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#13 Just an update

Posted on Tue Dec 6th, 2022 @ 5:49pm by Lieutenant Commander Billi & Captain Deke Rivers

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: CO's office
Timeline: current


After compiling her report on the interview with Kitten Dawson, Billi took up the PADD she had transferred it to, carrying it in her left hand. Currently, she still wore her phase pistol on her thigh in the tactical holster buckled down at the thigh, set to stun. Walking casually through the base she had placed her personal palm PADD in her left thigh pocket as she stepped into a lift and ascended to OPS. Stepping out she stopped long enough for her eyes to scan the command deck briefly before walking over and hitting the chime on the Captain's office. Waiting patiently Billi began to consider her options for helping to locate the missing beings, and flotsam, that the raiders had made off with.

Deke settled in to Sureth's office but only reluctantly. Hearing the chime Deke jumped up and pretended to be gazing at the stars.

" Enter."

Hearing the directive Billi entered the office, stopping at the appropriate spot for speaking to the base CO. "Greetings Captain Rivers. As we haven't met yet I am Lieutenant Billi, Flight Control Chief with a tertiary in Intelligence. Thought I would stop by and relay what I have so far, Sir."

" Intel? Spill the beans" Deke poked.

"Aye, Sir." Responded Billi, grinning at his beans remark. She recovered quickly to continue. "Commander Taavis, before her untimely departure, tasked me with looking into the bombing of Kitten Dawson's place of business. I went and did full scans of the area and interviewed the young woman. Why her place was bombed and no one else, still remains a mystery."

" Seems coincidental at best. Kitten mentioned all of her foods were shipped here and that akl if her foods were fresh. That means somewhere nearby does fresh slaughtering. I think there is more going on there . Keep her on your radar Lieutenant." Deke replied.

Billi gave a nod of understanding. "I will, Sir. Already had it in mind. I, too, feel there is more to this than happenstance. As an Orion, we're naturally suspicious. I sent a copy of my report to Security, as well. Do you have any further orders, Sir?"

" I had to call in the Marines to run security in Taavis absence. You seem more than capable of doing your job Lieutenant. Stay on it and report only to me." Deke replied.

"Voids need to be filled, Sir. I understand." Billi still had her reservations that Taavis had anything to do with the attacks, but her logical side told her that anything was possible. That went for Sureth, as well. "When I discover anything you will be the first to know. Thank you for your time, Sir. Good day." Turning away properly Billi walked from the office. Crossing OPS she stepped into the lift and descended to the base proper. It was time for an FC meeting.



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