Post # 17 Three Blips
Posted on Fri Dec 9th, 2022 @ 9:55pm by Lieutenant Bob Covenant & Captain Deke Rivers & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander Nora Ejo & Lieutenant Shamarra Poole & Lieutenant Yama Ito Dr
Location: USS Nova 2
Timeline: Concurrent
Investigating the perimeters of this system looking for the pirates.
The assigned crew awaited arrival of Acting Captain Callaghan and Lt Poole. Lt Bob Covenant manned tactical and acted as chief of the watch until their arrival.
Shamarra boarded the Nova2 and checked the science sensors. She knew they were concerned about the three blips that had been detected on long range sensors.
" Hello Lt Poole. A nominal crew has been recalled. Awaiting Commander Callaghans arrival and permission to break orbit." Lt Covenant reported Being a career officer he accepted orders
"Bring engines online and stand by for the commander, once she's aboard break orbit and head for those three blips," Shamarra ordered taking the XO seat
Stepping onto the bridge moments later Shauna walked across to the center chair, it felt decidedly odd going out without Deke in the center chair. “Are we ready to go Lieutenant?” She looked at Shamarra.
"We're ready commander," Shamarra responded "All moorings retracted awaiting your order."
Nora beamed on board. She dematerialised on the platform. „Hello Chief“ she said. „Welcome back on Board Commander“ he greeted her. Then she went out the door and made her way to Main Engineering.
Bob loved it when the ladies were in charge. The estrogens made his testosterone boil.
Scanning the general perimeters there were no vessels in the general vicinity.
Looking across to Bob Covenant, Shauna offered a curious gaze. “Are we picking up anything Lieutenant?”
" Two of the three blips are still in long sensor range. The third has just vanished. Could be cloaked or behind one of the moons or planets in the Triome system. Do you want me to plot a course to the furthest or nearest blip?" Bob replied.
“Take us to the nearest one” Shauna stood considering the options. “I don’t want them coming up behind us if we go for the furthest blip. We’ll see what the closest one is first.”
" Aye Cap...I mean Commander. The dock master gave us the green light. Clearing all moorings and umbilical systems. Awaiting your word Ma'am." Bob replied.
Shauna nodded. “Consider it given Lieutenant, let’s go see just what’s awaiting us out there.” She looked towards Poole. “What are your thoughts on these blips Lieutenant?”
"I ran scans just before you arrived, my thinking is they're just scout ships. too small to be the freighters that boarded the base." Shamarra commented "The pirates have been gone far too long for these blips to be them."
" Captain we are being hailed by...the blip." Bob reported.
Shauna gave Shamarra a curious look before turning to Covenant. “Let’s hear it Mr Covenant.”
"I advise caution, the Ferengai are known to be sneaky," Shamarra said
[ Federation vessel this is the Ferengi vessel Currency. We are having engine problems and wounded . Can you assist us?]
Shauna wasn’t surprised to find Ferengi in the vicinity, who knew what opportunities they’d been making for themselves. “Open a channel.”
Bob replied " Channel open"
“Ferengi vessel this is Commander Callaghan, we stand ready to assist you but I would like to know what you are doing out here?”
" We are always expanding the Ferengi territory. Unfortunately our reputation has been distorted." the voice replied.
"Expanding how?" Shamarra asked
“I second that question Daimon.” Shauna waited for a response.
[ I am here to open trade negotiations with the Savai. Kodos of the Legitimate accepted my contract. I guess we are partners with the Federation now.] Daimon Shep smiled.
Shauna gave Shamarra a look. “We will of course confirm that with Kodos, but in the meantime we will assist you. Tell me Daimon were the other two ships we picked up Ferengi as well?”
[ No the other one is a mercenary pirate I know here. He is very dangerous and ruthless Commander.] Shep replied.
“A pirate?” Shauna gave Shamarra a more hopeful look, they finally had a lead. “Daimon Prepare your wounded for transport to our sickbay, I’ll also have our engineering personnel assist you with your engine problems. After that we’ll escort you back to the station.”
[ Thank you Commander. I will be sure to pay you handsomely for this assistance.] replied Shep.
Shamarra signaled communications to be muted for a few minutes "Commander are you sure you want to do this? The Ferengi are known to be cunning and they get onto this ship or the base we could be in trouble. Especially when the acting captain said no ships were going to be permitted to dock as long as the investigation is ongoing."
Lt Covenant then followed the other blip.
" Commander the other blip just went behind the Savai moon. It is using the northern pole to hide its signature. But the Nova 2's sensors are state of the art."
“Thank you Lieutenant keep an eye on it please” Shauna looked to Shamarra. “Lets have security on standby in Sickbay, we’ll beam the wounded directly into isolation just incase. As for docking I didn’t say they’d get on the station, just that we’d escort them back to it. At least there we can keep an eye on Daimon Shep and his ship.”
On a hunch "Tactical scan the Ferangi ship to confirm they are indeed having engine issues," Shamarra said, looking over to Shauna "Call it a hunch or a precaution."
" Scanning...their warp drive is offline. They appear to have exchanged some weapons fire and lost." Bob replied.
Shauna nodded. “Lieutenant..” She looked at Shamarra, “Go with our engineering people, take whatever precautions you deem fit and keep your eyes open.”
Shamarra stood and signaled two security officers to go with her. "Let's go meet our guests, keep phasers on stun, I don't trust them." They headed for sick bay Shamarra had stopped long enough to grab a phaser "Keep phasers on stun, I don't trust them", tapping her com-badge "Commander we're in position in sick bay, beam the injured diectly here.
Bob couldn't help but smile at the order to board. Ferengi loved females.