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Post 15 House Arrest

Posted on Wed Dec 7th, 2022 @ 7:44pm by Commodore Sureth

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: Starbase Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent



Making use of his time Sureth studied up on some of the Savai cultural books he had borrowed. Fascinated by the humanoid propencity to survive the captivity under the Corjii.

As Sureth was about to turn the page his door chime rang out. " Enter." he replied. Looking up he was surprised to see Kodos, the Savai Legitimate leader.

" Friend Sureth we have some major problems. Fesra and the Furs are angered over the kidnapping of a child. We believe the child was playing among one of our cargo holds which was thieved by pirates." said Kodos. " Her people believe we are reaponsible."

Sureth slowly paced. " She will be difficult to deal with. However I are incapable if helping. I am relieved of duty." Sureth replied.

" We both trust you Sureth." Kodos said.

" It is beneficial to maintain that trust. I surmise that it was someone who knew our routines. Possibly a current or former oifficer or vendor." Sureth rellied.



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