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Post 19 Brink of a War

Posted on Mon Dec 12th, 2022 @ 3:22pm by Lieutenant Hiri & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D.

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: Savai
Timeline: Concurrent



Outside the old city two of the three children limped back to camp. As one had been unable to escape the cargo thieves
a lonely mother hissed and yowled for his return upon seeing the younglings.

" Aratt never found us. We were playing among the ruins and a ship swoopedndown and pulled up a holder Aratt was playing in." said one of the furs.


Dr Hiri saw Isabella and Fesra walking through the corridors and quickly caught up to them.

" Ambassador Fesra what has brought you aboard the station?"

Isabelle looked towards Hiri as she stood alongside Fesra. “The Ambassador was just telling me that the pirates have taken one of the children.”

LT Hiri quickly volunteered to go down to look for the male child but she first had to clear it with the Chief Medical Officer.

" Hiri to Dr Williams" she tapped.

Hearing the page Ramvek tapped his Comm "Williams here go ahead Lieutenant."

Hiri replied " I or we are needed on the surface to search for a missing Furvian child. The natives think the humanoids took the child and are threatening war."

"That's not good; with everything else that's going on war is the last thing we need right now. Let me grab my go bag and I'll meet you in the Transporter Room shortly. Williams out" then he grabbed his bag and looked at Ensign Stone "Lieutenant Hiri and I are needed on the surface so hold down the fort while we're gone" came he order then he was off.


The winds blew a hot heat as the two person party materialized. Hanging above the legitimate city hovered its shadow over a great portion but clearly the path to the old city was active. Hiri could smell the hunters on prowl looking for the lost cub.

" Doctor you can smell their anxiety." the Caitian told Williams.

"I'll have to take your word for it since I don't have your keen sense of smell" Ramvek replied "So which direction do you want to start in?"

" They said the kids were playing in the old city." Hiri pointed.

"Logically that would be the best place to start" Ramvek replied "Maybe we'll get lucky and find the child hidden among the ruins."

Hiri led them in and movement could be seen behind them by no doubts teams from the Furvians.

" Doctor before you came I was the acting chief. There was a certain death that I had to deal with that has always bothered me. " said Hiri.

Ramvek stopped Hiri as he looked at her with compassion "Are you referring to the death of a child" he queried.

" Actually it was a Klingon security officer. It was before the Mercury was moved to the Triome system. Despite his manner of dying it always bothered me that his killer was never punished. As for this child I am hopeful we find him. We are a few hundred yards from the opening to the old city. You might want to set your tricorder to wide range." Hiri replied.


The old city as it is called was built by an unknown people to both humanoid and furvian peoples. Legends on both sides were equal and exotic and to the Federation a great mystery.
" My tricorder seems confused. One second there are life forms the next nothing." Hiri said as they walked in a few meters.

The Doctor was watching his Tri-Corder intently "I'm getting the strange odd behavior on mine as well; it must be some sort of mineral deposits that's not playing nice with our instruments" he stated with a certain amount of logic. After several minutes Ramvek made various adjustments until it stabilized then he grabbed Hiri's and made the same adjustments then handed it back to her "See if that doesn't work better."

" The bio readings are working let's switch settings." Hiri suggested.

"Let's set it Furvian bio readings then if the boy's here somewhere then we should be able to locate him" the Doctor replied. They proceeded further into the Old City carefully watching their readings. After about an hour Ramvek stopped and turned in different direction "I think I might have something over those rocks" he explained looking towards two huge rocks toppled over each other to form sort of a cave.

Hiri sniffed and agreed.
" A path goes into that cave. It has been used lately too . I am reading an energy spike in that cave also." Hiri replied.

"Maybe we'll get lucky and find the missing child held up in there. We'll need to go easy if he's scared and hiding" the Doctor explained being hopeful.

The deeper they walked the more clear it was that the old city had a lot of secrets.
" We are the first from the station to explore this area of the planet Doctor." Hiri replied.

"Perhaps then we should gather as much data as we can then turn it over to Lieutenant Poole in the Science Department" Ranvek commented then stopped dead in his tracks listening. After several seconds he looked at Hiri "I thought I just heard a child's whimper.....I think it's coming from over that way" he stated while pointing due east.

As they ran the voice carried and a second voice whispered
" Turn back "

Hiri looked to Williams " Did you say something?"

They both stopped dead in their tracks as Ramvek looked to Hiri "No I didn't say anything but I heard a voice say 'turn back' he stated "I'm really not liking this at all" as he drew his weapon "Shall we proceed?"

Hiri listened for the childs cry but alas she could no longer hear it even with her keen ears.
" We are not equipped for any this. Even the Furs consider this place haunted and forbidden. The deeper we go the less our tricorders are working. I also believe we are being watched somehow." Hiri replied.

Ramvek thought for a moment "Perhaps your right, I'm not superstitious by any means but I have to admit this place is creeping me out" he admitted.

From behind them another sound came followed the arrival of two Furvians and Ambassador Fesra herself.
" You have to get out of here. We found the child near the entrance of the old city. What ever is in here doesn't want trespassers " said Fesra.

Ramvek looked at Hiri "That's good enough for me, no sense of pressing our luck" he commented being glad to be getting out of this place and with that Ramvek turned around ready to make the trek back.

Escorted back by the two furvuan huntresses Hiri caught uo to Fesra.
" The old city has a mystery. Do you know what's in there?"

" Nobody has ever ventured that deep You and the Doctor are very brave." Fesra replied.

Hearing Fera's last comment the Doctor wasn't sure if it was bravery or stupidity; but nonetheless everything turned out alright as he mentioned "Fesra the child, is it injured at all" Ramvek queried with a smile.

" Actually there were two a male and female . One went looking for the other. Would you please check on them Doctor?" Fesra asked kindly.

"Yes, of course I'd be more than happy to" the Doctor replied with a smile as they made their way back to where the three children were.


Ramvek walked in the room where the children were "Hello, I'm Doctor Williams from the Base would you mind if I check you over" he queried with his usual smile as the children nodded yes.

After checking the children over he turned to Fesra "Considering what they've been through they are all in pretty good shape" he stated as he reached in his bag "Here is some supplements to give each of the children once a day for seven days and also this is a muscle relaxer Hypo that I will give the two who are limping now....that should heal their legs" then handed Fesra the supplements "If they need further attention please let me know although they all should be fine in a few days."

" Thank you Doctor." Fesra replied.
When she and the party were out of range Hiri turned to Ramvek.

" Are you interested in going back to the sight?"

Ramvek thought for a moment "Only if you are" he replied "But perhaps we should return to the Base first and better equip ourselves before going back into the Old City.

Adrenaline filled Hiri but she knew Doctor Williams was right about being more prepared.



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