth replied.

Isabelle looked at her father in surprise, the baby was obviously hers how else did he have Vulcanoid features like her? She opened her mouth to object before closing it again.

"Thank you Captain, I'm pleased to be here" Ramvek replied being a little taken back by his request. Grabbing a sterile swab Ramvek swabbed the inside of the infant's mouth then did the same to Isabelle. "If you'll excuse me for a few minutes I'll take these to the Medical Lab and should have an answer for you shortly" he explained with a smile then turned and left.

Isabelle felt like a cat on hot bricks as she stood waiting for Ramvek to return, every fibre of her being was saying this was her son. She’d be devastated if that wasn’t so.

After several minutes Doctor Williams returned with the DNA results. Looking at the Captain and Isabelle, Ramvek gave them the news " After going over the results, Isabelle is Connor's natural Mother" he stated as he inwardly breathed a sigh of relief.

Isabelle let out a relieved sigh before having to take a seat, with everything that had happened with Cal she was feeling pretty overwhelmed.

The Doctor could tell Isabelle was very relived to hear the news "I can tell the news is a big relief for you but since your here maybe I should have a look at you too; that is if you have the time" Ramvek suggested.

“I...” Isabelle nodded. “Sure, I’ve had a stressful day so I could do with the break for a few minutes.” She moved to sit on the biobed opposite her son.

" lie down and let me have a look at you" Ramvek replied as he helped her to lie back. Using his scanner once again he went over Isabelle from head to toe watching the monitor the entire time. After several minutes the Doctor looked at Isabelle with a surprised look on his face "Not to add to an already stressful day" then he paused "But it appears there are signs of conception a day or so ago" he commented waiting for a reaction from her.

Isabelle propped herself up on her elbows, “There’s signs of what!?’re saying that I’m pregnant!?”

"All signs would indicate that, yes. I can do a blood test just to be certain if you wish" the Doctor stated pretty confident he was correct.

Isabelle shook her head as she lay back down. “No, it’s fine. I trust your judgement Doctor. It’s just come as something of a surprise that’s all.” The smile on her face said it all. “I take it the internal scarring from my injuries from when they took Connor from me won’t affect this pregnancy?”

Ramvek thought for a moment before answering "It shouldn't but we'll keep a close eye on you throughout your pregnancy. If I think there'll be any problem at the time of delivery then we can remove the baby surgically and maybe get rid of any scar tissue while we're at it" he explained "I wouldn't want to do anything with the scar tissue now while your pregnant anyway."

“Of course” Isabelle nodded. “My last pregnancy went well, besides the outcome. I hope this one goes along just as easily.” She looked at her father. “It’s John’s...Err Warrant Officer Dallas. We’ve been seeing each other, is he gone!? Has his ship left yet??”

" That is classified Isabella. You are pregnant and Dallas is the father? In my day you were married before that happened. " Sureth then turned to the Doctor.

" Cal is a good doctor. Please help him Doctor." Sureth then added.

"Of course, I'll do whatever I can Captain" Ramvek reassured Sureth "And yes Cal is a very good Doctor....he's helped out in Sick Bay once already and we have an understanding that he'll leave R&D to help out when needed."

" Isabella what happened?" Sureth then asked.

“Your son-in-law to be tried to kill me, and Lieutenant Dallas, that’s what happened!” Isabelle sighed.



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