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Post # 12 "Walk About"

Posted on Sun Dec 4th, 2022 @ 5:34pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Shamarra Poole

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current


{Deck 43 - Quarters}

Now that Ramvek had the time he had contacted Lieutenant Poole to take her on a tour, or a walk about if you will, of the Promenade Decks to try and get her more comfortable with the Base; something that he had done on his own those many months ago. After being on a Star Ship the mere size of the Base overwhelmed most people until they became acclimated to their new surroundings; which hopefully this would help her do.

Wanting to keep things on more of a professional note the Doctor decided to remain in his uniform Whites as he left his home for Sick Bay. Tapping his Comm "Lieutenant Poole, this is Williams, please meet me in Sick Bay and we'll leave from there" he commented.

Shamarra tapped her com-badge "On my way doctor, and thank you." After a few minutes Shamarra walked into sick bay, she too was still in uniform.

Ramvek smiled "Ah, Lieutenant Poole nice to see you again. We'll take the Lift outside Sick Bay" he stated as he gestured for her to go first. As they left Sick Bay the Doctor noticed a sideways glance from Ensign Stone but thought little of it at the time.


After they entered the Lift "Computer Deck 198" came the order then he looked over at Shamarra "This Lift will take you from the Science Labs directly to the Promenade Decks" he explained as the Lift stopped and they exited.

{Deck 198 - Promenade}

"So which way would you like to go first" he queried as they stepped onto the Deck.

"Anywhere, I've not explored much of the base, are there any shops that sell decorations? My quarters could use some and after hearing about Miss Dawson and what she's lost I'd like to pick up something for her.," Shamarra said.

"Sure, right this way I know the perfect place" Ramvek replied with a smile as the two went off to the right. On their way he showed Shamarra some of the different Shoppes and Eateries as they walked along. Then they came upon Migels, a store with things for one's Home or Quarters. "Here we are, I think you'll find this place rather interesting" as they both made their way inside.

Walking in Shamarra was taken in by all the items for sale. Browsing the shop she spotted a couple of cat figurines and sculptures, after purchasing them she handed the owner a note where to delver them to and to sign the card from a friend, "Miss Dawson's story during the early meeting broke my heart. I hope this will help." After several more minutes Shamarra made some purchases for her quarters as well.

The Doctor had been watching Shamarra and what she had done "That was very nice of you to purchase those items for Ms. Dawson; she's had a tough go of it lately" he commented being rather impressed with her amount of caring for someone she had just met recently.

After Shamarra had finished her purchases they exited the Shoppe then they headed towards the Secondary Sick Bay. "There is someone; or rather something I would like you to meet" Ramvek commented and shortly they walked in as the doors slid open and the lights came on. "Hello, I'm Dr. Gram the Emergency Medical Hologram...please state the nature of your emergency" came the usual greeting.

"Dr. Gram this is Lieutenant Shamarra Poole our new Chief Science Officer" Ramvek stated "She arrived a short time ago at the Base."

"Lieutenant Poole, I was informed of your arrival. Welcome to Star Base Mercury" Dr. Gram replied "If you ever find yourself in need of my services please don't hesitate to stop in."

"I'll do that," Shamarra said as she looked at the two doctors. "But please call me Shamarra."

Ramvek smiled "The reason I showed you Secondary Sick Bay is so in case of a medical emergency in the Science Department, anyone can come here since it's closer than the main Sick Bay Shamarra and Dr. Gram is very competent" he explained "And please call me Ramvek.

"I thank you as this is very helpful, Ramvek and to you as well Dr. Gram. hopefully no one will need to report here but I am glad to know it's close to the science department," Shamarra said "Do you think I'll ever find out where everything is on the base? But you've been a big help and I can now find even more things."

Ramvek chuckled "I've been on the Base for several months now and I don't know where everything is. It'll take time but sooner or later you'll know where enough things are have a good experience while here on the Base" he commented "Dr. Gram it was nice to see you again" as he gave her a nod, then looking at Shamarra "Ready to see some more?" as the two exited Secondary Sick Bay"

"Lead on," Shamarra said "Where are the holo decks located? If there is such a thing on a base? Is the Promenade the only place that has shops and restaurants? I head some talk about something called shadow way?"

"The Holo Decks are located on Decks 31 and 180; however there are more Holo Decks on both Promenade Decks" Ramvek explained as they walked along until they came to a Lift "Here lets go down one more deck to 199." they quickly were whooshed away.

{Deck 199 - Promenade}

As they were walking around the deck Ramvek explained "There are some Shoppes on this deck but mostly Bars, Pubs, Eateries, and Clubs.....and yes I think there's an area called the 'Shadow Way'; although I've never been there myself."

"I think I like this deck, it's been a long time since I've been to a good club, a good eatery or shops," Shamarra said as they walked along "The reason I asked about the Shadow Way is that's where I heard Miss Dawson's original restaurant was located and I just was curious about it. Since she's on the Promenade now until the investigation is over there is no reason to go there."

"That would seem logical given Ms. Dawson's eatery is located some place else" he replied with a grin "Anyway I need to check in on a couple of Patients. Would you like to walk back to Sick Bay with me or do some more exploring on your own; your choice."

Shamarra thought a few minutes "I think I'd like to explore on my own. I can find a whole lot more now thanks to you. I cannot thank you enough for taking time out of your busy schedule to show me around."

"It was my pleasure Shamarra; I remember what it was like when I first arrived on the Base and couldn't see you going through the same thing" Ramvek commented with a smile "Have a pleasant afternoon" as he turned to go back to Sick Bay before calling it a day.


Lieutenant Shamarra Poole
Chief Science Officer
Star Base Mercury

Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury



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