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Post # 26

Posted on Thu Nov 24th, 2022 @ 9:41pm by Captain Deke Rivers & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Brigadier General Monroe Thirman
Edited on on Sun Jan 15th, 2023 @ 8:52pm

Mission: Pirates
Location: USS Nova 2
Timeline: Concurrent Pirates post 25


Captains Quarters

In the wee hours of the morning as the Nova 2 rushed back to Starbase Mercury Captain Deke Rivers was awakened by a call from the station.

[ Captain you are receiving a priority call from General Thirman on Starbase Mercury.] the night yeoman said as he awakened Deke.

" I will take it down here. Thank you Yeoman." Deke replied. Clearing his eyes and faking a smile Deke tapped the screen.

" General can I help you?"

" I understand the Nova 2 has completed shake down? When do you expect to reach the station?" Thirman asked.

" Two days present speed." Deke replied.

The General gave his report and soon Deke had a new assignment he had never considered before.


In her quarters Shauna had received a call from Deke, considering the lateness of the hour she put on her off duty clothing and headed for Deke’s Quarters. It didn’t take her long as she pressed the chime, waiting for an answer before entering.

“You called Sir?” Shauna stifled a yawn as she walked over to where Deke was sitting.

" Commander're a girl." Deke choked the words out as he admired Shauna's figure. " We have to rush back to the station. Something has happened."

Shauna couldn’t help but grin at the girl comment, before giving Deke a more serious look. “Oh? Do we know what this something is?”

" Captain Sureth and Commander Taavis are facing a discharge offence. I have been named interim Commandant of the station. The base is now on Red Alert."

“What? Captain Sureth would have nothing to do with any kind of offence, he’s a Vulcan for crying out loud!” Shauna shook her head.

" Save that thought he may need you as a character witness at his court martial." Deke replied.

“Court martial? How has it progressed this far in such a short space of time? It’s ridiculous.”

" Legalities and bureaucracy are strange bed fellows. When we dock meet me at OPS and we will conduct a briefing of what happened." Deke replied.

Shauna nodded. “Yes, Sir”



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