#14 Arrival
Posted on Tue Dec 6th, 2022 @ 5:08pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Commander Kehlani
Location: Klingon BoP
Timeline: current
Kehlani entered her quarters and found Taavis in meditation. Choosing to not disturb the rather emotional Vulcan she went to her small bar/storage locker. Taking up a bottle of bloodwine she popped the cork off since it had been opened previously, taking a swig from the bottle as she turned and looked around her cramped CO's quarters. During the voyage to Qo'noS she had given Taavis a pile of sleeping furs for a makeshift bedroll and covers. Not that covers were needed since Klingon ships tended to be warmer than other species. And, being Vulcan, Kay knew that a warmer climate would not affect her guest.
Taavis had felt the intrusion into the immediate area, her conscious mind slowly rising through the haze of pure whiteness her mind had been in. As it rose she began to smell, hear, and feel what was around her. The footfalls and clanking of objects determined that Kehlani was back in her quarters. Successful in her awakening Taavis opened her eyes and stood up from her lotus position. "Hello, Kay. Are we arriving?"
"Soon enough, yes," answered Kehlani. "I have my reservations about what we are doing, and how. If this in any way hinders my good name with Starfleet, and you are involved, there will be nowhere you can hide. By Kahless, I will find you."
Taavis gave a respectful bow from the neck. "I assure you, Kehlani, I am not to blame for this. You know as well as I that Mercury has been boarded and invaded numerous times, even before we arrived. Now, suddenly, they look for scapegoats. Curious."
Kehlani's brows furrowed. "Do you suspect traitors in the ranks?" That garnered her attention. Anything that could affect the Federation so deeply may bleed over into the Empire. Another civil war was the last thing the Empire needed after all the years of battling the Dominion and the Cardassians.
"It is a possibility I do not dismiss." Taavis maintained her Vulcan calm and discipline. It had been a while since she felt so grounded in her logic and the teachings of Surak. Taavis is a follower of Jarok, who attempted to reconcile Surak's logic with the undeniable truth of emotional existence; followers of Jarok seek to embrace, understand, and thus tame their emotions rather than fighting to repress them. Taavis also embraced her Romulan heritage, having infiltrated a Romulan crew in the Merchant Services and assumed a fake persona for several long months, learning what it meant to be a Romulan. She speaks both her native tongues fluently, all dialects.
Kehlani stepped closer to her friend, holding the bottle out to offer a drink, which was waved aside. "You have chosen to embark on a quest of discovery, perhaps while seeking to test your own mettle and determine your worthiness. To take this quest to one of the Galaxy's most formidable, and perhaps misunderstood, civilizations is both courageous and honorable."
Taking another swig, Kehlani continued. "Not long ago, offworlders venturing into our Empire--let alone setting foot on our homeworld--would have been met with the full force of our military. The very idea that Klingons might do anything but subjugate or simply annihilate such interlopers would be absurd. However, my prolonged exposure the the humans of Earth and others who live under the banner of the Federation has served to modify many of the views I once held as immovable. That is why we will go before the High Council and Chancellor M'vek. We need their support if we are to ask any House to aid us in this quest."
"I understand," Taavis responded. "Will House Grilka be there?"
"Of course," stated Kehlani. "She is, after all, the first female to hold her own House, and the first to represent said House in the High Council. Our Matriarch is quite formidable as both a warrior and a diplomat."
Taavis gave a slight grin, not able to refrain when hearing the loyalty that came from Kehlani in regards to a woman she held in high esteem. "As with all Klingons, nothing ever surprises me about you and your people."
The speaker sounded. "HoD, we approach the home system."
Recognizing the warrior's voice, Kehlani responded. "majQa'(very good). Secure from warp, Ch'tang, and make our way to the homeworld at half impulse. Out." The channel cut and she looked at Taavis. "Care to join me on the Bridge, Commander?"
"I would, indeed. Lead on, HoD."
Kehlani set her wine bottle on the cabinet and pulled forth another unopened one. Cradling it in her left arm the two left her quarters and made their way to the Bridge, where the bottle of bloodwine was handed off to Behlara. "Open it and pass it around. We are home and that is always cause for a drink." The 'yays' went around the compartment as they were followed by chuckles of contentment. It had been many months since they had put their boots on the soil of home.
Kehlani went forward, around her chair, to stand in the open space between it and the forward viewport. Passing by the outer planets the IKS Talon could finally see the emerald green of the homeworld, and the shattered remains of Praxus. "Qo'noS!" Kehlani announced. "The beating heart of the Empire." With Taavis standing to her left she would slightly angle her head that way while continuing to speak. "As a visitor among us, you are invited to explore and discover what it means to be Klingon. Contrary to popular belief we are not simply a race of warriors. While the truth is that we have always valued military strength overall and a primary focus for our people, no civilization can exist without scientists, doctors, engineers, and even artists. As we can forge weapons of war, so too can we shape the hearts and minds of our youth through science and technology, as well as literature and philosophy. Hem tlhIngan Segh 'ej maHemtaH 'e' wIHech (Klingons are a proud race, and we intend to go on being proud). Those words spoken by Azetbur, Chancellor of the High Council, at Khitomer, in 2293."
The crew around her had cheered as she finished the quote.
Taavis put effort and heart into her next response. "Qapla'!"
Everyone around her gave guttural, warrior chuckles, liking that a Vulcan would utter such words. Kehlani glanced back and around. "My crew likes you. A good sign for the meeting to come. Warriors, another bottle! We are home and it is time to invade the pubs!"
A raucous cheer and laughter went up as another bottle mysteriously appeared, yet no one had left to go get one. Kay locked that away in her mind for the next inspection for readiness. "Helm, land this bird so we can drink properly to the glory of the Empire!"
With orders obeyed the IKS Talon headed for Qo'noS and the First City.