#16 Safety Patrol
Posted on Wed Dec 7th, 2022 @ 8:57pm by Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Griffon Resch
Location: various
Timeline: current
As per orders from Lieutenant Billi, Ensign Griffon Heinrich Resch was out doing a patrol in one of the Delta Flyers provided to Mercury as a part of their fleet of small craft. They were damn nice shuttles, and also doubled as fighters in a pinch. So, to have these and a squadron of runabouts really made a difference as both classes of ship could carry a handful of people when necessary, and that was not even counting all the warp shuttles and workbees.
Casually angling thirty degrees to port Resch set his auto pilot, his sensors set to short range, high intensity, the better to pick up anomalies around Mercury. Currently, his course was taking him out along the outer markers, where visiting ships had to halt and await clarification to approach the base. However, with the recent political shake-up he had transferred into on Mercury, with both the CO and XO being removed from their seats, there was no traffic cleared to approach. But, maintenance was a daily necessity and he was one to do his duty. The speaker sounded off.
"Billi to Delta Two."
He tapped the comm key instead of his badge. "Ensign Resch here, Miss Billi. What can I do ya for?"
"For about 500 strips of gold-pressed latinum," Billi retorted, grinning at the other end of the transmission while she was in OPS.
Resch crinkled his face at that, not what his query had intended to convey. "I...uhhh...that wasn't my meaning, Ma'am."
Billi gave a light chuckle. "I know, Ensign. I'm Orion, it's a thing. Anyway, how goes the patrol? You are the furthest out so I am keeping tabs on my wandering sheep."
"Well, the shepherd can rest easy," said Resch. "Nothing but marker bouys out this way. All functioning correctly and not giving off sensor alarms." His eyes kept looking out the window, occasionally glancing at his sensor monitor. "We might want to think about raking the lawn, Sir. There is a good amount of starship debris out this way. Leftovers from the fighting. It does muck with accurate readings."
Alpha shift was coming to an end so Billi waved in another FC officer to take over her station, still talking to Resch as she stepped away. "Mark it all as best you can, Mister Resch. We have Starfleet transports that can go out and begin to clear the lanes once we know where to look."
"Aye, Sir," responded Resch. "Anything else, Lieutenant?"
"Yes, Mister resch." Said Billi, grinning to herself again as she got into the lift alone. "Meet me at The Emerald as soon as you can. Time for the Boss to subordinate chat."
The sarcasm was on purpos on his end. "Ohhh, can't wait. Just what I've always wanted. A good looking gal interested in me for more than my body."
Billi gave a giggle as she stepped out of the lift onto the Promenade. "Alright, Cassanova, get to the green gem when you can. Billi, out." She tapped her badge and cut the call, shaking her head at his audacity with a smile. Some people were just confident every minute of every day. Proceeding along the Promenade, stopping briefly to say hi to fellow business owners as she went. The Orion was beginning to relax again while on duty, despite still wearing a sidearm.