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Post 005 Let’s talk about this

Posted on Thu Aug 18th, 2022 @ 2:19pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Commodore Sureth

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: Counsellor’s Office

Following her father out of Sickbay Isabelle soon caught him up.

“Father...wait!” She moved quickly to his side. “We need to talk. Will you come to my office, please?”

Sureth followed her as he could sense the urgency in her voice.
" What happened with you and Cal?" Sureth asked.

Taking a seat on the sofa in her office as they entered Isabelle looked at her father. “Originally...when he found out I was pregnant with our son, he told me he wasn’t ready to be a father and left me!” She paused. “When he showed up again we were still engaged, so I decided to give Cal the benefit of the doubt. Problem was he was jealous of Brol, so he created Raven to distract Brol from me. Then he somehow found out that I...slept with John, and set out hell bent on killing him!!”

Isabelle paused to take a moment. “He left me stranded in the R&D lab, with a beam out command set to beam me “somewhere very hot!” As he put it, if I spoke or moved. He said he was going to take our son and raise him alone, if it wasn’t for Brol and Raven I’d most likely be dead, and your grandson would be gone!”

" I only just now learned of this...Raven. I will post a guard in sickbay. Are you alright?"

Isabelle nodded. “I am now. I have my son back, I never thought I’d ever see him again!” She smiled. “I am sorry if I’ve embarrassed you, I know how important family is to Vulcans. If it’s worth anything John said he wanted to marry me when he returned. I just wish he knew he was going to be a father.”

" Did you and Cal have relations when he returned?" Sureth asked.

Isabelle shook her head. “No, we spent more time disagreeing about my relationship with Brol. Hence Cal’s experiments. I think he was trying to find a way to get rid of Brol, but Raven has proved herself worthy of trust. She didn’t have to help me. Ive been in love with John for a while, we were dating before he was sent away on the last mission with the Bohr.”

" That aside duty first Isabella. Once Cal is stabilized I will have him sent back to Earth "

Isabelle nodded. “To stand trial for his actions I hope?”

" All of the evidence will be gathered and presented. I will assign another officer to attend to Cal. You will not be able to assist him as counselor given this information. Do you need to take some time off?”

Isabelle shook her head. “No, thank you father I’d rather work. I will need some time to get used to the routine with my son, I’ve missed out on so much these last three months, we both have.” She smiled. “Come for dinner with us tonight?”

" I will try. I have to monitor a situation nearby the worm hole."

Isabelle nodded. “Of course Father. Tell me one thing? Will you approve of my marrying John when he returns? I know it could be a year away, but I love him with all my heart and soul.”

" Warrant Officer Dallas is an honorable man. If it is his desire to ask who am I to say no? I will endeavor to make dinner. " Sureth replied offering a hug.

Isabelle hugged her father back with tears in her eyes, “Thank you so much father!” Letting go she wiped her eyes. “I would very much like to learn more about my Vulcan heritage, and customs. I want to be a daughter you can be proud of.”

" It pleases me to hear that Isabella. But be you first off. We are all more than the sum of our parts." Sureth replied.

“I will father, that I promise” Isabelle nodded. “I was thinking I’d give my son the middle name Soral. Speaking of which, I should get back to Sickbay to be with him.”

" He is fine. Hiri went in to feed him."

Isabelle nodded. “I know, but after what happened I’m more than nervous about leaving Connor. I know he’s safe with Hiri and the crew, but I won’t feel safe until Cal is long gone from here.”

Sureth nodded and then exited.



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