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Post # 9 " Round Up "

Posted on Sun Nov 27th, 2022 @ 2:40pm by Lieutenant Bob Covenant & Lieutenant Odac Yova & Captain Deke Rivers & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Shamarra Poole & Kitten Dawson

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: Starbase Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


Captain Deke Rivers and Lt Commander Shauna Callahan beamed directly to OPS once the Niva 2 docked. Passing Lt Odac Yova as they entered.

" Attention on Deck" yelled Yova.

" As you were . At 0400 hours yesterday I assumed command of this base, temporary. Sureth will be back. All staff not on duty are to donate two off duty hours to help with repairs and inventory accounting until we discover who, how, and what. That is all. Also a staff meeting in 30 minutes." Deke said as he headed to the main conference room. He would not enter Sureth’s private ready room as this was only going to be a short lateral assignment.

Kitten had received word to go to the bridge, and had taken her sometime to find it. Hearing someone yell about assuming command and a staff meeting in 30 minutes looked at the person who had yelled as she had no idea who that was. "I'm a restaurant owner, I'm a civilian am I supposed to be there?"

Shamarra gave the young woman an understanding look as she looked to the person who had yelled "I'm the science chief and I do have a list of what has been taken but I have no idea who I'm supposed to turn my report in to."

“That would be me Lieutenant” Shauna offered a warm smile. “As Second Officer of the station, it’s up to me to assume the temporary position of First Officer. You can leave your report with me.” She looked towards Kitten. “I don’t believe we’ve met I’m Commander Shauna Callaghan, I couldn’t help but overhear, if you were requested then the Captain must have a reason for asking you. No doubt we’ll find out soon enough.”

"Thank you lieutenant, I did bring my list of stolen items," Shamarra responded

Doctor Willams walked into the Conference Room in Ops; a place he was getting rather familiar with of late. Seeing Shauna, Ramvek gave a warm greeting "Commander Callaghan, so nice to see you again" then turning towards Shamarra "Lieutenant, I haven't forgotten our tour. When I get time I'd be happy to fulfill my promise" he commented. As he was about to take a seat he noticed a young women he had not seen before so walking up to her "Hello, I'm Doctor Williams the CMO for the base.....and who might you be" he queried with a smile.

"I'm Kitten Dawson, I'm not a member of the crew, I'm not sure why I'm included in a staff meeting as my report was turned into someone already. But pleased to meet you doctor,"

" You are here as you are part of this station Ms Dawson. Sureth is very picky and he must have felt your business was very important. Your restaurant has been sealed by the court but a temporary establishment has been opened up for you. Lt Odac Yova just informed me the power is on and you can reopen when ever you are ready. Now to business, I want this station working at full potential. Security and the works. Now let me know where we stand by department." Deke Rivers stated.

"I thank you for that," Kitten said "But it's not that easy. None of my food was replicated, I have to get fresh food and that means the meat I have too. It will take me a few days to get back into operation."

Doctor Williams sat listening to the conversation and was quite impressed with Captain River's' no nonsense attitude; although it was well warranted giving the current climate of the Base. After a few more seconds Ramvek figured he may as well jump right in "Captain Rivers, as CMO I have already initiated some more stringent Security protocols utilizing the aid of the EMH for the Medical Departments. This approach should negate any further pilferage of medical supplies while not interfering with Patient access to medical care" he explained hoping he had not overstepped his authority.

" Doctor you missed a calling in security. Thank you sir. I agree with the JAG that there must have been an inside component. Someone helped our pirates do this. From this point on we are on high alert. The civilian components are not allowed in any secure sections. Do you all understand?"" Deke added.

"I have a list from science that was taken and it’s a long one. Like Miss Dawson I had some things that cannot be replaced including some animals I had as pets in there and they're gone. Who ever did this knew exactly what we all had and what they wanted," Shamarra said giving Kitten an understanding look.

“I’m guessing this raid was planned well in advance, to know where everything was and to time it to perfection takes some doing.” Shauna looked at Deke. “As much as I hate to say it, there has to be someone working with these pirates.”

" They are among us folks. Keep your eyes and ears open." Deke warned.

Lt Covenant arrived and motioned for Kitten.
" Ma'am if you will follow me to the habitat ring your new shop is open and folks are lined up to be served.,"

Kitten gave him an odd look. "How can that be? None of my food is replicated. It's all fresh. Whoever destroyed my restaurant ruined all of my meats, hamburg and hotdog buns, everything was ruined and I've not had the chance to replace it yet. It's going to take several days to replace everything. Unless you've found me fresh meats, and everything else fresh. Food tastes better cooked fresh."

Deke stood up and replied " Lieutenant escort Kitten to the new shop. The next part of this meeting is classified. Ms Dawson you may close the shop if replication is not acceptable. My teams have worked hard to help you reopen but the rest is up to you. No shipments will be allowed to this station for the foreseeable future."

Just before Kitten left Shamarra handed her a note telling her she had several hot plates that Kitten was welcome to if they'd be of help.

Reading the note Kitten smiled a thank you and jotted down q quick message that she did have frozen meats in storage and could reopen in a day or two, as soon as the meat was thawed. She then followed the lieutenant from the conference room.

Shamarra quickly read the note from Kitten and made a mental note to stop by and see her after shift.



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