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#18 Defensive Posture

Posted on Sat Dec 10th, 2022 @ 1:26pm by Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Griffon Resch

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: various
Timeline: current


Billi and Ensign Resch were in The Emerald, sitting casually as she went over what she would expect of him as her Chief Support Craft pilot. The chat went back and forth and she found him to be quite knowledgeable. Also, they spoke about Intelligence, since both were assigned as their Secondary posting. The consensus was that there was no chief in place, which meant that the XO of the facility was the acting DH. Any, and all, reports would be sent directly to the XO as per Starfleet protocols.

"OPS to Lieutenant Billi. Ensign Ocean, here."

Billi tapped her badge, seeing that Resch had sat up straighter in his bench seat, listening. "Billi, here. Go ahead, Samson."

Samson was in her FC department, manning the Beta shift. "We've received a report from the Nova 2, Sir. They have spotted three blips and went to check them out, with one identified as a Ferengi vessel asking for assistance. Orders, Sir?"

Her eyes got serious quick as Billi's brain went into duty mode. "Get the flight crews to the runabouts, two per craft. Have all the tactical variants been completed?"

It took a few moments but Ocean came back to her after checking several monitors. "Aye, Sir. Tactical variants completed and the extra roll-bar torpedo launchers are all functioning normally."

"Good to hear," responded Billi as she stood up, seeing Resch doing the same. "All runabouts are to launch and take up their assigned locations for optimal base defense. I have Ensign Resch with me and we will launch in Delta 1, to oversee the perimeter defense. Keep me informed, Billi out." She tapped her badge off as she looked at Griffon. "You ready for this, or do I find another to co-pilot?"

"I'm ready, Lieutenant," stated Resch. "No runabout for us?" He asked this as they got moving to cross the Promenade quickly and get to their bay.

"No," said Billi, explaining as they went. "Runabouts are good, and they use micro-torpedo launchers. Missile ordinance that has to be reloaded. Deltas use a mix of Borg tech, so our torpedoes are pure balls of plasma energy, and never run out."

"But, they take time to re-up, the energy being quite high for the need of a missile." Added Resch, knowing his vessels.

Billi led him into a lift and got it moving. "All true, and good on you for knowing their capabilities. Most just laugh the Delta Fliers off. If not for these little craft Voyager may never had made it home." The lift opened and they stepped out, jogging down the corridor to enter the Delta bay. She led him directly to Delta 1, accessing the panel and then stepping aboard when the aft hatch/ramp came down. "Take the lower pilot seat, Resch. I'll man this upper station for a better tactical view."

Griffon went to the cockpit/bridge with Billi right on his heels, making his way down into the nose of the craft and the pilot's seat. Both of them planted their butts in their respective seats and began the pre-flight. All systems lit up with full power even as both ran a minor diagnostic to make sure. "All green on my station."

"All green, here. Launch when ready, Mister Resch." Billi gave her orders and then tapped keys to alert the bay of their impending flight, with the personnel moving aside so as not to be under the craft when it lifted off and began moving.

Resch tapped keys and got the ship ready for flight, tapping the key to have the flight 'stick' pop up out of a recess. With that control arm now in hand, and his other hand tapping the control panel, he lifted off and accelerated out of the bay into free space. "We are free and clear, Lieutenant. Heading for the preset coordinates."

"Good job, Griff," said Billi. As was her due Billi checked on the status of the runabouts and their launch time to get into position. All was done within her expected time frame. "Once we arrive where I need to be to coordinate our forces, bring us to all stop. Don't wait for my order, just do it."

"Aye, Sir," responded Resch. Angling the Delta casually, Griffon sat back and monitored his controls.



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